What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math

What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math. With Ethereum entering the Metropolis phase, it is going to introduce various changes which are going to make it more abstraction and privacy friendly. One of those changes is the introduction of “Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge” aka Zk-Snarks. Zk-Snarks runs on the idea of zero knowledge proofs.
In this article, we are going to go through the idea of zero knowledge proofs and its application in the blockchain technology.

What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math

Zero Knowledge proofs came about in 1980’s thanks to the work of MIT researchers Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali and Charles Rackoff. They were working on problems related to interactive proof systems, where a Prover exchanges messages with a Verifier (more on provers and verifiers later) to convince them that they have a knowledge of a certain proof without declaring what that knowledge is.

Before they made their landmark discovery, most proof systems were based on the “soundness” properties of the proof system. It was always assumed that the “prover” could be the malicious one in any scenario wherein they will try to fool the verifier. These 3 researchers flipped the idea on its head by questioning the morality of the verifier instead of the prover. The question they asked was, how can anyone know for sure that the verifier won’t leak the knowledge and there were also concerns raised as to the amount of knowledge about the prover that the verifier will get to know during the process of verification.

There are various real world consequences of this conundrum and one of the most famous ones have to do with password protection. Suppose you want to login to a website using a password. The standard protocol is that the client (you) will write in their password and send it to the server, the server will then hash the password and equate it to the hash that they have stored in their system. If the values match up, then you can enter the system.

Can you see the huge flaw in this system right? 
The server has the plaintext version of your password, and your privacy is at the mercy of the server (the verifier in this scenario). If the server gets compromised or attacked, then your password will be with the malicious party and the consequences could be dire. In order to counter these scenarios, zero knowledge proofs are absolutely essential and path breaking in every sense.
There are two parties when it comes to a zero knowledge proof (as stated above), the prover and the verifier. Zero knowledge states that a prover can prove to the verifier that they possess a certain knowledge without telling them what that knowledge actually is

Properties of a zero knowledge proof
For a ZKP to work it needs to satisfy certain parameters:
  • Completeness: If the statement is true then an honest verifier can be convinced of it by an honest prover.
  • Soundness: If the prover is dishonest, they can’t convince the verifier of the soundness of the statement by lying.
  • Zero-Knowledge: If the statement is true, the verifier will have no idea what the statement actually is.

So now that we have a basic idea of what a zero-knowledge proof is, let’s check out some examples of it before we dive deep into zk-snarks and its application in the blockchain.

Case #1 Alibaba’s Cave
In this example, the prover (P) is saying to the verifier(V) that they know the password of the secret door at the back of the cave and they want to prove it to the verifier without actually telling them the password.
So this is what it looks like:

Image courtesy: Scott Twombly (YouTube channel)

The Prover goes down any of the paths A and B, suppose they initially decide to go through path A and reach the secret door at the back. When they do so, the verifier V comes in at the entrance, with no knowledge of which path the prover actually took and declares that they want to see the prover appear from path B.

In the diagram, as you can see, the prover does indeed appear in path B. But what if this was dumb luck? What if the prover didn’t know the pass code, and took the path B, was stuck at the door and by sheer fortune, the verifier told him to appear from path B, the one they were originally on anyway?
So, to test the validity, the experiment is done multiple times. If the prover can appear at the correct path every single time, it proves to the verifier that the prover indeed knows the password even though the verifier doesn’t know what the password actually is.

Let’s see how the three properties of zero knowledge are satisfied in this example:
  • Completeness: Since the statement was true, the honest prover convinced the honest verifier.
  • Soundness: If the prover was dishonest, they couldn’t have fooled the verifier because the test was done multiple times. Eventually, the prover’s luck had to run out.
  • Zero-Knowledge: The verifier never knew what the password was, but was convinced that the prover had possession of it.

Case #2 Finding Waldo
Remember finding Waldo?
Of course, you do, you must have seen it somewhere, either in real life or online. For those who don’t know, Finding Waldo is a game where you have to find “Waldo” among a sea of people. It is a simple “Spot the guy” game. Just to give you a basic idea, this is what the game looks like:

Image courtesy: Youtube (IntoConnection)

And the idea is to find Waldo who looks like this:
What is zkSNARKs: Funny Moon Math
Image courtesy: Pinterest

Seems pretty straightforward right? Find this guy among the sea of other people that you see in the game. Ok, so where does the concept of Zero Knowledge come in here? Imagine there are two people Anna and Carl. Anna tells Carl that she knows where Wally is but she doesn’t want to show him where exactly he is. So, how can she prove to him that she has found Wally without showing his exact position?

There was, an interesting paper by Naor, Naor and Reingold which shows two Zero Knowledge solutions to this problem. There is a “Mid-Tech Solution” and a “Low-Tech Solution”. Let’s discuss both of them.

Mid-Tech Solution

The reason why this solution is “mid-tech” is because our prover and verifier need access to a photocopy machine to make this work. So this is how it goes. First, Anna and Carl would make a photocopy of the original game. Then Anna, whilst making sure that Carl isn’t looking, will cut out Waldo from the photocopy and then destroy the leftovers. After that she can show the Waldo cut out to Carl and prove that she did know where Waldo was after all without pinpointing his exact location to Carl.

There are problems with this solution. While it does fulfill the “Zero Knowledge” criteria, it doesn’t fulfill the “Soundness” criteria. There are many ways that Anna could have cheated here. She could have had a random Waldo cut out with her from the very beginning and could have just shown it to Carl without actually knowing where Waldo was. So what is the solution to this?

The solution to this is meticulous and careful testing. Firstly, Anna and Carl will take a photocopy of the game. Then Carl will draw a distinctive pattern at the back of the photocopy. After that, Carl will escort Anna to a room where she will be isolated and have no chance of cheating whatsoever. If Anna comes out with a cutout of Waldo, then Carl can be convinced that she actually knew where Waldo was without revealing the solution. They can repeat this experiment multiple times and Carl can compare the different cutouts of Waldo to be even further sure about the validity of Anna’s claim.

Low-Tech Solution

This solution required very basic equipment. The idea is simple. Get a huge cardboard, one that is twice the size of the game and cut out a small rectangle on it. Now, when Carl isn’t looking, Anna can move the cardboard on the game in such a way that the rectangle is directly on top of Waldo. Now, she can tell Carl to have a look and this is what he will see:

Image Courtesy: Applied Kid Cryptography by Naor And Reingold

So, while Carl may get a very basic idea of where Waldo actually can be, he doesn’t know the exact location. Anna has hence proved to Carl that she knows where Waldo is without pinpointing his exact location.

Case #3: Sudoku
Another great application of zero knowledge is in Sudoku. For those who don’t know, Sudoku is a Japanese puzzle where you get a 9X9 table which looks something like this:

What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math
Image courtesy: Computational Complexity Blog.

The idea is to fill up every row, every column and every 3X3 block with numbers from 1-9 and no number should repeat itself. So, the solution for the puzzle above looks like this:
What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math
Image courtesy: Computational Complexity Blog.

As you can see, every row, column, and 3X3 block are unique and not a single number has been repeated. Let’s go back to our old friends Anna and Carl. Anna has found the solution to the Sudoku puzzle and Carl, skeptic that he is doesn’t believe her and wants Anna to prove that she does indeed know the solution. Anna wants to prove her honesty, but at the same time, she doesn’t want Carl to know the exact solution of the puzzle. How will she go about it? Anna is going to use Zero Knowledge to prove the validity of her claim.
Firstly, Carl will run the Sudoku solution through a computer program which has been verified, to be honest and the program will run the numbers through a randomly chosen substitution cipher. Say, for this particular problem the cipher that the program has chosen is this:

The chosen program and cipher is such that each digit has the same chance of being transmuted into its substitution as any other number. Basically, 1 has as much chance of being transmuted as 3 and 4 have as much chance of being transmuted as 9 and so on and so forth. So, using this cipher gives us the following solution to the puzzle above:
What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math
Image courtesy: Computational Complexity Blog.

Anna gets the transmuted solution now, keep in mind that Carl still doesn’t know what the original solution was and he doesn’t possess the transmuted solution either. So, what Anna does now is that she hides all the numbers in the puzzle by using a “lockbox mechanism”, basically Carl won’t be able to see any of the numbers and will see an empty 9X9 grid in front of him.

Carl now has 28 choices in front of him:
  • Reveal a row.
  • Reveal a column.
  • Reveal a 3X3 box.
  • Reveal the transmuted version of the original puzzle.

Suppose Carl wants to know what the third row looks like:
What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math
Image courtesy: Computational Complexity Blog.

This is what he will see. Carl will see that every number in the row is unique and since every possible number in the original solution had the same probability of being transmuted via the cipher, Carl will have no clue as to what the original solution is.

Now suppose, Carl decides to take the last option and wants to see what the original puzzle in looks like when transmuted:
What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math
Image courtesy: Computational Complexity Blog.

Once again, since the cipher was chosen at random and all the numbers have the same probability of being transmuted, Carl will have no idea what the original solution is. Carl can now go through all 28 of his choices and eventually he will be satisfied with the validity of Anna’s statement.


Because, if Anna was indeed cheating, there is no way that she could have found a cipher to give unique solutions for all 28 of Carl’s choices. If Carl just chose one option, Anna’s chances of getting away with cheating are 27/28. BUT if Carl chose to do random test multiple times, suppose he chooses to test it 150 times, Anna’s choice of getting away with cheating drops down to (27/28) ^150 which is < 0.5%.

So, let’s check out the zero knowledge properties of this scenario:

  • Completeness: The cipher program being used has been verified, to be honest, and both Anna and Carl are following protocol.
  • Soundness: If Carl does random tests 150 times, Anna’s chances of getting away with cheating is < 0.5%.
  • Zero-Knowledge: Anna never had to reveal to Carl what the original solution was.

Proof vs Proof Of Statements

Now that we know the theoretical aspects of zero knowledge proofs and its application in various examples, what is its practical application in blockchain? Why is everyone raving about Zcash for implementing ZKP (zero knowledge proofs) and why is everyone excited about Ethereum doing the same? Before we expand on that, it is important to know one more important theoretical concept.

What exactly are we proving by using ZKP? In a broad spectrum, there are two statements that you can prove by using ZKP. Proofs aka facts and proof of knowledge.

  • Proofs: These are the intrinsic truths about the universe that you may want to prove via ZKP. Eg. “number X belongs to a group Y”.

  • Proof of knowledge: You may also want to prove that you have knowledge of a particular idea without revealing what that particular knowledge is. As can be seen in the examples of Sudoku, Waldo and Alibaba’s cave given above.

It is important to note the difference between these two because they are completely different. In the cryptocurrency world, we are mostly focused around “proof of knowledge”. One of the most important breakthroughs in proving proof of knowledge via zero knowledge proof came when Claus-Peter Schnorr in the 1980s came up with the Schnorr identification protocol. This protocol lays the basics of modern key signature cryptography and displays how Zero-knowledge can be seamlessly integrated into modern cryptographical practices.

The Schnorr Identification Protocol

To understand what the Schnorr Identification is about let’s bring back our old friends Anna and Carl. Anna has announced to the world that she has a public key and can accept and receive information through it. Carl, always the skeptic, thinks that Anna is lying. The only way that Anna can prove her honesty is by showing her private key to Carl, but she doesn’t want to reveal her private key.

So, how will Anna reveal her knowledge of her private key without revealing it? This is where the Schnorr protocol comes in. Before we even begin to understand how the protocol works, there are certain parameters that you need to know:

  • p = Any prime number.
  • q= factor of p-1.
  • “a” such that a^q = 1 mod p.

Now keep in mind, in the Schnorr protocol, these 3 variables are global. Meaning anyone has knowledge of what these 3 variables for a particular scenario are.

Now we come to the two keys, the secret private key that we will call “s” and the public key that we will call “v”.
s can be any value as long as 0<s<q.
v = a^-s mod q.

The public key “v” will be global and public knowledge along with p,q and a. However, ONLY Anna will have the knowledge of what “s” is, because that is her private key.

So, now that we have defined the variable, let’s see how the information exchange and the validity of Anna’s statement can work WITHOUT her revealing what the private key is.

Anna signs and sends an encrypted message

Suppose Anna wants to send a message “M” to Carl encoded with her private key. How will she do it if she were to follow Schnorr’s protocol?

Firstly, she will choose a random number “r” such that 0<r<q.
Now she will compute a value x such that:

X= a^r mod p.

Now that she has computed the value of X, she is going concatenate this with the original message. What is concatenation? Suppose we have two strings “hello” and “world”. If we concatenate these two, then we will get “hello world”. Concatenation basically means adding two strings and making it one.

So, she is going to concatenate M and X to get M||X. and she is going to store the hash of this value in e.
Basically, e = H(M||X) where H() is the hash function.
Finally, when all this is done, she will do one final computation. She is going to get a value “y” such that:

y = (r + s*e) mod q

Now that all the computations are over, she is going to send the following pieces of information to Carl:
  • The message “M”.
  • The signatures e and y.

Carl receives the message and verifies Anna’s proof of knowledge
Now Carl has received the following pieces of information from Anna: The message (M) and the signatures (e and y).
Along with that, he has the following pieces of information that is known publicly to everyone:

  • Anna’s public key “v”.
  • The prime number that Anna chose “p”.
  • “q” which is the factor of “p-1” which Anna chose.
  • And the “a” such that a^q = 1 mod p, this also Anna chose.

Now, Carl will have to compute X’ such that:
X’ = a^y * v^e mod p.

Now let’s do some simple substitution:
We know that v = a^-s, let’s substitute that in the equation above and we get:

  • X’ = a^y * a^-se = a ^ (y-s*e).
  • Now we also know that y = r + s*e.
  • Which means: r = y-s*e.

Let’s substitute this value in the equation above:

  • We get: X’ = a^r.
  • As we have already seen above: X= a^r.
  • So technically: X = X’.

But Carl doesn’t know the value of “X” because he never received that value. All that he received are the following: The message M, the signatures (e and y) and the host of public variables (public key “v”, p ,q, and a).

He never received “X” but he knows that if Anna is speaking the truth then X’ has to be equal to X.

But, he does know the value of e and the message M.
So he is going to solve for e by doing the following:

e = H ( M||X’).

Note that earlier we solved for e by doing: H(M||X).
So, by that logic, if the two values of e come up to be the same then that means X = X’.
This also means that Anna did indeed have the private key all along and she was not lying.

So, let’s run this entire scenario through the three properties of zero knowledge proofs:

  • Completeness: Carl was convinced of Anna’s honesty because at the end X = X’.
  • Soundness: The plan was sound because the only way Anna could have proved her honesty was by using her private key. She couldn’t have lied about having the private key.
  • Zero Knowledge: Carl never found out what Anna’s private key was.

Schnorr’s protocol gives a very real world cryptographical application of zero knowledge proofs.

How to make zero knowledge proofs non-interactive?

With earlier zero-knowledge verification systems there was one big problem. For it to work, the prover and the verifier had to be online at the same time. In other words, the process was “interactive”. This made the entire system inefficient and almost impossible to scale up. The verifiers couldn’t possibly be online at the same time as provers all the time? There needed to be a system to make this more efficient.

In 1986, Fiat and Shamir invented the Fiat-Shamir heuristic and successfully changed the interactive zero-knowledge proof to non-interactive zero knowledge proof. This helped the entire protocol work without any interaction. The procedure behind it is very simple.

So, to give you an example, this is how zero knowledge proofs used to work before Fiat and Shamir.
Let’s prove this using simple discrete logarithms.

  • Anna wants to prove to Carl that she knows a value x such that y = g^x to a base g.

  • Anna picks a random value v from a set of values Z, and computes t = g^v and sends t to Carl.

  • Carl picks a random value c from the set Z and sends it to Anna.

  • Anna computes r = v-c*x and returns r to Carl.

  • Carl checks if t= g^r * y^c  holds or not ( since r= v-c*x, y= g^x and by simple substitution, g^(v-c*x)* g ^ c*x = g^v = t).

  • Carl doesn’t know the value of x, by merely checking if t = g^r * y^c he can verify that Anna does indeed know the value of x.

Now while the above interaction is zero-knowledge, the problem with this is that Anna and Carl need to be online and exchanging values for it to work.

How can Anna prove to Carl that she has knowledge of something without Carl being online? She can do so by using a simple cryptographic hash function, as Fiat and Shamir theorized.

Let’s look how the example above would work in a non-interactive way:

  • Anna wants to prove to Carl that she knows a value x such that y = g^x to a base g.

  • Anna picks a random value v from a set of values Z, and computes t = g^v.

  • Anna computes c = H(g,y,t) where H() is a hash function.

  • Anna computes r = v – c*x.

  • Carl or anyone can then check if t = g^r * y^c.

So, as you can see, zero knowledge proofs were made noninteractive. And this was what laid the foundations for Zk-Snarks.

What is the use of Zk-Snarks?

Zk-Snarks stands for “Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge”. Its use in modern blockchain technology is immense. To understand its application, it is important to know how a smart contract works. A smart contract is basically an escrow of funds which gets activated once a particular function is done.

Eg. Anna puts 100 ETH in a smart contract that she gets into with Carl. Carl has to do a particular task, on the completion of which, Carl will get the 100 ETH from the smart contract.

This gets complicated when the tasks that Carl has to do are multi layered and confidential. Suppose you have entered a smart contract with Anna. Now, you will only get the payment if you do A, B and C. What if you don’t want to reveal the details of A, B, and C because they are confidential to your company and you don’t want any competitors to know what you have to do?

What Zk-Snarks does is that it proves that those steps have been taken in the smart contract without revealing what those steps actually are. It is very useful is protecting you and your company’s privacy. It can just reveal part of the process without showing the whole process itself and prove that you are being honest about your claims.

How do ZkSnarks work?

A Zk-Snark consists of 3 algorithms: G, P and V.

G is a key generator takes an input “lambda” (which must be kept confidential and shouldn’t be revealed under any circumstances) and a program C. It then proceeds to generate two publicly available keys, a proving key pk, and a verification key vk. These keys are both public and available to any of the concerned parties.

P is the prover who is going to use 3 items as input. The proving key pk, the random input x, which is publicly available, and the private statement that they want to prove the knowledge of without revealing what it actually is. Let’s call that private statement “w”. The P algorithm generates a proof prf such that: prf = P(pk, x,w).

The verifier algorithm V has basically returned a boolean variable. A Boolean variable has only two choices, it can be TRUE or it can be FALSE. So, the verifier takes in the verifying key, public input x and proof prf as input such as:


..and returns TRUE if the prover is correct and false otherwise.

Now, about the parameter lambda. The value of the “Lambda” must be kept confidential because then anyone can use it to generate fake proofs. These fake proofs will return a value of TRUE regardless of whether the prover actually has knowledge of private statement “w” or not.

Functionality of ZkSnarks

For showing the functionality of a Zk-Snark we are going to use the same example function that Christian Lundkvist used in his article for Consensys. This is what the example program looks like:

function C(x, w)
return ( sha256(w) == x );

Basically, the function C takes in 2 values as input, a public hash value “x” and the secret statement that needs to be verified “w”. If the SHA-256 hash value of w equals “x” then the function returns TRUE otherwise it returns FALSE. (SHA-256 is the hash function that is used in Bitcoin).

Let’s bring back our old friends Anna and Carl for this example. Anna being the prover and Carl the skeptic is the verifier.

The first thing that Carl, as the verifier, has to do is to generate the proving and verifying key using the generator G. For this, Carl needs to generate the random value “lambda”. As stated above, however, he needs to be super careful with Lambda because he can’t let Anna know its value to stop her from creating fake proofs.

Anyway, this is what that will look like:

G(C, lambda) = (pk , vk).

Now that the two keys are generated, Anna needs to prove the validity of the statement by generating the proof. She is going to generate the proof using the proving algorithm P. She is going to prove that she knows the secret value “w” which hashes (on parsing through SHA-256) to give the output x. So, the proving algorithm for proof generation looks like this:

prf = P( pk, x, w).

Now that she has generated the proof “prf”, she is going to give the value to Carl who is finally going to run the verification algorithm of Zk-Snarks.

This is what that will look like:

V( vk, x, prf).

Here, vk is the verifying key and x is the known hash value and prf is the proof that he has gotten from Anna. If this algorithm returns TRUE then this means that Anna was honest and she indeed had the secret value “w”. If it returns FALSE then this means that Anna was lying about knowing what “w” is.

The use of ZkSnarks in cryptocurrency

Image Courtesy: Zcash

Zcash is a cryptocurrency launched by Zerocoin Electic Coin Company on 9th September 2016 and is the first example a cryptocurrency marrying the concepts of blockchain technology with ZkSnarks. It aims to provide completely safe and shielded transaction spaces for its users without revealing details (such as their addresses) to anyone.

Ethereum wants to integrate ZkSnarks as it enters its Metropolis phase and the way that they are planning to do so is by creating an alliance with Zcash which will include the mutual exchange of value. The chief developer of Zcash, Zooko Wilcox, gave a presentation in DevCon2 in Shanghai which explored the future of such an alliance. According to him, there are 3 ways that Z-Cash and by extension, zk-snarks could be integrated with Ethereum.

First method is called Baby Zoe (Zoe = Zcash on Ethereum). It adds a zk-snark pre-compiler on Ethereum and makes a mini Zcash smart contract on Ethereum. The idea is to see whether the Ethereum system can create a zk-snark enabled DAPP on top of its blockchain.

The Second method is to integrate the Ethereum computability inside the Zcash blockchain. As Wilcox puts is, the greatest asset of Ethereum is its computability and people want to see whether they can integrate it on a zk-snark based blockchain like Zcash. Can people create DAPPS on a blockchain made on zero knowledge proofs? That is something that they are waiting to see.

The third and the most exciting aspect is Project Alchemy. This is basically the connection and interoperation of the two blockchains such that one can seamlessly move between the two. The way that Zcash plans to do that is by cloning the BTC  Relay. It is an Ethereum script which was written to create a Bitcoin light client inside Ethereum. The Zcash clone will use the same concept to create a Zcash light client inside Ethereum.

If this works then we will have the first, decentralized currency system in the world which facilitates the creation of DAPPS with zero knowledge ingrained in it.

Looking Ahead

There is no doubt that the introduction of zero knowledge proofs is going to be a huge game changer for Ethereum. In an increasingly open, connected and supervised world, any sort of privacy is welcome. How the integration happens remains to be seen, but going by the theoretical concepts itself, one can’t help but get excited.

What is Cryptoeconomics? The Ultimate Beginners Guide

What is cryptoeconomics? Ethereum developer Vlad Zamfir says that cryptoeconomics is:

“A formal discipline that studies protocols that govern the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a decentralized digital economy. Cryptoeconomics is a practical science that focuses on the design and characterization of these protocols.”

The blockchain technology runs on the principles of cryptoeconomics.
Let’s break it down. Cryptoeconomics comes from two words: Cryptography and Economics. People tend to forget the “economics” part of this equation and that is the part that gives the blockchain its unique capabilities. The blockchain wasn’t the first time that a decentralized peer-to-peer system was used, torrent sites have used it for ages to share files. However, in every sense of the word, it has been a failure.

Why was peer-to-peer file sharing a failure?

In a torrent system, anyone can share their file with a decentralized network. The idea was that people would download them and keep seeding aka sharing the file with the network for others to download. The problem was that this worked on an honor system. If you were downloading a file, then you were expected to seed as well. The problem is that humans are not really the most honorable of creatures and without any economic incentives it made no sense for people to keep seeding a file which took up unnecessary space in their computers.

Satoshi Nakamoto and the blockchain technology

In October 2008, an unknown man/woman/group calling themselves Satoshi Nakomoto released a paper which would lay the foundation for bitcoin. This would shake the online community to its very foundations, for the first time we had a working model for something based in cryptoeconomics. The way it differed from earlier p2p decentralized systems, was that people now actually had an economic incentive to “follow the rules”. But more than that, the true genius of the blockchain technology lied in how it circumvented the Byzantine General’s Problem to create a perfect consensus system (more on that later).

Cryptoeconomic properties of Bitcoin

So what are the properties that a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin has as a result of cryptoeconomics?
Let’s go through them one by and one:
  • It is based on the blockchain technology where each block contains the hash of the previous block and forms a continuous chain.
  • Each block will include transactions.
  • The blocks will have a particular state which is subject to change according to transactions. Eg. if A has 50 bitcoins and wants to send 20 bitcoins to B. Then The new state should show that A has 30 bitcoins left and B has 20 new bitcoins.
  • The blockchain must be immutable. It should be possible to add new blocks but the old blocks can’t be tampered with.
  • Only valid transactions should be allowed.
  • The blockchain should be downloadable and anyone anywhere can easily access and check a particular transaction.
  • Transactions could be added quickly to the blockchain if a sufficiently high transaction fee is paid.

There are two pillars of cryptoeconomics as the name itself suggests:

  • Cryptography.
  • Economics.
Now let’s explore how these two lend the blockchain its unique characteristics.


Blockchain technology uses cryptographical functions for its operations. Let’s looks at some of the main functions that run the blockchain:
  • Hashing.
  • Signatures.
  • Proof of work.
  • Zero Knowledge Proofs.


In simple terms, hashing means taking an input string of any length and giving out an output of a fixed length. Bitcoin uses SHA-256 to take in an input string of any length and giving an out hash of 256 bits. So what are the applications of hashing in cryptocurrency?

  • Cryptographic hash functions.
  • Data structures.
  • Mining.

Cryptographic hash functions:
A cryptographic hash function has the following properties:

  • Deterministic: An input A will always have the same output h(A) no matter how many times you parse it through the same hash function.

  • Quick Computation: A function should return a hash of an input as quickly as possible.

  • Pre-Image resistance: Given h(A) which is an output of a hash function, it should be infeasible to determine input A.

  • Collision resistance: Given two inputs A and B and their hash outputs h(A) and h(B) it should be infeasible for h(A) = h(B).

  • Small changes: in the input should drastically affect the output of the hash function.

  • Puzzle Friendly: For every hash output Y and an input x. It is infeasible to find a value k, which will result in h(k|x) = Y.

The cryptographic hash functions greatly help with security and mining in the blockchain.

Data Structures:

The two data structures that are important in understanding the blockchain are Linked Lists and Hash Pointers.
  • Linked Lists: Linked lists are blocks of data which are connected to one after another. This is an example of a linked list:

Each block in the list is pointing to the other via a pointer.
  • Pointer: Pointers are variables which include the addresses of the other variables. So they are variables which are literally pointing towards the other variables.

  • Hash Pointers: Hash pointers are basically pointers which not only has the address of other variables but also the hash of the data in that variable. So how does that help in the context of a blockchain?

This is what a blockchain looks like:
What is Cryptoeconomics- The Ultimate Beginners Guide
The blockchain is basically a linked list where each new block contains a hash pointer which points to the previous block and the hash of all the data in it. Just this one property leads into one of Blockchain’s greatest qualities….its immutability.

How are blockchains immutable?

Suppose in the diagram above someone tries to tamper with the data in block 1. Remember that one of the properties of cryptographic hash functions is that a slight change in the input data will greatly change the output hash.
So, even if someone tries to tamper with the data in block 1 even slightly, it will change its hash drastically which is stored in Block 2. This will, in turn, result in the change of the hash of Block 2 which will result in the change of hash in block 3 and that will keep ongoing on and on till the end of the blockchain. This will freeze up the chain, which is impossible, so just like that, the chain is rendered tamper-proof.

Each block also has its own Merkle Root. Now, as you are already aware, every block has a lot of transactions. If the transactions were to be stored in a linear manner, it will be extremely cumbersome to go through all the transactions just to find a particular one.

This is why we use a Merkle tree.

In a Merkle Tree, all the individual transactions are distilled down into one root via hashing. And this makes traversal very easy. So, if someone were to access a particular data in a block, instead of going through them linearly they can simply traverse using the hashes in the Merkle tree to get to the data:


Crypto-puzzles are used in order to mine new blocks and for that hashing is critical as well. So the way it works is that there is a difficulty level that is set. After that, a random string called “nonce” is appended to the hash of the new block and hashed again. After that is it checked whether it is less than the difficulty level or not. If it is then the new block is added to the chain and a reward is given to the miner(s) responsible. If it isn’t less than the difficulty, the miners keep changing the nonce and wait for a value which would be less than the difficulty.

As you can see, hashing is a critical part of blockchain and cryptoeconomics.


One of the most important cryptographical tools that are used in cryptocurrency is the concept of signatures. What is a signature in real life and what are its properties? Imagine a paper that you have signed with your signature, what should a good signature do?

  • It should provide verification. The signature should be able to verify that it is you who actually signed the paper.
  • It should be non-forgeable. No one else should be able to forge and copy your signature.
  • Non-repudiation. If you have signed something with your signature, then you should not be able to take it back or claim that someone else has done it instead of you.

In the real world, however, no matter how intricate the signature, there are always chances of forgery, and you cannot really verify signatures using simple visual aids, it is very inefficient and non-reliable.

Cryptography gives us a solution using the concept of public and private key. Let’s see how the two keys work and how it fuels the cryptocurrency system. Suppose there are two people, Alan and Tyrone. Alan wants to send some very important data and Tyrone needs to authenticate that the data actually came from Alan. The way they are going to do it is by using Alan’s public and private key.

One important thing to note: It is infeasible to determine one’s public key from one’s private key. The public key is public as the name states, and anyone can have that key. The private key, however, is something that only you should have and you must NOT share it with anyone.

So, let’s go back to Alan and Tyrone if they are to exchange messages using the keys how will it look?

Suppose Alan wants to send a message “m”. Alan has a private key Ka- and a public key Ka+. So when he sends the message the Tyrone he will encrypt his message with his private key so the message becomes Ka-(m). When Tyrone receives the message he can retrieve the message by using Alan’s public key, Ka+(Ka-(m)) and retrieves the original message “m”.

To summarize:
  • Alan has a message “m” which he encrypts with his private key Ka- to get encrypted message Ka-(m).
  • Tyrone then uses Alan’s public key Ka+ to decrypt the encrypted message Ka+(Ka-(m)) to get the original message “m”.

Check out this diagram for a visual representation:

Verification: If the encrypted message gets decrypted by using Alan’s public key then it verifies 100% beyond proof that Alan was the one who sent the message.

Non-Forgeable: If someone, say, Bob, intercepts the message and sends his own message with his private key, Alan’s public key won’t decrypt it. Alan’s public key can only decrypt messages encrypted with his private key.

Non-Repudiable: Similarly, if Alan says something like, “I didn’t send the message, Bob did” and Tyrone is able to decrypt the message using Alan’s public key, then this shows that Alan is lying. This way he can’t take back the message that he sent and put the blame on anyone else.

Applications in cryptocurrency: Now suppose Alan is sending some transaction “m” to Tyrone. He will first hash his transactions using a hash function. And then encrypt it using his private key. Tyrone knows that he is getting a transaction “m”, so he can then decrypt the message using Alan’s public key and compare the hashes of the of the resulting decryption with the hash of the transaction “m” that he has already. As hash functions are deterministic and will always give the same output to the same input, Tyrone can easily determine that Alan did indeed send that exact same transaction and there was no malpractice involved.

In simpler terms:
  • Alan has a transaction “m” and Tyrone knows that he is getting “m” as well.
  • Alan hashes m to get h(m).
  • Alan encrypts the hash with his private key to get Ka-(h(m)).
  • Alan sends the encrypted data to Tyrone,
  • Tyrone uses Alan’s public key to decrypt Ka+(Ka-(h(m))) to get the original hash h(m).
  • Tyrone can then hash the “m” that he originally had to get h(m).
  • If h(m) = h(m), as it should be because hash functions are deterministic, then this means that the transaction was free of malpractice.

Proof Of Work

When miners “mine” to form new blocks to add to the blockchain, the consensus system by which the blocks get approved and added is called “proof-of-work”. Miners use heavy duty computational power to solve cryptographical puzzles to satisfy a difficulty level. This is one of the most path-breaking mechanisms in blockchain technology. Earlier decentralized peer-to-peer digital currency systems used to fail because of something called the “Byzantine General’s Problem”. The proof-of-work consensus system finally provided a solution to this problem.

What is the Byzantine General’s Problem?

Image Courtesy: Medium

Ok so imagine that there is a group of Byzantine generals and they want to attack a city. They are facing two very distinct problems:

  • The generals and their armies are very far apart so centralized authority is impossible, which makes coordinated attack very tough.
  • The city has a huge army and the only way that they can win is if they all attack at once.

In order to make successful coordination, the armies on the left of the castle send a messenger to the armies on the right of the castle with a message that says “ATTACK WEDNESDAY.” However, suppose the armies on the right are not prepared for the attack and say, “NO. ATTACK FRIDAY” and send back the messenger through the city back to the armies on the left. This is where we face a problem. A number of things can happen to the poor messenger. He could get captured, compromised, killed and replace with another messenger by the city. This would lead to the armies getting tampered information which may result in an uncoordinated attack and defeat.

This has clear references to blockchain as well. The chain is a huge network; how can you possibly trust them? If you were sending someone 4 Ether from your wallet, how would you know for sure that someone in the network isn’t going to tamper with it and change 4 to 40 Ether?

Satoshi Nakamoto was able to bypass the Byzantine General’s problem by inventing the proof of work protocol. This is how it works. Suppose the army on the left want to send a message called “ATTACK MONDAY” to the army on the right, they are going to follow certain steps.

  • Firstly, they will append a “nonce” to the original text. The nonce can be any random hexadecimal value.

  • After that, they hash the text appended with a nonce and see the result. Suppose, hypothetically speaking, the armies have decided to only share messages which, on hashing, gives a result which starts with 5 zeroes.

  • If the hash conditions are satisfied, they will send the messenger with the hash of the message. If not, then they will keep on changing the value of the nonce randomly until they get the desired result. This action is extremely tedious and time-consuming and takes a lot of computation power.

  • If the messenger does get caught by the city and the message is tampered with, according to hash function properties, the hash itself will get drastically changed. If the generals on the right side, see that the hashed message is not starting with the required amount of 0s then they can simply call off the attack.

However, there is a possible loophole.

No hash function is 100% collision-free. So what if the city gets the message, tampers with it and then accordingly change the nonce until they get the desired result which has the required number of 0s? This will be extremely time-consuming but it is still possible. To counter this, the generals are going to use strength in numbers.

Suppose, instead of just one general on the left sending messages to one general on the right, there are 3 generals on the left who have to send a message to the ones on the right. In order to do that, they can make their own message and then hash the cumulative message and then append a nonce to the resulting hash and hash it again. This time, they want a message which starts with six 0s.

Obviously, this is going to be extremely time-consuming, but this time, if the messenger does get caught by the city, the amount of time that they will take to tamper the cumulative message and then find the corresponding nonce for the hash will be infinitely more. It may even take years. So, eg. if instead of one messenger, the generals send multiple messengers, by the time the city is even halfway through the computation process they will get attacked and destroyed.

The generals on the right have it pretty easy. All they have to do is to append the message with the correct nonce that will be given to them, hash them, and see whether the hash matches or not. Hashing a string is very easy to do. That, in essence, is the process behind proof-of-work.

  • The process of finding the nonce for the appropriate hash target should be extremely difficult and time-consuming.
  • However, the process of checking the result to see if no malpractice has been committed should be very simple.

Zero Knowledge Proofs.

What is a zero knowledge proof (zkp)? ZKP basically means that a person A can prove to person B that they have knowledge of a certain piece of information without telling them what that knowledge specifically is. In this example, the person A is the prover and the person B is a verifier. In cryptography, this becomes especially useful because this helps in proving an extra layer of privacy for the prover.

For a ZKP to work it needs to satisfy certain parameters:

  • Completeness: If the statement is true then an honest verifier can be convinced of it by an honest prover.
  • Soundness: If the prover is is dishonest, they can’t convince the verifier of the soundness of the statement by lying.
  • Zero-Knowledge: If the statement is true, the verifier will have no idea what the statement actually is.

An example of a ZKP is the Alibaba cave, let’s see how it works. In this example, the prover (P) is saying to the verifier(V) that they know the password of the secret door at the back of the cave and they want to prove it to the verifier without actually telling them the password. So this is what it looks like:

Image courtesy: Scott Twombly (YouTube channel)

The Prover goes down any of the paths A and B, suppose they initially decide to go through path A and reach the secret door at the back. When they do so, the verifier V comes in at the entrance, with no knowledge of which path the prover actually took and declares that they want to see the prover appear from path B.

In the diagram, as you can see, the prover does indeed appear in path B. But what if this was dumb luck? What if the prover didn’t know the passcode, and took the path B, was stuck at the door and by sheer fortune, the verifier told him to appear from path B, the one they were originally on anyway?

So, to test the validity, the experiment is done multiple times. If the prover can appear at the correct path every single time, it proves to the verifier that the prover indeed knows the password even though the verifier doesn’t know what the password actually is.

What is the application of ZKP in blockchain?

Many blockchain based technologies are using Zk-Snarks, in fact, even Ethereum in its Metropolis phase is planning to bring in Zk-Snarks and add it to its arsenal. Zk-Snarks stands for “Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge” and it proves a computational fact about the data without revealing the data itself.

They can be used to generate a proof of statement to verify each and every transaction by just taking a simple snapshot of each transaction which is enough to prove to the receiving side that a transaction was done without revealing the transaction itself.

This achieves two things:
  • The integrity and privacy of the transaction is maintained.
  • By not revealing the inner workings of the entire transaction the system maintain abstraction which makes it infinitely easier to use.

So these are some of the important cryptographical functions which are being used by the blockchain. Now let us look at the second pillar, Economics.


Like we mentioned in the beginning, the place where blockchain differs from other decentralized peer-to-peer system is that it gives its users financial and economic incentives to get some work done. Like with any solid economic system, there should be incentives and rewards for people to get work done, similarly, there should be a punishment system for miners who do not act ethically or do not do a good job. We will see how the blockchain incorporates all these basic economic fundamentals.

Must Read: Cryptocurrency Game Theory 

There are two sets of incentives that participants in the blockchain have:

Incentive Set #1
  • Tokens: The actors who actively participate and contribute to the blockchain get assigned cryptocurrencies for their efforts.
  • Privileges: Actors get the decision-making rights which gives them the right to charge rent. Eg. Miners who mine a new block become the temporary dictator of the block and decide which transactions go in. They can charge transaction fees to include transactions within the block itself.

Incentive Set #2
  • Rewards: Good participants get a monetary reward or decision-making responsibility for doing well.
  • Punishments: Bad participants have to pay a monetary fine or they have their rights taken away for behaving badly

How do cryptocurrencies have value?

Cryptocurrencies have value because of the same reason that money, in general, has value, trust. When people trust a commodity and give it value, it becomes a currency, that’s the same reason why fiat has value and why gold had value in the first place. So when a given commodity is given value, the value changes in accordance with one of the oldest rules in economics, called Supply and Demand.

What is Supply and Demand?

This is the supply-demand graph and one of the most common things that you will see as in economics. As you can see, the demand for the commodity is in an inverse proportion with its supply. The spot where the two graphs meet is the equilibrium i.e. the sweet spot where you want to be. So, let’s use this logic for cryptocurrency and, in general, bitcoin.

The supply of bitcoins is fixed at 21 million. That’s the market cap on all bitcoins. Since the total number is fixed there are several things that need to be considered when it comes to the supply of bitcoin. Because of this, certain regulations need to be made to make sure that bitcoins become progressively harder to mine. If these steps are not taken, the miners will mine indiscriminately, pumping out the remaining bitcoins and putting it in the market, decreasing its overall worth.

In order to make sure that miners don’t pump out all the bitcoins at once the following steps are taken:

  • A new block is added to the chain only at the interval of 10 mins which leads to a reward of 25 bitcoins. The time has to be fixed to make sure that miners don’t just keep adding blocks to the chain with no regulations.

  • The second thing that the bitcoin protocol does is that it constantly increases the difficulty level. As explained above, during the mining process the hash of the block along with the nonce needs to be less than a particular number. This number is called the “difficulty level” and usually begins with a number of zeroes. As the difficulty increases the number of zeroes increases as well.

With these two factors and the fact that mining has become a lot more specialized process which includes humongous investment, the entire process makes sure that the supply of bitcoins in the market is kept at check. And this is true for all cryptocurrencies, using proof of work, as well.

The Demand of the cryptocurrency depends on a lot of factors:
  • What is the history of the currency?
  • Has it been subject to a hack lately?
  • Does it consistently generate results?
  • How good is the team behind it?
  • Does it have potential to become better?
  • How much is the hype around it?

All these factors determine how “hot” the currency is and as a result, the value shifts depending on its demand.

The Game theory in blockchain

So how does an unregulated, decentralized peer to peer system remain honest? Miners have a lot of power and they can easily commit crimes and get away with it. This is where all the previous attempts at a decentralized system failed, users are humans and humans are prone to “bad” behavior. So how do you keep a decentralized system of humans honest? The answer lies in one of the most fundamental economic ideas: Game Theory.

Game theory is basically the study of strategic decision-making. Making decisions which make the most sense to you, keeping in mind the decision of the competitors is basically what game theory is all about. One of the most fundamental concepts of game theory is the “Nash Equilibrium”.

What is Nash Equilibrium?

A Nash Equilibrium is a state where a party takes the most optimal strategy keeping in mind the actions of the other party and they can’t gain anything by changing around their strategy. Let’s see an example of the Nash Equilibrium in action.
Now consider the above table that we call a “Payoff Matrix”. The numbers are units of payoffs that a person will get upon taking (or not taking an action). So let’s analyze:

If A Takes Action:
Then B has a payoff of 4 if it takes action and 0 payoff if it doesn’t take action. So the optimal strategy for B is to take action.

If A Doesn’t take Action:

Once again, B has 0 payoffs for not taking action and a payoff of 4 if it does take action.
So we can conclude that regardless of what A does, B’s best strategy lies in taking action. Now, similarly, let’s checkout the what is the best strategy for A.

If B takes Action:
A has a payoff of 0 for not taking action and a payoff of 4 for taking action. So the best way for A is to take action.

If B doesn’t take Action:
A has a payoff of 0 for not taking action and a payoff of 4 for taking action.
So, regardless of what B does, A’s the best way forward is to take action.

We can hence conclude that for both A and B the best way to go ahead is to take action.
Hence the Nash Equilibrium is:
When both of them take action.

Now, what is the application of the Nash Equilibrium in the blockchain? Well, it won’t be a stretch to say that the blockchain exists and the miners remain honest BECAUSE the chain itself is in a self-imposing Nash Equilibrium.

Let’s take an example:
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Consider the above blockchain. The blue blocks 1,2 and 3 are part of the main chain. Now suppose a malicious miner mines a block 2A and is attempting a hardfork for his own financial gains. What is stopping the other miners from joining him and mining on the new block?

Well, the miners have a very hard and fast rule, any block that is mined on an invalid block is not considered a valid block. So, the other miners will simply ignore the invalid block and keep mining on the old chain anyway. Remember, all currency works on trust and perceived value, so the currency that the malicious miner may mine from the new block will not be considered of any value at all. And remember, mining is a very expensive process, so why will anyone waste so much resource on a block that may or may not even be considered valid?

Now you may be thinking, what if a lot of miners decide to join the new miner and mine on the new block? The problem with that is that the blockchain network is a huge and widely distributed network wherein communication and coordination is next to impossible. Keeping that in mind, a coordinated attack like that on the blockchain is infeasible. Most miners will simply choose the route where they get a maximum payoff, and this way the Nash Equilibrium of the main chain is maintained.

Punishment in the blockchain

Like with any efficient economic systems, good actions should be rewarded and negative actions should be punished. How does punishment work in a game theory model? Imagine a payoff matrix where the payoff for the participants is high but the implication on the society, in general, is very high. Eg.
Suppose there are two people A and B and they are both about to commit a crime. Now according to the matrix, the payoff for both of them is high when they commit a crime so their Nash Equilibrium lies in both committing a crime. Now while this does make sense logically, the implications on the society, in general, is very bad. Humans, more of than not, are motivated by personal greed and not everyone is altruistic. If this were to hold true, the world will be a terrible place to live in. So, how did humans counteract this? By introducing the concept of punishment.

Suppose we have a system where for every -0.5 of utility taken for them public, there will be a punishment factor of -5 on everyone who commits a crime. So, let’s add the punishment factor on the payoff matrix above and see how that changes the table:
As you can see above, the payoffs change drastically and the Nash Equilibrium changes to (1,1), as in both don’t commit a crime. Now, punishment is expensive, a utility of -0.5 is taken from the society after all. So what is the incentive for society to join the punishment game? The way this question was answered was by making punishment mandatory for everyone i.e. anyone who is not participating in the punishment game is punished as well. An example of this is a tax-driven police force. The police can punish the perpetrators but a utility in the form of tax is taken from the public. Anyone who doesn’t pay the tax and participate in the game is considered a criminal themselves and punished accordingly.

In a blockchain, any miners who are not following the rules and mining illegal blocks are punished by having their privileges taken away and risk social ostracization. The punishment becomes even more severe when proof-of-stake is involved (more on this later). By using simple game theory and punishment system, the miners are kept honest.

More incentives for miners

When a miner(s) successfully mines a block, they become the temporary dictator of that block. It is completely their jurisdiction as to which transactions go in the block and the speed of the said transactions. For the transactions to be included, they can charge a transaction fee. This incentivizes the miners because they get additional financial rewards OVER the reward they gain from mining a new block anyway (25 BTC in bitcoin and 5 Eth in Ethereum).

In order to make the system fair and to make sure that not the same miners get to mine new blocks and collect the rewards every single time, the mining difficulty level is adjusted periodically. This makes sure that the miners who get to mine a new block is completely random. Over the long run, mining is a zero sum gain, in other words, the profits that a miner gets from mining a new block eventually gets adjusted because of the costs of mining.

P+Epsilon Attack

A proof of work system, however, is vulnerable to a particular type of attack called the “P+ epsilon attack”. In order to understand how this attack works we must define some terms beforehand.

Un-Coordinated Choice Model: An uncoordinated choice model is a model where all the participants don’t have the incentive to work with one another. The participants may form groups but at no time is the group big enough to become a majority.

Coordinated choice model:  This is a model where all the participants coordinate because of a common incentive.

Now it is assumed that the blockchain is an uncoordinated model, but what if there is an incentive for the miners to do an action which goes against the integrity of the blockchain? What if there is a bribe involved to make the miners take a particular action? This is where the bribing attacker model comes in.

What is the bribing attacker model?

Imagine an uncoordinated model. Now, what if an attacker enters the system and incentivizes the miners to coordinate with each other after giving them a bribe? This new model is called a bribing attacker model. In order to successfully bribe the system, the attacker must have two resources:

  • Budget: The total amount of money that the attacker has that they are willing to pay to make the miners take a particular action.
  • Cost: The price that the miner actually ends up paying.

However, if an attacker does decide to attack the blockchain, we arrive in an interesting conundrum… and this is where the “p + epsilon attack” comes in. For reference check out this table:
Image courtesy: Vitalik Buterin Presentation.

Imagine a simple game such as an election. If the people vote for a particular person if they vote the same way everyone is voting, then they get a payoff but otherwise, they don’t. Now imagine, that a briber enters the system and lays down this condition to an individual. If you vote AND the others don’t vote, then you will get a payoff of “P + ε”. The usual payoff AND an extra bribe of ε on top of that.

So now, the payoff matrix looks like this:
Image courtesy: Vitalik Buterin Presentation.

Now imagine this scenario, everyone involved in this game gets to know that if they vote anyway, then there is a chance that they may get a payoff, but if they don’t vote then there is a 50-50 chance of them getting a payoff.

What do you think the players will do then? Of course, they are going to vote to get a guaranteed payoff. Now, this is where things get interesting. As can be seen in the matrix, the briber only has to pay the bribe “ε” when only person votes while the others don’t. However, in this situation, since everyone is voting, the Nash equilibrium shifts to:
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That’s right, the briber didn’t even need to pay the bribe!

So, let’s approach this problem from the POV of the briber:

  • Convince the group to vote a particular way.
  • Achieve the goal without even having to pay the bribe.

It is a huge win-win scenario for the briber and this has heavy implication on the blockchain especially in a proof-of-work system. Let’s check out our old hypothetical blockchain again:
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Suppose the briber really wants the chain to hardfork and declares that a group of miner who opts to join the new chain will get a bribe of ε, this will incentivize the entire miner community to coordinate and join the new chain. Obviously the bribe has to be extremely high for something like this to happen, but as we have seen in the briber attacker model above, the attacker won’t even need to pay the said amount. According to Vitalik Buterin, this is one of the biggest problems of the proof of work system, its vulnerability to the P + epsilon attack.

The solution lies in proof of stake.

The solution to this form of incentive driven attack lies in proof of stake. In this system, the miners have to put up a portion of their personal fortune and invest it in future blocks. As an economic system, this is much better because the punishment in it is way more severe. Instead of having their rights taken and getting away with a “tap to their knuckles”, miners now face the very real possibility of their stake and fortune being taken away.

So, how does this help in preventing P + epsilon attacks? Put yourselves in a miner’s shoes. You have a part of your fortune invested inside a block which is to be added in the main chain. Now a briber comes and tells you that you can get an extra payoff if you make your block join the main chain. BUT, if the chain doesn’t get approved then there is a huge risk of you losing all the money that you have invested in the block. Plus, as the P + Epsilon attack states, you won’t even get the extra payoff from the bribe. For a miner, once that they have invested a stake, it is a no brainer for them to continue in the main chain and not to get involved in any malicious activities.


So as you can see, cryptography and economics have combined in a very beautiful and intricate manner to create the blockchain technology. The growth that it has experienced over the last few years is staggering and it is only going to get better and more widely used.

ICO Basics, To Invest or Not? Cutting Through The Bullshit

ICO Basics, To Invest or Not? Cutting Through The Bullshit. There are many terms associated with the cryptocurrency world that has become, more or less, very mainstream over the last 4-5 years. Everyone has an idea about what a “blockchain” is and people definitely know what a “bitcoin” is. 
Lately, however, one term has been gaining more and more mainstream attention. That term is “ICO” or Initial Coin Offerings and has raised OVER $1.3 Billion for blockchain based start ups.  It has been called everything from “revolutionary” to “a Ponzi scheme. Before we get into the meat of this, we need to understand everything that surrounds this astounding phenomenon.

The origins of ICO

In the real world, companies can always secure funds by approaching angel investors and venture capitalists but by doing that, they would have to give away a share of their equity to them. What companies wanted, was to get a lot of funds without giving away equity and ownership. The only way that they could do that was by going public.
The way companies do this is by holding an IPO aka Initial Public Offering. How does an IPO work?
In an IPO a private company basically decides to put up its private shares up for sale to the general public. Anyone anywhere can buy the shares of the company. Initially, these shares are dirt cheap and if the company hits it big then there is a chance of your shares ballooning up to exorbitant prices. We have all heard stories of the masseuse who became a multi-millionaire after her 500 “useless” stocks in Google matured over time.

So, people started wondering what would happen if we used the same concept and put it on a blockchain based environment. This is what gave birth to the concept of ICOs. ICOs are pretty similar to IPOs but with 3 major differences.
Firstly, the ICO was decentralized with no central authority, secondly, the ICOs lacked the tedious red tape that most IPOs were bogged down by and finally, they were unregulated while IPOs have always under been heavy regulation. Now there was a problem that blockchain based companies were facing when it came to ICOs. In an IPO, the investors got shares in return of their investment. What would a blockchain based company give away in exchange of capital? They had to invent the blockchain equivalent of a share and that was when they came up with the idea of “Tokens”.

What is a Token?

An ICO is a sort of mixture of an IPO and a crowd-sale. When you are interested in a particular project in the blockchain, the way you can gain access to it is by sending the developing team some amount of money, which is usually paid in Bitcoin or Ethereum and getting the equivalent amount of tokens in return.

Tokens have gained even more prominence since the advent of Ethereum. Ethereum provides a platform where you can use the blockchain technology not just for making currency, but to make decentralized applications (DAPPS) as well. If you want to use these DAPPS then you will need the tokens that are native to its respective environment. There are two categories that all tokens fall under:

  • Usage Tokens.
  • Work Tokens.

Usage Tokens: These are tokens that act as native currency in their particular environment and can be exchanged for other tokens or FIAT money. Ether is a great example of a usage token. In short, usage token is a currency.

Work Token: Not all tokens, however, act as currency. Some tokens are there to give you various rights within their native environment. Eg. If you were a DAO token holder, then you had the right to vote on whether a particular DAPP could get funding from the DAO or not.

How do you make a token?

Making a token is deceptively simple. By far the easiest method is to go on Token Factory and fill up the following fields:
Firstly, you will have to determine the total supply. You don’t want a humongous amount of tokens available, that will kill their value.
Then you have the name field. Give your tokens any name you want. Make it sounds professional though if you want a good and profitable ICO.
Determine how many decimals places the value of your tokens will go to.
And finally, decide on a symbol for your token! It is that simple.
Now., if you are one of those DIY types who would prefer coding their tokens then that is a possibility as well. If you are making a DAPP in Ethereum you can simply use the solidity code to create your own token contract. This is what a simple token contract looks like:
The block of code is divided into 3 parts:
  1. The Mapping.
  2. Giving the creator all the tokens.
  3. Transfer the sender the requisite amount of tokens for the ether.
Now we will go into the code and understand what is exactly happening and how it is working. It may appear complicated on the surface but once you go deep into it, you will see how simple and easy to understand it is.
The Mapping:

Ethereum, like all cryptocurrency, is an open ledger. So it makes sense that all token made on an Ethereum contract will be registered on an open database clear for everyone to see. The mapping function makes sure of that.
The creator getting all the tokens:
ICO Basics, To Invest or Not? Cutting Through The Bullshit
When all the tokens are created, the entire supply goes to the contract creator who can then send the tokens to anyone who funds the project with ETH.
The Transfer:
The last part of the code is the transfer.
You will give your tokens an initial value and based on the amount of ETH that you are getting paid by the sender, they will get the requisite amount of tokens. The same number of tokens will cut from your balance and it will be added to the sender’s balance.
As you may have already guessed, there are thousands of tokens out there, and while that’s a good thing, there is also a major flaw that needed to be addressed. Think about this, if everyone designed their own tokens giving it their own unique twist, it will be an absolute horror show to save them in a wallet. Many times you will have to follow elaborate and needlessly complicated steps just to store your tokens in a wallet. That would have been a nightmare. What was needed was a standard or a basic blueprint for all tokens to follow. Fabian Vogelstellar, one of the founders of the Mist Wallet came up with the solution with his ERC20 token standards.

What is the ERC20 Token Standard?

The ERC20 standards have been put in place so that all Ethereum tokens follow a particular rule and standard. While this is not an enforced rule, most DAPP developers are encouraged to follow the standards to ensure that their tokens can undergo interactions with various wallets, exchanges and smart contracts without any issues.
These standards also helped others gain an idea of how future tokens are expected to behave. ERC20 tokens have gotten widespread approval and most of the DAPPS sold on ICO’s have tokens based on the ERC20 standard. So what are these standards?
They are basically a set of 6 functions which, when executed, do the following 4 activities:
  • Get the total token supply.
  • Get the account balance.
  • Transfer the token from one account to another.
  • Approve the use of the token as a monetary asset.

How does an ICO work?

So now that you have gotten a crash course on what tokens are and how they work, let’s do a deep dive on ICOs and why, for better or for worse, people are calling it the new “Gold Rush”. A number of millionaires that ICOs have made in the last year or so is staggering. Check out this graph:
Check out this graph:

Over the past 12 months,  have raised over $600 million as opposed to $140.30 million by established Venture Capitals. That is mind-boggling! So what is it about ICOs that has attracted so many investors? ICO is the rockstar of the investment world, it is the untamed wild genius wearing a torn t-shirt and baggy jeans, living among a group of suit-wearing snooty businessmen. There is something extremely seductive about the concept.

Think about this, anyone, with an idea for a project, can gain massive financial backing from a community without being bogged down by politics or endless red tape. The idea that anyone anywhere can get the financial backing they need in an unregulated manner was a welcome idea for all. No longer will investments be reserved just for the uber-rich, anyone can gain the funds to make their dreams a reality.

The exact procedure behind an ICO can be broken down into the following steps.

Firstly, the developers will announce their intention of making the project to generate hype and interest in the project. This step is very important because first impressions are everything.

Then, the developers will create a white paper. A white paper is a document issued by the developers which highlight their project and the specific features of that project that makes it enticing for the potential investors. While it is true that white papers are supposed to be a sales and marketing tool, it is nowhere near as flashy and over-the-top as a brochure or a sales letter. Whitepapers are written in an academic manner and the specific purpose is to entice the investors by showing its potential and features. They are at least 2500 words long and are meant to be purely informational.

After that, they will run the white paper through prominent members in the blockchain community to get their backing. Getting this backing is critical because this is where they will gain the credibility required to carry forward with the project.

Now, they will need to create the tokens which they are going to exchange for Bitcoin or ETH in the token sale. The process of token creation has already been covered above. Developers will have to decide the limit to the number of tokens and the amount that they want to charge for each token. Usually, the price of these tokens is very low at the start of the ICO. Setting a cap on the number of tokens is necessary because having a limited supply of tokens automatically increases their demand (according to the law of supply and demand).

Along with the cap on the number of tokens issued, developers will have to decide a time at which they want to hold their ICO. Selecting the time, and the amount of time it runs for is CRITICAL and this will be covered in detail later on. Along with that they also need to decide on the cap for the amount of money they will be taking in.

Once all these are decided, the developers choose a platform where they can advertise their ICO. Earlier it used to be tough to do so because developers had to convince people to come to their websites to gain more information about the ICO. But now, there are a number of websites which provide the platform for developers to address this particular need. Some of the best ones are:
  • Waves.
  • State of DAPPS (for Ethereum Tokens only).
  • TokenMarket.

Think of these websites as Kickstarter or Indiegogo of the crypto world. Once the ICO has been advertised the developers can then actually do the ICO.

For a visual representation of how an ICO works:
Investors send the coins to the public address of the developers and in exchange, they get tokens in return.

So to summarize:
  • Firstly, the developers declare their intention of making the project.
  • Then, the project developers create a white paper which includes the details of their project explained in a descriptive way.
  • They get the backing and confidence from certain prominent members in the cryptocurrency world who act as “advisors”.
  • They then create the tokens and decide on various caps such as a token cap, money cap, and time cap.
  • Advertise the ICO using one of the platforms mentioned above.
  • Hold the ICO.

In the broad spectrum of things there are two different kinds of ICOs:
  • Currency ICO.
  • Project ICO

Currency ICO

A currency ICO is when developers bring in a new currency system. The developers give out tokens which become new cryptocurrencies in exchange of the older more established coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. The reason why people are drawn to these ICOs are that of investment opportunities. One of the best examples of these kinds of ICOs is the Ethereum ICO.

In later 2013, a young programmer named Vitalik Buterin was working for Bitcoin as a developer and was getting increasingly frustrated. He realized that the blockchain technology had more potential than being a mere currency system. His vision was to make an alternate form of the internet. This vision was Ethereum, a platform where people not only will have access to a new form of currency (Ether) but they will also be able to create and develop a newer form of DAPPS on the platform itself.

The Ethereum ICO lasted for 42 days and went on from July-August 2014 and raised >$18 million. Back then it was the biggest crowdfunding even in human history. The early birds got a humongous ROI. In the beginning, if you invested just 1 BTC you would get 2000 ether in return. The current valuation of those 2000 ether is ~$420,000. Not bad for a $2500 investment! But more than the ROI the biggest thing that makes this particular ICO so important in crypto history is the concept of the project itself.

If you want an advertisement for why ICOs are so important, just read up on the Ethereum ICO. This was one man with a vision who got a dedicated and talented team around him, got the white paper out, convinced people to invest in his project and then ultimately made one of the most important platforms in crypto history. This is what ICOs should be like.

Project ICO

Along with the currency ICO we have the project ICOs which issue “work tokens”. When you buy these tokens in the crowd sale you gain certain rights and votes inside the environment of the DAPP itself. One of the most famous, and consequently, infamous examples of this kind of ICO is the DAO.

The DAO aka the decentralized autonomous organization was a decentralized venture capital fund which was going to be used to fund future projects made in the Ethereum eco-system. This how it was supposed to work. People invest money in the DAO by giving ether and they get “DAO Tokens” in return. These DAO tokens made the holders part of the DAO community. So, suppose Jill wanted a project to be funded by the DAO, she would introduce the project to the DAO community. The token holders will then hold a vote and if Jill gets the majority vote then she would gain the required funding from the DAO itself.

This was a revolutionary idea and was getting mainstream press exposure as well. The ICO went down in history as one of the biggest ever. The ICO raised $150 million in ether, that was the 14% of the total ether issued at that time and everything was looking up. Unfortunately, that is when the infamous DAO Attack happened and a total of $50 million worth of ether was taken away. This attack had huge repercussions because this was what caused the Ethereum hardfork and resulted in two different Ethereums: Ethereum and Ethereum Classic.

Another great example of the “Project ICO” is Augur, a decentralized market prediction system.

ICOs nowadays are raising a ridiculous amount of money, the Brave ICO, an Ethereum based browser raised in $35 million in 30 seconds. That’s ~$1.2 million per second!! The Tezos ICO recently became one of the largest ICOs of all time by raising more than $200 million. SO the question that you are probably thinking of right now is, 
“How do you make sure that the funds that you are investing is going to be used properly by the developers?” What if they just run away with it? Let’s answer that question.

What steps should be taken to ensure the safety of the funds aka how to not get scammed?

Unfortunately, because of the unregulated nature of the ICOs and the sheer amount of money to be made in this space, it does attract a lot of scammers. If you are investing in an ICO then you would want some assurances on your end that all the funds that you are going to invest are going to be used in a right way. So what should you be looking into when you are about to invest to make sure that you are not going to get scammed?

  • The project developers should be able to clearly define the purpose of their project using simple and short sentences. If they are taking too much time and beating around the bush, then that either means: their agenda is not clear or they are hiding something. Both of which are not that encouraging scenarios.

  • Make sure that the developers are not anonymous. There should be 100% transparency when it comes to their names, business plans, locations etc. You should be able to contact them regarding any and all information that you need to get from them.

  • There should be a legal framework between the developers and the contributors including terms and conditions set for the ICO.

  • Lastly, and most importantly, you need to make sure that the ICO funds are being stored in an escrow wallet. An escrow wallet is basically a multi-sig wallet which needs multiple keys to be opened. One of those keys must be held by a neutral third party.

If you keep these 4 points in mind, then you will be able to spot the scammers with relative ease and invest in projects which have real potential.

So are we in an ICO bubble right now and is it going to pop?

With the sheer amount of money going into ICOs nowadays and everyone and their mothers wanting a piece of that ICO pie, there are legit fears going around of ICO being a bubble much like the dot com bubble and the real estate bubble. To understand how a bubble works, let’s look at one of the most famous examples of the bubble, the dot-com bubble which went from 1997-2002.

Around 1997, the internet became big and tech companies began to emerge everywhere. Investors started putting in their money and flipping their investments into huge sums. Eventually, everyone who saw this started getting major FOMO (fear of missing out) and they began giving away their money to companies without even having any idea as to whether the business had the potential to work or not. Common sense went out of the window and every random internet business was making a killing in the IPOs. Warren Buffet noted that:

“The fact is that a bubble market has allowed the creation of bubble companies, entities designed more with an eye to making money off investors rather than for them. Too often, an IPO, not profits, was the primary goal of a company’s promoters.”.

BOOM! He hit the nail right on the head, most of the companies that got millions from their investors failed and some turned out to be nothing more than scams. Eventually, the bubble burst in 2002.
ICO Basics, To Invest or Not? Cutting Through The Bullshit
Companies crashed and lost millions within a year. One of the most infamous examples of this is Pets.Com which lost $300 million in just 268 days! However, while 1 in 2 companies got shut down, the companies that did survive, hung on and changed the way we live today. One of the best examples of that is Amazon. Before the bubble burst, Amazon stocks were at $100/share. After the burst, it went down to $7/share but eventually, it went up to $600/share.

The parallels between the ICO bubble and the dot-com bubble are a bit frightening and as they say “if you don’t learn from history, it is going to repeat itself.” Much like dot-coms, the ICOs have attracted a lot of investors who don’t want to miss out on the gold rush. Much like the dot-coms ALL the investing is done purely from speculation. You have to realize that most of the companies that you are investing in, in ICOs barely have anything ready. Most of them don’t have the alpha version of their end result, it is all based on speculation and the potential of the project.

As with anything, most of these projects will fail to get the end results. The reason why the Ethereum ICO worked so wonderfully was that it had a dedicated and driven team of talented developers who were a day in and day out to make it a success, same with Golem. Another problem plaguing the ICO is the greed of the developers. Some developers are making projects ONLY so that it can look enticing enough for a good ICO. They have no interest in carrying through nor do they have any inclination of turning a profit for their investors.

The parallels are very apparent and it can get real scary thinking about it. But we are not market experts. All we can do is speculate. We don’t know whether we are living in the “ICO bubble” or not, nor do we know whether it is a bubble that is going to pop. What we can tell you to do is to be smart with your money. Don’t get enticed by shiny objects, and have basic common sense. Read the points we have given above to know whether an ICO is a scam or not.

So if I am a developer how should I approach ICOs?

If you are a developer, then first and foremost have a very clear idea and agenda as to what your project is and what do you want to do with it. You must state the purpose of your project and the future that you envision with it. You must also choose the platform that you want to advertise your ICO in (waves, iconomi etc.) and then you must design your tokens.

After you are done creating your white paper and running it through the advisors and getting legal backing, the most important thing that you need to do is to pick a good time and date. Nothing kills an ICO faster than not getting the timing right. So when selecting the time of the ICO to keep the following points in mind:

  • Do not choose holiday weeks or weeks when important people take off: You need as much hype as possible and the best investors for your ICO. Do not hold your ICO during spring break when most people, including reporters, take off. Similarly, if there is an important event around the week then it’s best to not have your ICO during that time. As Margaux Avedisian says, if your main investors are going to be in The Burning Man, then it is best to not have your ICO during that week,
  • Day of the week: You must notify the working patterns of your target investors and see which day best suits them. It is best to not choose a weekend for your ICO.
  • Time Cap: While there are some ICOs that meet their target in 10 mins or even 35 seconds, those are the rarest of the rare scenarios. Even the Ethereum ICO took 42 days, even though that was before ICOs became so popular. So you have to decide on the time cap and the amount of time that you are willing to run your ICO for.
  • Time Zone: If your target investors are Americans and then it makes little to no sense to have your ICO during midnight EST. Decide where you want your target investors to be from and decide on a time that will be convenient for them.

We cannot overstate the importance of time for your ICOs, the initial period is critical because that will determine how well your ICO will go. If you are a developer, then you will need to decide on the time after doing quite a bit of research. It is worth it in the end.

What are the Pros and Cons of ICOs?

Pros of ICO

  • Gives opportunities to promising projects: Think of what Ethereum has accomplished in the last year. From becoming the second most powerful cryptocurrency in the world to providing a platform for DAPP creators to create their projects. It is truly becoming the “platform where the future will be built”. All this got started because of an ICO.

  • Doesn’t require unnecessary paperwork: Many projects don’t get executed because they get caught up in the red tape. For raising funds through IPOs or crowdfunding the project developers need to go through a lot of paperwork and more often than not, they just don’t get the documentation required to collect funds for their project. On the other hand, all that you need to do take part in an ICO is create a “white paper” (The white paper contains all the details of your project.) After that, anyone can read the white paper and choose to invest in the project if it interests them.

  • Community building: It gives the project creators an opportunity to build a community around their projects. Having a healthy community gives a product immense credibility. Plus, the members of the community can have real say in the direction of the projects and keep the creators accountable.

  • Exposure for projects: The hype that surrounds an ICO can do wonders for the exposure of the project. The more the exposure, the more the people will know about the project. This increases the number of potential investors.

  • Early access to potentially valuable tokens: Some tokens have the potential of becoming truly valuable cryptocurrencies. ICOs give investors an opportunity to invest in tokens, with potential, for dirt cheap. Eg. During the Ethereum presale, 1 Ether cost 35-40 cents. Right now, as of writing, 1 Ether costs ~$277.

  • The incentive for innovation: The roaring success of various ICOs over the last 12 months has given extra incentive to various developers to innovate and develop more exciting projects.

Cons of ICO

  • Attracts a lot of scammers: Because there is so little paperwork involved in ICOs it attracts many scammers who can simply create a bogus white paper and make off with a lot of money. Some developers also purposefully omit certain important details from their white paper to make their projects look more appealing than they actually are. The biggest consequence of all these scams is the decreased faith of the public in blockchain technology which can potentially spell absolute disaster.

  • Based on pure speculation: When you are investing in a project in an ICO you are investing in the idea of the project. You read the white paper and if you think that the team is credible and the project has promise than you invest. So, basically, you have no idea whether the project will even be successful or not. Over 90% of the startups fail and blockchain projects are not immune to that as well. Plus, the developers may get lazy and not even bother to finish what they have started. And, let’s not forget, there is always the possibility of a project getting ruined because of hacks and attacks. The DAO is a perfect example of that.
Whaling: Let’s take the example of what happened in the, now infamous, BAT ICO. The ICO got over in just 24 seconds and they were able to raise 35 million USD! The shocking part was, not a lot of people were able to take part in the ICO at all as major chunks of the tokens were bought by certain individuals. In fact, a quarter of the BAT tokens are owned by one person!

These people are called whales. Basically, people who have a lot of money and resources and they rig the ICO game in their favour. The way they do it is by paying extremely high mining fees which help them “cut in line” and get first preference during ICOs. In the case of the BAT ICO, whales paid as much as $2220 in transaction fees to make sure that they take the first bite of the pie. Afterward, they mostly sell these tokens at a premium to turn in a profit.

  • Network Congestion: The increased amount of activity during ICOs causes a huge strain in the blockchain and may result in a bottleneck. During the Status ICO, when they raised a $100 million, there was so much backlog in the network that many people, who wanted to invest in Status, saw their transactions fail.

  • Storing the tokens: There is a chance that you will not be able to store some of the tokens in any of your crypto-wallets. You can store any tokens made in Ethereum in your ether wallet but tokens made outside of Ethereum can be very complicated to store.

  • Government intervention: This is where it gets scary. Because of the increased number of scams and a huge amount of unregulated money, various governments may simply decide to start regulating the ICOs. If this happens then this truly could be the death of cryptocurrency. The whole point of cryptocurrency is the idea of decentralization and being outside of government control.


ICOs are going to continue being a part of cryptocurrency and blockchains. We simply cannot overlook the good that they have done. From giving birth to innovative technologies like Ethereum and Golem to giving DAPP developers, around the world, an incentive to innovate and come up with newer and more exciting technologies, their contribution simply cannot be understated.

Having said that though, there is no doubt that ICOs can be a “necessary evil”. Human tendency is to exploit any loopholes for their selfish benefits and ICOs seem to be the tool of choice for many corrupt individuals. Looking forward, what we can all do is act more responsibly and do our own research. Study the white papers, interview the team involved with the specific projects that are up for ICOs and then invest your money.

The Science Behind Cryptocurrencies Cryptography

In this guide, we will be going deep into symmetric and asymmetric cryptography and the science behind cryptocurrencies cryptography.
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum use a peer-to-peer decentralized system to conduct transactions. Since the entire process is online, there are fears that the transactions maybe volatile and hackable. What we are going to see in this guide is how cryptocurrency uses cryptography to make their transactions extremely secure.
Digital Signatures
One of the most important cryptographical tools that are used in cryptocurrency is the concept of signatures. What is a signature in real life and what are its properties? Imagine a paper that you have signed with your signature, what should a good signature do?
  • It should provide verification. The signature should be able to verify that it is you who actually signed the paper.
  • It should be non-forgeable. No one else should be able to forge and copy your signature.
  • Non-repudiation. If you have signed something with your signature, then you should not be able to take it back or claim that someone else has done it instead of you.
In the real world, however, no matter how intricate the signature, there are always chances of forgery, and you cannot really verify signatures using simple visual aids, it is very inefficient and non-reliable.
Cryptography gives us a solution to this by means of “digital signatures” which is done via the use of “keys”. So, what are keys? And how are the used in the blockchain? Before we explore those, it is important to know more about basic cryptography.

What is Cryptocurrencies Cryptography?

Cryptography is a method of using advanced mathematical principles in storing and transmitting data in a particular form so that only those, for whom it is intended for, can read and process it.  Cryptography has been used for thousands and thousands of years by people to relay messages without detection. In fact, the earliest use of cryptography was seen in the tomb taken from Old Kingdom in Egypt circa 1900 BCE. Cryptography has existed in the modern society through one way or another.
Encryption is one of the most critical tools used in cryptography. It is a means by which a message can be made unreadable for an unintended reader and can be read only by the sender and the recipient. In modern technology, there are three forms of encryption that are widely used, symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, and hashing.
Symmetric Cryptography
Symmetric cryptography is the earliest known cryptographic method known to man. The concept is very simple and if we were to break it down to steps, this is what it will look like:
  • You have a message M that you want to send over to your friend.
  • You encrypt the message with a Key and get a cipher text C.
  • Your friend gets your cipher text C.
  • She then decrypts the cipher text using the same Key to retrieve message M.
If we were to show a visual representation of the process, this is what it will look like.

Image credit: SSL2BUY
The are two types of symmetric cryptography:
  • Stream Ciphers.
  • Block Ciphers.

What is stream ciphers?

Stream cipher basically means using a fixed key which replaces the message with a pseudorandom string of characters. It is basically the encryption of each letter one at a time.
We are going to discuss 3 kinds of stream ciphers in this guide to give you an idea of how stream ciphers work:
  • One-time pad with alphabets.
  • One-time pad with XOR gate.
  • Linear feedback shift register.
One-time pad with alphabets
For doing this encryption we need to have a key which has the same number of characters as the message and it must be used one time only (hence the term “one-time pad”).
Suppose for this example we are going to send a message, “MEET ME OUTSIDE” to our friend Bob. But we don’t want anyone intercepting our message. This is why, Bob and us have decided to use a one-time pad which goes like this:
“B D U F G H W E I U F G W”
As you can see, the pad has the same number of characters as the message as well, i.e. 13.
Now, this is a very simple example of the one-time pad, we are using this because we feel it is the best example to use to understand this tactic.
Now, one more thing you need take note of, every alphabet will be replaced by its numeric equivalent in during the process.
The numerical mapping goes like this:

During the process, there will be 6 pieces of data that we need which are: Basically, the numerical equivalent of each alphabet. Ok, now that we have built the foundations, let’s move on to the actual process.
  • Original Message (OM): The original message that we are passing through. In this case “MEET ME OUTSIDE”.
  • Numerical Original Message (NOM): The numerical equivalent of the original message,
  • OTP: The One-time Pad.
  • Numerical OTP (NOTP): The numerical equivalent of the OTP.
  • NCT: The numerical cipher text which is NOM+NOTP mod 26
  • CT: The cipher text which is the alphabetical equivalent of the numbers in the NCT.
So, we need to send the message “MEET ME OUTSIDE” and we need to use the one-time pad to encrypt it.
The encryption process
So, let’s start off by putting in the message in the OM
The Science Behind Cryptocurrrencies Cryptography
We put the message “MEET ME OUTSIDE” in the OM row.Ok, so what happened here?
Next, we used the numerical mapping table to get the numerical equivalent of each alphabet. So, let’s refer to the mapping table and see what we get:

In the OTP row we put in the key that we were already given which is, in case you have forgotten, “B D U F G H W E I U F G W”.It’s just simple substitution, we will take these values and put it in NOM row.
Now, in the NOTP row we used the same number mapping table and found the equivalent numerical values of the key which are:
“1, 3, 20, 5, 6, 7, 22, 4, 8, 20, 5, 6, 22”.
In the new row, for the Numerical cipher text (NCT) we add the NOTP and NOM and mod the result by 26 to get our NCT.

So, finally the message “MEET ME OUTSIDE” turns into a pseudo-random series of characters “N H Y Y S L K Y B M N J A”.That’s how you find the values for NCT and then you use the mapping table and find the corresponding alphabets which are: “N H Y Y S L K Y B M N J A”.
That is how the encryption process works.

The decryption process

Now we will see how we can decrypt the message using the exact same key.
Let’s see the data that Bob has with him:
  • He has the encrypted message that he has gotten from me.
  • He has the key that both of us share.
  • He has the mapping table to find the numerical equivalents.
So, how will he decrypt the message using this data?
  • He will map the numerical values of both the key and the encrypted message to get NCT and NOTP.
  • He will then calculate the NOM (Numerical value of the original message) by doing this calculation: NOM = NCT – NOTP mod 26.
  • He will use the mapping table to retrieve the corresponding alphabets.
The Science Behind Cryptocurrencies Cryptography
So, let’s see how the NOM calculation work?
The Science Behind Cryptocurrrencies Cryptography
Now, if we map the NOM to its alphabetical equivalent using the mapping table then we get:
And just like that, the message is encrypted and decrypted using the same key.
One-time pad with XOR gate
XOR or “Exclusive OR” is a logic gate. What is a logic gate? A logic gate usually takes in 2 inputs and gives out 1 output. The inputs and outputs are binary values, meaning they can be 1 or 0. A XOR logic gate takes in 2 binary inputs and gives out a high output ONLY when the inputs are different. Meaning, if A and B are inputted to a XOR gate then the out C will be 1 ONLY when A is not equal to B.
The XOR gate looks like this:

Image courtesy: Wikimedia
This what the XOR truth table look like:
The Science Behind Cryptocurrrencies Cryptography

The encryption process

Suppose you have a plain text data which you want to send to your friend Alice. First, you’ll convert it to its binary form. Suppose the message that you have is this: 00011110
Now you have the key, the key that you share with your recipient and suppose you have passed the key through an algorithm which gives you the equivalent binary result: 01001010.
So now that you have the key, you are going to XOR each corresponding individual bits to get the resulting cipher text output.
Cipher Text = Plain Text XOR Key
So if you XOR both the data the key that you will get is:

The Science Behind Cryptocurrrencies Cryptography
This is the cipher text that Alice will get from you.
The decryption process
So now, how will Alice decrypt your message and retrieve the original one?
This is the data that she has:
  • The cipher text
  • The key.
So what is she going to do? It is simple.
She will simply XOR the key and the cipher text and she will retrieve the original message! See for yourself:
The Science Behind Cryptocurrrencies Cryptography
And just like that, she will retrieve the original message.
Linear feedback shift register
What is a linear feedback shift register? It is a function whose future output completely depends on its earlier (or current) state. This will become clearer as you keep reading so don’t get scared off!
The idea of this style of a stream cipher is to predetermine a key with your recipient which will be a linear feedback shift register function which will be used by you to determine the code. Suppose you spoke to your friend Bob and determined that this is the formula that you both want to go with (credit to Daniel Rees from Youtube for this formula).
  • E(i+3) = E(i+1) + 2E(i+2) mod 26.
And let’s also assume that prior to sending this message you and Bob determined that E(1) = 2 and E(2) = 4.
Now you can see that in this equation, all future outputs are dependent upon the previous outputs.
So, suppose the message that you want to send to Bob is “MEET ME”. Since there are 6 characters, we need to determine 6 values of E() to act as key. We already have predetermined the values of E(1) and E(2). Now we need to calculate E(3) to E(6).
  • E(3) = E(1) + 2E(2) mod 26 = 10.
  • E(4) =  E(2) + 2E(3) mod 26 = 24.
  • E(5) = E(3) + 2E (4) mod 26 = 6.
  • E(6) = E(4) + 2E(5) mod 26 = 10.
So, now that we have the keys, let’s start the decryption.
The encryption process
So now that we have the key and message, let’s create the table:
The Science Behind Cryptocurrrencies Cryptography
To get the numerical cipher text, you add the key and the corresponding numerical value of the alphabet that you map from this table that we have already seen before:

Now, to get the numerical value of the cipher texts, add the key and the numerical value of the original message and mod with 26.
So you get:
The Science Behind Cryptocurrrencies Cryptography

Now use the mapping table again to find the corresponding alphabets and you get “OIORSO”. That’s the encrypted message.
The decryption of this message is really hard especially if you don’t have the key. An expert might spot a pattern though. You will need computers to beak this code.

Examples of Stream Ciphers used in the real world.

The Rivest Cipher 4 of the RC4
  • Used in WEP aka wired equivalent protocol for wireless network security.
  • Also an option in TLS/HTTPS for encrypting web traffic.
  • Since it has been cracked so many times it is not recommended for use anymore.
The A5/1
  • Use for encrypting GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) phone data and communication.
  • Edward Snowden in his leaks revealed that the NSA routinely keeps breaking GSM for surveillance purposes so it is not a secured mode of encryption anymore.
So, that is pretty much it about stream ciphers, time to move on to block ciphers.

What is block ciphers?

Block ciphers are a form of symmetric cryptography which uses a key of a fixed length to encrypt a block of fix length. Let’s start by checking out a very common substitution cipher that you must have seen before:
The Science Behind Cryptocurrrencies Cryptography
So, if someone were to tell you that they got a message which says “EFBD” and wants you to decrypt it and get the original message instead, how will you do it?
You will simply see the table, see which alphabets correspond to which and then simply substitute right? So “EFBD” is the cipher for “FACE”.
Now let’s check out the plain text and the ciphertext and compare them:
  • Plain:     A B C D E F
  • Cipher:  F A B C D E
So, as you can see, the cipher text is basically the plain text shifted the right by one. So, in this particular case:
  • EFBD = FACE shifted by 1
That, in essence, is what a block cipher is. Given an input plain text and a key it can generate a unique cipher text.  One more thing that is extremely important and should be noted. Given the key, anyone can decipher the cipher text from the plain text and vice versa. The examples that we are giving here are all extremely simplistic, the block cipher happens with HUGE chunks of data.
If we are looking for a visual representation of a block cipher the this is what it will look like:

The Science Behind Cryptocurrencies Cryptography
Another interesting property of the block cipher is that if the key changes then that changes the output cipher text pretty drastically. Let’s do a test with the data we have right now.
The Science Behind Cryptocurrrencies Cryptography

Now, we have 3 keys for the 3 different cipher texts.
  • In cipher text 1 we are shifting to the right once.
  • In cipher text 2 we are shifting to the right twice.
  • In cipher text 3 we are shifting to the right thrice.
So, let’s see what happens when we parse the input “FACE” through all these different ciphers.
  • When key =1, FACE becomes EFBD
  • When key = 2, FACE becomes DEAC
  • When key = 3, FACE becomes CDFB
As you can see, the output cipher text changes everytime you change the key. In the example we have very little data, imagine doing this with HUGE amounts of data, the output will change drastically every single time.
There are two rules for a block cipher to be considered valid:
  • You must be able to derive the plain text from the cipher text and vice versa given a key.
  • The function must be efficiently computable.
There is one more important thing that you need to take note of when it comes to block ciphers. The block sizes are fixed so the input plain text needs to be of the same size as the block size. If the input is bigger than the block then it needs to break down to get the correct size, if the input is smaller, then it needs to be padded with some junk data to fit the block size.
Examples of block ciphers
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
  • Block sizes of 64 bits.
  • Key size of 56 bits.
  • Was the government standard till 2001.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • 128 bit blocksize.
  • 128, 192 or 256 bit key size.
  • Considered very secure and widely used nowadays
The advantage of symmetric cryptography
Even though symmetric cryptography has some major problems (which we will discuss in a bit) the biggest advantage of symmetric cryptography is that it requires very little overhead. You just need to share one single key with your recipient to go forward with this method.
Even now, a lot of software use this method in conjunction with asymmetric cryptography to provide fast and efficient encryption/decryption services.
The problems with symmetric cryptography
Even though the overhead is significantly lesser, there are a lot of problems with symmetric cryptography.
Problem #1: The shared key
The fact that the encryption and decryption is done with one single key is a huge problem. First and foremost, the sharing of the key needs to be done in a very secured manner, if anyone gets hold the of key then all your data will be compromised.
Problem #2: It is not scalable
Another huge problem with symmetric cryptography is that it is not scalable at all. Suppose Alice runs an information center and sends data via symmetric key cryptography. It’s ok if she is only dealing with 3-4 clients. But the most clients she gets, the more unique public keys she will have to handle and take care of. Eventually, it will become too much to handle.
Because of these vulnerabilities of symmetric key cryptography, a solution was needed, and in the 1970’s it finally came.
James Ellis’s breakthrough
In 1970, British mathematician and engineer James Ellis thought of an idea which was based on a simple concept. What if encryption and decryption were inverse operations based on 2 different keys? In traditional cryptography i.e. symmetrical cryptography, the message had to be sent along with the key to the intended person for them to decrypt the message, but this presented the very real idea of an attacker getting their hands on the key.
Ellis envisaged that the receiver of the message couldn’t be a passive party, and they had to have a “padlock” and a “key” for themselves. The padlock could be sent to anyone in the world but the key had to be kept private. So, anyone can send a message to the receiver by locking it with their padlock and since only the receiver has the key, only they can open it.
Now, this was the theory, there needed to be a practical form of this theory, and that came because of two brilliant principles:
  • The trapdoor function.
  • The Diffie–Hellman key exchange.
What is the trapdoor function?
A trapdoor function aka a one-way function is a function where it is easy to go from one state aka the domain to the other state aka the range but it is hard to go back from the range to the domain unless you have knowledge of a key which is called the trapdoor function.
Diagrammatically it is represented like this:
The Science Behind Cryptocurrencies Cryptography
Image credit: Cornell.edu
The trapdoor functions are based on the idea of keys. Wherein the public key (K) is used to go from the domain to range. In order to come back to the domain from the range we have to use a trapdoor function which is also known as the private key (k). It is also implied that the private key and public key are mathematically related to each other and also they have to related to each other via another trapdoor function f() such that K= f(k) so that the private key  is infeasible to be determined by the public key .
A simple example of this is a multiplication of large numbers. Suppose you have two numbers 171 and 118 then it is simple to determine that 171 * 118 = 20178. However, if you just know 20178 then it is hard for you to determine what the initial numbers were unless you have a key with you, in this case the knowledge of just one of the two numbers, to determine the second one.

What is the Diffie-Hellman key exchange?

Suppose, there are two people Alice and Bob and they want to attack a bank. However, they are on either sides of the bank and they can only communicate with each other via a shared line which is being tapped by the bank.

Something like this.
Keep in mind, everything that Alice and Bob say to each other will be eavesdropped upon by the bank. So, how can they both decide on a date to attack the bank without the bank getting to know about it and without Alice and Bob explicitly exchanging that information?
This conundrum can be answered by the Diffie-Hellman key exchange; it is a concept by which two parties can get hold of secret information without sharing it.
To understand how the Diffie-Hellman works, we need to use one of the most famous applications of this theory, the secret colour exchange.
For this there are 3 things that you need to keep in mind:
  • Alice and Bob both publicly agree that yellow is going to be the common paint that they are both going to use.
  • Alice then secretly keeps to herself that she is also going to use orange along with yellow.
  • Bob secretly decides that he is going to use aqua along with yellow.
Stage One
Since it was publicly declared that yellow is going to be the colour of choice:
  • Bank: Has Yellow
  • Alice: Has Yellow
  • Bob: Has Yellow
Stage Two
Now Alice mixes in her private colour aka orange with yellow and gets a composite colour which we will call CA.
At the same time, Bob mixes his private colour aqua with yellow and creates composite colour CB.
So, at the end of stage two this is what things look like:
  • Bank: Yellow
  • Alice: CA
  • Bob: CB
Stage Three
Now, Alice and Bob will send each other their respective colours, which will promptly get tapped by the bank. However, the bank now faces a problem.
Colour combinations are a trapdoor function.
While it is easy for someone to combine two colours and generate a third colour, it is infeasible for them to determine the first two colours from the given third colour. So, the bank will get hold of CA and CB but will have no idea which are the colours that has gone into its creation.
So, this is what things are looking like right now:
  • Bank: Yellow, CA, CB.
  • Alice: CB
  • Bob: CA.
Stage Four
Now, Alice and Bob are once again going to mix their secret colours into the mix that they have received from the other person, so now both of them are going to have a mix of yellow, orange and aqua which is brown. The bank, however, will only have CA and CB because they have no idea what the secret colours are.
So, this is what things look like now:
  • Bank: Yellow, CA and CB.
  • Alice: Brown.
  • Bob: Brown.
And this is where the trick lies, by not revealing their secret colours, both Bob and Alice have, in their possession, the colour brown, even though they never explicitly exchanged brown with each other.
This is what the diagram of this entire exchange looks like:

Image Courtesy: Wikipedia
This is the representation of the Diffie-Hellman exchange, but a mathematical means was needed to make sure that there could be practical applications of this as well. For this reason, the modulus function was used.

The mathematical form of the Diffie-Hellman exchange

Suppose there is a generator g for a finite field of size n. And in that field, we choose two random values a and b. It will be hard for an attacker to determine g^ab given only g, g^a and g^b. This is the condition which activates the trapdoor function. Given this condition, two parties can exchange messages and reach the same conclusion without explicitly communicating it with each other.
So, mathematically this is what happens.
Alice chooses a random value “a” from the field n and determines a message M1 such that:
  • M1 = g^a mod n.
Similarly, Bob chooses a random value “b” from the field n and creates message M2 such that:
  • M2 = g^b mod n.
Both Alice and Bob can now relay the message to each other.
Alice now determines special message K by doing the following:
  • K = M2^a mod n= g^ab mod n.
Bob now determines the same message K by:
  • K = M1 ^ a mod n = g^ab mod n.
So, both Alice and Bob reached the same conclusion without explicitly sharing this information.
This Diffie-Hellman key exchange was invaluable in the formation of asymmetric cryptography:

What is asymmetric cryptography?

Asymmetric cryptography utilizes two keys, a public key and a private to encrypt and decrypt a particular data. The use of one key cancels out the use of the other.
The diagrammatic representation of it looks like this:

Image courtesy: SSL2BUY
There are two real world use of asymmetric cryptography that we will look into in this guide and both are important for their own reasons:
  • The Rivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm aka the RSA.
  • The Elliptical Curve Cryptography.
What is the RSA algorithm?
The RSA algorithm is the most widely used and popular asymmetric cryptographic algorithm in history. It is named after MIT professors Rivest, Shamir and Adleman who discovered this algorithm. Now, how does it work? The idea is derived from the breakthroughs that Diffie-Hellman had.
So, these are the variables that we will work with:
Suppose you have the secret message “m”. “m” raised to the power of a random number e and then the modulus of that with a random number N will give you the cipher text c.
Basically. m^e mod N= c
Take note, it is EASY to perform this function to get the output c BUT given only c, e and N it is difficult to get the message “m”. It will require a lot of trial and error. This is the one-way trapdoor function that we will apply to find “m”.
But now, the idea of the trapdoor function is to have a key which will make the reverse process (the decryption) simple for the recipient. So, for that we will need to find a random variable “d” which will make this process possible:
  • c^d mod N = m.
Now keep in mind, c = m^e mod N, so on substituting.
  • m ^ e ^ d mod N = m.
  • m ^ ed mod N = m
So, in the above equations:
  • Public key = e and N.
  • Private key = d.
Now, before we even begin to see the method behind the madness, let’s do a simple calculation to see how the entire process works. (Shout out to Anthony Vance’s youtube channel for this example).
Suppose the message that you have to send is 42. In other words, m=42.
Along with that:
  • e = 17.
  • N = 3233.
  • d = 2753
The encryption process
c = m^e mod N.
Using simple substitution:
c = 42^17 mod 3233 = 2557.
So the cipher text is 2557.
The decryption process
Let’s do c^d mod N.
2557^2753 mod 3233
This gives us the value of m that is 42.
Genius isn’t it?
Now, remember when we talked about trapdoor functions we came to the conclusion that private and public key needs to be mathematical derivatives of each other in a way that:
F(private key) = public key, where F() is another trapdoor function.
It should be difficult for anyone to determine the private key from the public key. In fact, it should be so difficult that it will take the world’s most powerful computer decades upon decades to derive one from the other.
To answer this conundrum, we go back centuries and meet our next genius, Euclid.
Euclid and prime factorization
Euclid found out centuries ago that any number > 1 can be written as a product of prime numbers.
  • Eg. 15 can be written as 5*3.
  • 255 can be written as 5*17*3.
Let’s go back to our two equations:
C= m^e mod N.
Here, N is the key in the trapdoor function. While N maybe publicly known it should be hard to determine prime factors that make up the number N. If you know the prime factors, then it is child’s play to discover the product N.
Eg. You can use your web browser to multiply two huge numbers and find the product in less than a second:

It took less than a second, 0.22 seconds, to do the calculation. And the bigger the number gets, it will take a little more time, but still, the calculations will be done super fast.
However, if you input a huge number and ask your computer to find its prime factors then it may take days, months and even years to find the prime factors.
This is the trapdoor function that cryptographers used to determine the value of N. This is basically, the heart of the trick.
This is what you have to do to use RSA algorithm:
  • First, generate a big random prime number P1.
  • Generate a second big random prime number P2.
  • Find N by calculating P1 and P2.
  • Hide the values of P1 and P2 and make N public.
  • N should be a huge number and it will take the most sophisticated machines in the world decades to find the values of P1 and P2.
  • So to summarise, N is the trapdoor and its prime factors P1 and P2 are the keys to the trapdoor.
Ok, so now we have determined how N is calculated and the trapdoor that works in it. But we still haven’t determined the value of “e” and “d” and we still haven’t seen how the private key is derived from the public key. In order to generate all these remaining values, we need to find a function that depends on knowing the factorization of N. And for that we need to go and visit our next genius, Leonhard Euler.
Euler and breakability
In 1760, Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler did some path breaking studies. He studied the nature of numbers and more specifically the breakability of the numbers which he called the phi function.
Basically given phi(N) where N is a random integer, the value of N will be the number of numbers between 1 and N which do not share any common factors with N.
So, if N is 8 then:
The numbers between 1-8 are: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8.
Among these numbers, only 1,3,5 and 7 don’t share any factors with 8 except 1.
Meaning, phi(8) = 4.
Now, calculating the phi function is difficult except for one case. To know this, check out the following graph. The graph tracks the distribution of phi values over integers upto 1000.

Image courtesy: Khan Academy
See that straight green line at the top which is conveniently arranged? That is the phi of prime numbers. Since the definition of a prime number is that it is unfactorizable apart from by itself, for any prime number p the phi(p) = p-1.
Let’s see this in practice. Suppose you have a prime number 7.
The numbers between 1 and 7 are: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.
The only number that shares a factor with 7 in this series is…7!
So the phi(7) = 6.
Similarly, if you were to find the phi of a large prime number say 541 then:
Phi(541) = 541-1 = 540.
It becomes very simple to calculate the phi for a prime number. And this gains, even more, significance when you consider the multiplicative nature of phi functions. What is the multiplicative nature of phi functions?
For any two numbers A and B:
Phi(A*B) = phi(A) * phi(B).
Now, let’s go back to algorithms. Alice has determined two large prime numbers P1 and P2 and has determined a number N by doing P1 * P2.
So, using the multiplicative property of phi functions:
Phi(N) = phi(P1) * phi(P2).
Phi(N) = (P1-1)*(P2-1).
And just like that, we have discovered the trapdoor function for phi. If we know the prime factors of N then it is easy to calculate the phi(N).
For eg. the number 77 has prime factors 7 and 11.
So phi(77) = (7-1)*(11-1) = 60.
It becomes very easy when you know the prime factors of N.
Now, one final bit of mathematical wizardry was required. We have the phi function and we have the modular exponentiation functions that we have determined before, we need to bring these two together in one neat equation.
And for this, we turn to Euler for help once again.

The Euler’s theorem

Euler’s theorem states that:
For any two numbers m and n that don’t share a factor:
m ^ phi(n) ≡ 1 mod n
Meaning, for any two numbers m and n, as long as they don’t share a factor, m raised to the phi(n) divided by n will always leave a remainder of 1. Let’s see this in an example.
Suppose, m= 8 and n = 5.
Phi(5) = 4
So, 8 ^ 4 = 4096.
Replacing this in the Euler’s theorem equation:
4096 ≡ 1 mod 5 holds true because 4096 on being divided by 5 leaves a remainder of 1.
Now, the equation: m ^ phi(n) ≡ 1 mod n needs to be modified a little bit before we get our final solution.
Modification #1
1^k = 1 for all k.
So, keeping this in mind, if in m ^ phi(n) ≡ 1 mod n we multiply the exponent phi(n) with any number k, the final solution will be 1^k which is still 1.
Now, this modifies the equation like this:
m ^ k*phi(n) ≡ 1 mod n
Modification #2
For all m, m*1 = m.
So, in our modified equation, if we multiply both sides by m we get:
m*m ^ k*phi(n) ≡ m*1 mod n
Which becomes:
m ^ k*phi(n)+1 ≡ m mod n
Now, this is the final form of our equation.
Before we proceed, let’s bring back the old equations to refresh our memory:
  • c = m^e mod N.
  • m = c^d mod N
  • m ^ e*d mod N = m
Now, checkout the last equation doesn’t that look similar to our new modified equation:
m ^ k*phi(n)+1 ≡ m mod n
And this is the breakthrough.
On comparing the two equations, we get:
e*d = k*phi(n) + 1
We FINALLY have an equation where the value of e and d depends on phi(n).
Now, since we already know the value of e, it is easy to calculate d, the private key, ONLY if the factorization of N is known (which is a secret that Alice has kept to herself).
So, d= (k*phi(n) + 1)/e.
This is the trapdoor that will undo the encryption done by her private keys e and n.
Example to see how this all works
Suppose Bob and Alice are exchanging messages.
Bob wants to send a message M to Alice where M=89.
Now, Alice needs to generate her keys.
She uses to prime numbers p1 and p2 where:
P1 = 53.
P2 = 59.
N = P1 * P2 = 53 * 59 = 3127.
Phi (N) = Phi(P1) * Phi (P2) = (P1 – 1) * (P2 – 1) = 52 * 58 = 3016
Now, she needs to generate a value e which will have no factors with the value of phi(N).
So, she decides e = 3.
Now, she will generate her private key d:
d = (k*phi(N) + 1)/e
Taking k = 2 we get:
d = (2* 3016 + 1) / 3 = 2011.
Now, she will lock up all the values except N and e which are her public key and make the knowledge of these two global.
Bob encrypts the message
Now, Bob needs to send message M, which is 89, and he needs to calculate the cipher text c such that:
c = M^e mod N.
Now, we know that: M = 89, e = 3 and N = 3127.
So: c = 89^3 mod 3127 = 1394.
He then sends it over to Alice.
Alice decrypts the message
Alice gets the cipher text and all that she has to do is to decrypt it using her private key d which we know to be 2011.
So, Alice does this calculation: c^d mod N
1394^2011 mod 3127 which is 89 aka the original message M.
And this, is the RSA algorithm, the most widely used cryptographic algorithm

What is elliptical curve cryptography?

Elliptical curve cryptography is what is used by bitcoin, ethereum etc. for their encryption purposes. So what is an elliptical curve? An elliptical curve is any curve that satisfies the following equation:
Y^2 = x^3 + ax + b
Where (x,y) is a point on the curve and a and b are constants.
There are infinite curves that you can make. The following is how one of these curves, in general, look like:

Image credit: CSBreakdown youtube channel
What are the properties of an elliptic curve?
  • The curve is symmetric across the x axis.
  • Any line that goes through 2 points on the curve will intersect the curve on a third point.
  • Any tangent on the curve will intersect the curve on one more point.
Performing maths on the curve.
Addition property of the curve
Suppose there are two points on the curve V and A. Let’s trace those on the curve and put a line through them. This will intersect the curve on a third point.

Image credit: CSBreakdown youtube channel
We will call this third point X, and we will reflect it on the curve like this:

Image credit: CSBreakdown youtube channel
The reflection of X is a point which will incidentally be (V+A). This is the additive property of the elliptical curve.
Interesting note. If we add two reflections with each other aka if we were to add X and V+A in the graph above, we will get infinity. The reason for that is that the line through X and (V+A) will intersect the curve at infinity.
Multiplication property of the curve
Now, what if we want to add a number to itself? Like suppose we have a point V, what do we do to find 2V? We will run a tangent through V and intersect it at a point in the graph and then find the reflection of the point on the curve. That reflection will be 2V.

Image credit: CSBreakdown youtube channel
This is also the multiplicative property of the graph because we are finding points which are basically the multiplication of an integer with the point itself. Now suppose we want to find 3V. We will join V and 2V and then reflect the point of intersection, like this:

Image credit: CSBreakdown youtube channel
You see how the points cycle across the graph? This is what gives it its security.

Mathematical properties of an elliptical curve

Property #1: The points on the curve form an Abelian group
The properties of the Abelian group are as follows:
  • They have identity.
  • The have inverses aka reflections.
  • The points are associative meaning for three points A, B and C on the curve: (A+B) + C = A + (B+C).
  • The points are closed on the curve.
  • The points are commutative meaning for two points A and B. A+B = B+A.
Property #2: Multiplication on the curve is fast
All multiplication done on the curve can be done very fast. Now suppose we have a point P and we want to find 100P. Instead of adding the number to itself 100 times we can do the following:
  • Add the point P to itself to get 2P.
  • Add 2P and P to get 3P.
  • Add 3P to itself to get 6P.
  • Add 6P to itself to get 12P.
  • Add 12P to itself to get 24P.
  • Add 24P and P to get 25P.
  • Add 25P to itself to get 50P.
  • Add 50P to itself to get 100P.
So, instead of going through 99 steps you cut short the entire thing to just 8 steps.
Property #3: Division on the curve is slow
Whilst multiplication is fast, the division is very slow. Suppose we have Q = nP and we want to find the value of n by dividing Q by P. We can’t really do that. We will have to manually go through the numbers one by one to find a value which satisfies the equation. This makes it very slow. This is called the discrete logarithmic problem and this is what gives the curves its trapdoor function i.e. it is easy to multiply n and P to get Q but given Q and P it is infeasible to get n.

The elliptical curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange

So, till now we have seen the various properties of the curve and we have also seen that the curve has a trapdoor function. Now how do we determine whether it is usable for cryptography or not? Let’s test it out with the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Suppose we have Alice and Bob and they want to both come up with a common secret without anyone knowing what it is and without explicitly exchanging its information with one another. How will they do that via elliptical curves?
  • Firstly, they will publicly agree on a curve to use and a point P on the curve. This will be public knowledge and available to everyone.
  • In secret, however, Alice will choose a secret point “a” and Bob will choose a secret point “b”.
  • Alice will compute “aP” and send it over to Bob. Anyone can intercept this message, however, even with the knowledge of P they will never be able to determine the value of “a” because, as we have already determined, there is a trapdoor function which will make division infeasible.
  • Similarly, Bob will come up with the value “bP” and send it over to Alice.
  • Alice will then multiply her secret key to the message that she gets from Bob to get a(bP). Bob will do the same and come up with b(aP). Since all the points on the curve are Abelian: a(bP) = b(aP). And just like that, they have come upon a secret shared information.
So as we can see. The curve satisfies the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
So how does signature verification work on the elliptical curves?
(Note: This is what specifically happens in bitcoin)
Before we see how the process works let’s checkout certain variables and their meaning that we will be using the following equations.
  • Private key = d.
  • Message = z.
  • Public key = Q.
G will be a constant point on the graph which will be provided by bitcoin.
  • “k” is a random number which will be generated automatically for every unique signature.
  • “n” is another constant that will be provided by Bitcoin.
Ok, so now let’s see how the maths behind the verification work.
Signing a message
Public key Q = dG. (it is impossible to get the private key from Q and G because division in infeasible).
Now we will multiply the G with the random number “k” and plot that point on the graph. The co-ordinates of that point are (x,y). i.e. (x,y) = kG
Next, we determine two values r and s such that:
r = x mod n.
s = (z + rd) k^-1 mod n
The reason why we generate r and s is because these are the co-ordinates of our signature.
So, we send the point (r,s) for verification.
Verifying a message
The verifiers will conduct a simple equation:
z*s^-1*G + r*s^-1*Q
The value of this equation will give us the point (x,y).
Now, the verifiers can simply compare the x co-ordinates. They don’t have the x co-ordinate given directly to them from the sender BUT they have the values of r and n.
And as we already know that r = x mod n, and then they can simply solve for x.
If the values of x match out, then this means that the signature is verified!

Bonus: A deeper look into the maths

Let’s check out the equation that the verifiers will have to do once again:
  • Step 1: z*s^-1*G + r*s^-1*Q
We know that Q = d*G, let’s simply substitute the value.
  • Step 2: z*s^-1*g + r*s^-1*d*G
We can take (z + r*d) common
  • Step 3: (z + r*d)*s^-1*G
Now remember, we have already established that s = (z+r*d)*k^-1 mod n ,let’s substitute the values here:
  • Step 4: (z+r*d)*(z+r*d)^-1*k*G
The (z+r*d)*(z+r*d)^-1 cancel each other out and we are left with:
  • Step 5: k*G which is the co-ordinate (x,y) that the sender originally sent.
What could go wrong in Elliptical curves?
While it goes without saying that elliptical curves are the best mode of cryptography out there, the fact remains that it still has few vulnerabilities:
  • What if a wrong curve was chosen? If the curve has a loop in it then there is a possibility that 1001P = P for any point P on the curve.
  • A weak curve maybe is chosen which can be broken into.
It has its weaknesses but they are pretty manageable weaknesses.

RSA vs EEC. Why did bitcoin and ethereum go with elliptical curves?

The reason why EEC was chosen over RSA is because it offers the same level of security as RSA by consuming far less bits. Eg. for a 256-bit key in EEC to offer the same level of security RSA will have to provide a 3072-bit key. Similarly, for a 384-bit key in EEC the RSA will have to provide a 7680- bit key to provide the same level of security! As can be seen, EEC is far more efficient than RSA.
Fun Fact: The NSA has declared that a 384-bit key in EEC is strong and secure enough to encrypt top level secret documents.
How do the keys work in blockchain?
As mentioned above, bitcoin and ethereum use elliptical curve cryptography. So, what happens when someone sends you money on the blockchain? They send you the money to your public address which is basically the hash of your public key and some additional information. As we have seen above, the public key is derived mathematically from your private key.
Public and private keys are both large integer values and they are represented, for brevity’s sake, via the Wallet Import Format (WIF) which consists of letters and numbers. A sample private key and public address looks like this in WIF:
Obviously, you shouldn’t share your private key with the world like we just did! The private key is used to sign off on the transaction that the user wants to do. So, if someone has access to your private key, they can sign off on transactions using your private key and, in essence, steal from you. Also, as you can see, the private key is longer than the public address.
So, how is a public key derived from the private key in the blockchain? Let’s take the example of bitcoin for this specific example.
Suppose, Alice wants to generate her keys so that she can conduct transactions on the blockchain. This is what she will do:
  • First, she will generate her 256-bit private key. She can either do so manually OR she will use an auto-generator. This is an example of a private address generator that you can find in a wallet-generator.net:
  • Next, she will have to generate the public address which the algorithm inside that wallet will do automatically by following these steps.
  • First, her private key will be parsed through the SHA 256 hashing algorithm to get a hash.
  • Then hash will be parsed through the RIPE MD 160 function and a new hash will be generated and a copy of it will be kept aside, let’s call this PART A.
  • Then the hash will be hashed through SHA 256 to generate another hash.
  • Then the new hash will be hashed through SHA 256 again to generate another hash. The first 7 bits of this hash will be saved, let’s call it PART B.
  • PART A and PART B will be added up and the result is the public address.
It is infeasible for this process to be reversed in a way that the public address can be used to generate the private key. It will take the world’s most powerful computer 40000000000000000000000000000000 years to complete this calculation! Safe to say your address and key are secure.

So how does the signing process work (a simple overview)?

Suppose Alice wants to send 500 BTC to Bob. She will follow the following steps:
  • She will create transaction and sign it off with her private key.
  • She will the send the transaction to Bob’s public address.
  • Bob can then decrypt the message by using Alice’s public key to verify that it was indeed Alice who sent him the bitcoins and the transaction is deemed complete.
If this were to be shown in an image this is what it will look like:


So, as can be seen, public key cryptography aka asymmetric cryptography is one of the backbones of cryptocurrency. It is impossible to even imagine how bitcoin and ethereum would have been secure without it. Every time you make a transaction, be thankful to all the mathematicians and cryptographers who have made this wonderful medium possible.

What is Monero? The Ultimate Beginners Guide

According to Monero’s site: Monero is a secure, private and untraceable currency system. Monero uses a special kind of cryptography to ensure that all of its transactions remain 100% unlinkable and untraceable. In an increasingly transparent world, you can see why something like Monero can become so desirable. In this guide, we will see the mechanics behind Monero and see what makes it so special.

The origins of Monero

Back in July of 2012, Bytecoin, the first real life implementation of CryptoNote, was launched. CryptoNote is the application layer protocol that fuels various decentralized currencies. While it is similar to the application layer which runs bitcoin in many aspects, there a lot of areas where the two differ from each other.

While bytecoin had promise, people noticed that a lot of shady things were going on and that 80% of the coins were already published. So, it was decided that the bytecoin blockchain will be forked and the new coins in the new chain will be called Bitmonero, which is was eventually renamed Monero meaning “coin” in Esperanto. In this new blockchain, a block will be mined and added every two mins.

Monero is headed by a group of 7 developers of which 5 have chosen to remain anonymous while two have come out openly in public. They are: David Latapie and Riccardo Spagni aka “Fluffypony”.  The project is open source and crowdfunded.

Image courtesy: Coinsutra

Special features of Monero

So what is it about Monero that makes it so hot and in-demand. What are the unique properties that the CryptoNote algorithm gives it? Let’s check it out.

Property #1: Your currency is yours

You have complete control over your transactions. You are responsible for your money. Because your identity is private no one will be able to see what you are spending your money on.

Property #2: It is Fungible

Another interesting property that it gains, thanks to its privacy, is that it is truly fungible. What is fungibility? Investopedia defines fungibility as follows:

“Fungibility is a good or asset’s interchangeability with other individual goods or assets of the same type.”

So, what is fungible and what is non-fungible.

Suppose you borrowed $20 from a friend. If you return the money to him with ANOTHER $20 bill, then it is perfectly fine. In fact, you can even return the money to them in the form of 1 $10 bill and 2 $5 bills. It is still fine. The dollar has fungible properties (not all the time though).

However, if you were to borrow someone’s car for the weekend and come back and give them some other car in return, then that person will probably punch on the face. In fact, if you went away with a red Impala and came back with another red Impala then even that is not a done deal. Cars, in this example, are a nonfungible asset.

So, what is the deal with fungibility when it comes to cryptocurrency?

Let’s look at bitcoin for example. Bitcoin prides itself in being an open ledger and an open book. But what it also means is that everyone can see the transactions in it and more importantly, everyone can see the trail of that transaction. What this basically means is that suppose you own a bitcoin which once was used in some illegal transaction, eg. buying drugs, it would forever be imprinted in the transaction detail. What this in essence does is that it “taints” your bitcoin.

In certain bitcoin service providers and exchanges, these “tainted” coins will never be worth as much as “clean” coins. This kills fungibility and is one of the most often used criticisms against bitcoin. After all, why should you suffer if one of the previous owners of your bitcoin used it to make some illegal purchases?

This is where Monero comes in. Since all their data and transactions are private, no one can know what transactions your Monero has gone through before and neither can they know what was used to buy with your Monero. Since its transaction history can never be known, it also means that the “transaction” trail is non-existent. As a result of this, the concept of “tainted” Monero and “clean” Monero doesn’t exist, and hence they are fungible!

Property #3: Dynamic Scalability

The Bitcoin scalability issue has been a very hot topic in the crypto circles the past few months. So, to give you all a gist of the the situation, Bitcoin was created with a self-imposed 1 Mb block size limit. In its early developments bitcoin didn’t have any block size limit, however, in order to prevent spam transactions, the size limit was enforced.

Monero, on the other hand, has no “pre-set” size limit, but this also means that malicious miners can clog up the system with disproportionately huge blocks. To prevent this from happening, a block reward penalty is built into the system. This is how it works:

Firstly, the median size of the last 100 blocks is taken which is called M100. Now suppose the miners mined a new block and it has a particular size which is called “NBS” aka New Block Size. If NBS > M100, then the block reward gets reduced in quadratic dependency of how much NBS exceeds M100.

This means that if NBS is [10%, 50%, 80%, 100%] greater than M100, the block reward gets reduced by [1%, 25%, 64%, 100%]. Generally, blocks greater than 2*M100 are not allowed, and blocks <= 60kB are always free of any block reward penalties.

Property #4: ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) Resistant

Ok, before we get started, let’s just get this out of the way. Monero is not exactly “ASIC resistant”, but the cost of manufacturing ASICs for Monero would be so high that it simply won’t be worth it. Why is that the case? Remember, when we said that Monero was based on the CryptoNote system which makes it distinctly different from bitcoins? Well, the hashing algorithm used in CryptoNote based systems is called “CryptoNight”.

Cryptonight was created to build a fairer and more decentralized currency system. Cryptocurrencies which incorporate Cryptonight cannot be mined using. It was hoped that this would prevent the creation of mining pools and make the currency more evenly distributed.

So what are the properties of CryptoNight which makes it ASIC Resistant? (The following is taken from “user36303” answer in monero.stackexchange.com).

  • Cryptonight requires 2 MB of fast memory to work. This means that parallelizing hashes is limited by how much memory can be crammed in a chip while keeping cheap enough to be worth it. 2 MB of memory takes a lot more silicon than the SHA256 circuitry.

  • Cryptonight is built to be CPU and GPU friendly because it is designed to take advantage of AES-Ni instruction sets. Basically, some of the work done by Cryptonight is already being done in hardware when running on modern consumer machines.

  • There have been talks of moving Monero on from proof of work algorithm to “Cuckoo Cycle” (a different form of proof of work hash). If a switch like this does happen, then the amount of work spent in the R&D of Monero friendly ASICs would be meaningless.

Property #5: Multiple keys

One of the more confusing aspects of Monero is its multiple keys. In bitcoin, ethereum, etc. you just have one public key and one private key. However, in a system like Monero, it is not quite as simple as that.

View Keys: Monero has a public view key and a private view key.

  • The public view key is used to generate the one-time stealth public address where the funds will be sent to the receiver. (more on this later).
  • The private view key is used by the receiver to scan the blockchain to find the funds sent to them.

That’s the general overview of the process.

The public view key makes the first part of the Monero Address.

Spend Keys: If the view key was mostly for the recipient of a transaction, the spend key is all about the sender. As above, there are two spend keys: public spend key and private spend key.

  • The public spend key will help the sender take part in ring transactions and also verify the signature of the key image. (more on that later)
  • The private spend key helps in creating that key image which enables them to send transactions.

The public spend key makes the second part of the Monero address.

The Monero address btw is a 95-character string which is made of the public spend and public view key.

This can be very confusing right now, but just keep this information in your head, and it will become clearer with subsequent sections.
What is the cryptography involved in Monero?

How does a transaction in a cryptocurrency work?

Every transaction has two sides to it, the input side and the output side. Suppose Alice needs to send some bitcoins to Bob how will it look like?

Transaction Input

In order to make this transaction happen, Alice needs to get bitcoins which she has received from various previous transactions. Remember, as we said before, in bitcoins, each and every coin is accounted for via a transaction history. So Alice can make the outputs of her previous transactions the input of the new transaction. Later on, when we talk about “outputs”, especially in the ring signature section, we mean the outputs of the old transaction which become the inputs of the new transaction.

So, suppose Alice needs to pull bitcoins from the following transactions which we shall name TX(0), TX(1) and TX(2). These three transactions will be added together and that will give you the input transaction which we shall call TX(Input).

Diagrammatically, it will look like this:

So, that is it from the input side, let’s check out what the output side will look like.

Transaction Output

The output basically will have a number of bitcoins that Bob will possess post transaction and any remaining change that is left over, which is then sent back to Alice. This change then becomes her input value for all future transactions.

A pictorial representation of the output side looks like this:

Now, this is a very simple transaction that has just one output (apart from the CHANGE), there are transactions that are possible with multiple outputs.
Image courtesy: FluffyPony presentation.
What is Monero? The Ultimate Beginners Guide

Bitcoin transactions happen because of public key cryptography. To have a very basic understanding of how that works, check out this flowchart:

A bitcoin user first chooses their private key. The public key is then mathematically derived from the private key. The public key is then hashed to create a public address which is open to the world. So, if Alice were to send Bob some BTC, she simply has to send them to his public address.

Now, there is a problem with this system. The public address is well…public! Anyone on
the blockchain can know who that address belongs to and as a result checkout their entire transaction history and also a number of bitcoins that they own! While Bitcoin does a stellar job of being a decentralized cryptocurrency, it doesn’t really do a great job of being a private currency system.

This is the “Electronic cash triangle” as the Monero team puts it:

Image courtesy: FluffyPony presentation.

As they put it, an ideal Electronic cash should fulfill three requirements:
  • It should be electronic.
  • It should be decentralized.
  • It should be private.

With Monero, they are attempting to fulfill all these 3 criteria.

The underlying philosophy behind Monero is complete privacy and opaqueness.

  • The privacy of the sender is maintained by Ring Signatures.

  • The privacy of the recipient is maintained by Confidential Addresses.

  • The privacy of the transaction is maintained by Ring CT aka Ring Confidential Transactions.

Monero Cryptography #1: Ring Signatures

In order to understand what ring signatures are and how they help maintain the sender’s privacy let’s take a hypothetical real life example. When you are sending someone a check, you need to sign it off with your signature right? However, because of that, anyone who sees your check (and knows what your signature looks like) can tell that you are the person who has sent it.

Now think about this.

Suppose, you pick up 4 random people from the streets. And you merge your signatures with these 4 people to create a unique signature. Nobody will be able to find out whether it really is your signature or not.

That, in essence, is how ring signature works. Let’s see its mechanism in the context of Monero.

Suppose, Alice has to send 1000 XMR (XMR = Monero) to Bob, how will the system utilize ring signatures to hide her identity? (For simplicity’s sake, we are taking a pre- ringct implementation case..more on that later).

Firstly, she will determine her “ring size”. The ring size are random outputs taken from the blockchain which is of the same value as her output aka 1000 XMR. The bigger the ring size, the bigger the transaction and hence higher the transaction fees.  She then signs these outputs with her private spend key and sends it to the blockchain. Another thing to note, Alice doesn’t need to ask the owners of these previous transactions their permission to use the outputs.

So, suppose Alice chooses a ring size of 5 i.e. 4 decoy outputs and her own transaction, for an outsider, this is what it will look like:

Image courtesy: Monero Youtube channel.

In a ring signature transaction, any of the decoys is as likely of being an output as the actual output because of which any unintended third party (including the miners) won’t be able to know who the sender is.

Now, this brings us to a problem.

One of the many important roles that miners have is the prevention of “double spending”. Double spending basically means spending the exact same coin on more than one transactions at the same time. This problem is circumnavigated because of miners. In a blockchain, transactions happen only when miners put the transactions in the blocks that they have mined.

So suppose, A were to send 1 bitcoin to B and then he sends the same coin to C, the miners would put in one transaction inside the block and, in the process, overwrite the other one, preventing double spending in the process. But this is possible only when the miners can actually see what the inputs of the transaction actually is and who the sender is. In Monero, this is all hidden and cloaked thanks to the ring signatures. So how do they prevent double spends?

The answer lies in more ingenious cryptography.

Every transaction in Monero comes with its own unique key image. (we will see the mathematics behind key image later on). Since the key image is unique for every transaction, the miners can simply check it out and know whether a Monero coin is being double spent or not.

So, this is how Monero maintains the privacy of the sender by using ring transactions. Up next, we will see how Monero protects its receiver’s identity by the use of stealth addresses.

Monero Cryptography #2: Stealth Addresses

One of the biggest USP of Monero is transaction unlinkability. Basically, if someone sends you 200 XMR then, nobody should know that that money is coming to your address.  Basically, if Alice were to send money to Bob, only Alice should know that Bob is the recipient of her money and no one else.

So, how does Monero ensure Bob’s privacy?

Remember, Bob has 2 public keys, the public view key, and the public send key. For the transaction to go through, Alice’s wallet will use Bob’s public view key and the public spend key to generate a unique one-time public key.

This is the computation of the one-time public key (P).

  • P = H(rA)G + B

In this equation:

  • r = Random scalar chosen by Alice.
  • A = Bob’s public view key.
  • G = Cryptographic constant.
  • B = Bob’s public spend key.
  • H() = The Keccak hashing algorithm used by Monero.

The computation of this one-time public key generates a one-time public address called “stealth address” in the block chain where Alice sends her Monero intended for Bob. Now, how is Bob going to unlock his Monero from the random distribution of data?

Remember that Bob also has a private spend key?

This is where it comes into play. The private spend key basically helps Bob scan the blockchain for his transaction. When Bob comes across the transaction, he can calculate a private key which corresponds to the one-time public key and retrieves his Monero. So Alice paid Bob in Monero without anyone getting to know.

The Calculation of Key Images (a slight detour)

Before we continue, let’s go back to key images. So how is a key Image (I) calculated?

Now we know how the one-time public key (P) was calculated. And we have private spend key of the sender which we will call “x”.

  • I = xH(P).

Things to note from this equation.

  • It is infeasible to derive the one time public address P from the key image “I”(it is a property of the cryptographic hash function) and hence Alice’s identity will never be exposed.
  • P will always give the same value when it’s hashed, meaning H(P) will always be the same. What this means is, since the value of “x” is constant for Alice, she will never be able to generate multiple values of “I”. Which makes the key image unique for every transaction.

Monero Cryptography #3: Ring Confidential Transactions

So, now we have seen how the spender can be kept anonymous and we have seen how the receiver is kept anonymous. But what about the transaction itself? Is there a way to make sure that the transaction amount itself is hidden?

Before the implementation of Ring CT, the transactions used to happen like this:

If Alice had to send 12.5 XMR to bob, then the output will be broken down into 3 transactions of 10,2 and .5. Each of those transactions will get their own ring signatures and then added to the blockchain:

Image courtesy: Monero Youtube

While this did safeguard the sender’s privacy, what it did was that it made the transactions visible to everyone.

To address this issue, Ring CT was implemented which was based on the research done by Gregory Maxwell. What RingCT does is simple, it hides the transaction amounts in the blockchain. What this also means is that any transaction inputs don’t need to be broken down into known denominations, a wallet can now pick up ring members from any Ring CT outputs.

Think of what that does to the privacy of the transaction?

Since there are so many more options to choose rings from and the value is not even known, it is now impossible to be aware of any particular transaction.

These 3 factors work in harmony to create a system where total privacy is afforded. But this was still not enough for the Monero developers. They needed an extra layer of security.

Kovri and I2P

I2p or invisible internet project is a routing system that allows applications to send messages to each other privately without any outside interference. Kovri is a C++ implementation of I2P which is supposed to be integrated with the Monero code.

If you are using Monero then Kovri will hide your internet traffic such that passive network monitoring won’t reveal that you are using Monero at all. In order for this to function, all of your Monero traffic will be encrypted and routed through the I2P nodes. The nodes are like blind gatekeepers. They will know that your messages are passing through but will have no idea where exactly they are going and what are the contents of the messages.

It is hoped that the relationship between I2P and Monero will be a symbiotic once because:

  • Monero will be getting an extra layer of protection.
  • The number of nodes being used in I2P will significantly increase post implementation.

Kovri is still in developmental stage (as of writing) and has not been implemented yet.

Monero value and transaction cap

Monero’s growth has been pretty amazing to watch. Checkout their graph:
Image Courtesy: Coinmarketcap

As of writing, there are 15,054,759 XMR in circulation and each Monero is worth $114.83. The total market cap of Monero sits at $1,728,798,235.

In total there are 18.4 million XMR and mining is projected to go on until 31st May 2022. After that, the system is designed such that 0.3 XMR/min is fed continuously into it. This has been done so that miners would have the incentive to continue mining and won’t have to depend on just transaction fees after all the Monero has been mined out.

How to store Moneros?

The simplest way to store Monero is by going to “mymonero.com”

Step 1: Click on “Create a new account”

Step 2: Take note of your private login key

Step 3: Type in your private login key to log in and find your public address!

And you are done!

Simple, wasn’t it?

Just be careful to never reveal your private login key.
If you ever forget your key, then click on Account and then click on “Review Login Key”.

And you can review the private login key:

How straightforward is that?

Monero Vs Bitcoin

So, comparisons can obviously not be avoided let’s look at how both these coins stack up.

Bitcoin prides itself on its open transparency. The blockchain is literally an open ledger that anyone, anywhere can access the blockchain and read up on all past transactions. Bitcoins are relatively simple to access and use.

Monero, on the other hand, is built for complete and utter privacy. All the transactions are completely secret. Monero can be a little complicated to understand and access for beginners.

The following table by Lindia Xie in her Medium article makes a fine comparison between bitcoin and Monero:

Edit: Current market cap for BTC is $68,242,637,715 and the current market cap for Monero is $1,728,798,235

The pros and cons of Monero

  • One of the best privacy features on any cryptocurrency.
  • The transactions are not linkable.
  • The transactions are not traceable.
  • The blockchain doesn’t have a block limit and is dynamically scalable.
  • Even when the Monero supply runs out there will be a continuous 0.3 XMR/min supply to incentivize the miners.
  • Has achieved staggering growth financially.
  • It is selectively transparent. Anyone can make their transactions visible to their person of choice eg. an auditor by giving them their private view key. This also makes Monero auditable.
  • Has a very capable and strong developmental team leading the charge.

  • Even though Monero was made ASIC resistant to prevent centralization, ~43% of hashrate of Monero is owned by 3 mining pools:

Image Courtesy: Monero Hash.
  • Monero transaction are significantly larger than other cryptos like bitcoin because of the amount of encryption involved.
  • There is not much wallet compatibility for Monero. In fact, there are no hardware wallets compatible with Monero (as of writing).
  • It is not beginner friendly and has not been as widely accepted and adopted.
  • Because it is not a bitcoin based coin, Monero has faced difficult issues in the sense that it is harder to add things to it.

The future of Monero

There is no doubt that as the future becomes more open and decentralized, Monero will become more and more alluring for the privacy it offers. What is particularly interesting is that it is one of the few non-bitcoin based coins which has the potential of truly making it big. Interesting times lie ahead for Monero, and with the staggering growth that it has already undergone, the future looks very bright indeed. It will be interesting to see how things look like once Kovri is implemented.

What is Segwit? A Beginners Crash Course!

If you are interested in cryptocurrency, then there is no way you haven’t head of “Segregated Witness” or Segwit before. Some people think that this is going to revolutionize Bitcoin, while some have been so disillusioned by it that they preferred going their own way with a whole new form of Bitcoin called Bitcoin Cash!

So what is Segwit?

In order to understand this, we will need to understand some core concepts first.
How do transactions in a Bitcoin work?
Before we continue, a huge shout out to Professor Donald J Patterson and his Youtube channel “djp3” for the explanation.

Suppose Alice wants to send a certain number of bitcoins to Bob. How does the transaction system in Bitcoin work? Bitcoin transactions are very different from Fiat wallet transactions. If Alice was to give $2 to Bob, she would physically take 2 dollars from her wallet and give it to Bob. However, things don’t work like that in Bitcoin. You don’t physically own any Bitcoin, what you have is the proof that you have Bitcoins.

There are two more things that you need to know:

  • The miners validate your transactions by putting the data inside the mines that they have blocked. In return for giving this service, they charge a transaction fee.

  • When it comes to FIAT currency, you don’t really keep track of how and where you got that specific note from. Eg. Open your wallet right now and take out all the notes and coins in it. Can you tell where exactly did you get each and every specific note and coin from? Chances are that you don’t. However, in bitcoin, the history of each and every single bitcoin transaction is taken note of.

Ok, so now let’s do a deep dive into how a bitcoin transaction between Alice and Bob takes place. There are two sides to a transaction, the Input, and the Output. This entire Transaction will have a name that we will figure out in the end. For now, let’s look at the dynamics.

Transaction Input

In order to make this transaction happen, Alice needs to get bitcoins which she has received from various previous transactions. Remember, like we said before, in bitcoins, each and every coin is accounted for via a transaction history.

So, suppose Alice needs to pull bitcoins from the following transactions which we shall name TX(0), TX(1) and TX(2). These three transactions will be added together and that will give you the input transaction which we shall call TX(Input).

Diagrammatically, it will look like this:

So, that is it from the input side, let’s check out what the output side will look like.

Transaction Output
The output basically will have a number of bitcoins that Bob will possess post transaction and any remaining change that is left over, which is then sent back to Alice. This change then becomes her input value for all future transactions.

A pictorial representation of the output side looks like this:

Now, this is a very simple transaction that has just one output (apart from the CHANGE), there are transactions that are possible with multiple outputs.

This is what the basic layout of the transaction looks like. For this entire thing to go through, however, certain conditions must be met.

Conditions of a transaction

  • TX(Input) > TX(output). The input transaction has to be always greater than the output transaction. In any transaction, the deficit between the input and the output (output+change) is the transaction fees that miners collect. So:Transaction fees = TX(Input) – (TX(output) + Change).

  • In the input side:TX(0) + TX(1) + TX(2) = TX(Input).If Alice doesn’t have the funds necessary to carry out the transactions then the miners will simply reject the transactions.

  • Bob will have to show that he can provide the proof needed to get the bitcoins. Alice will lock the transactions with Bob’ public address. He will need to produce his private key to unlock the transactions and gain access to his fees.

  • Alice also needs to verify that she has the required rights to send over the bitcoins in the first place. The way she does that is by signing off the transaction with her digital signature (aka her private key). Anyone can decode this by using her public key and verify that it was indeed Alice who sent over the data. This proof is called “Signature data”. Remember this because this will be very important later on.

So, what is going to be the name of this entire transaction?

The Input (including the signature data) and the output data is added together and hashed using the SHA 256 hashing algorithm. The output hash is the name that is given to this transaction.

The transaction details code
This is what the transaction looks like in the code form. Suppose Alice wants to send 0.0015 BTC to Bob and in order to do so, she sends inputs which are worth 0.0015770 BTC. This is what the transaction detail looks like:

Image courtesy: djp3 youtube channel.

The first thing that you see:
Is the name of the Transaction aka the hash of the input and output value.

Vin_sz is the number of input data since Alice is sending the data using only one of her previous transactions, it is 1.

Vout_sz is 2 because the only outputs are Bob and the change.

This is the Input data:

See the input data? Alice is only using one input transaction (in the example that we gave above, this will be TX(0)), this is the reason why vin_sz was 1.

Below the input data is her signature data.

Underneath all this is the output data:
The first part of the data signifies that Bob is getting 0.0015 BTC.

The second part signifies that 0.00005120 BTC is what Alice is getting back as change.

Now, remember that out input data was 0.0015770 BTC? This is greater than (0.0015 + 0.00005120). The deficit of these two values is the transaction fee that the miners are collecting.

So, this is the anatomy of a simple transaction.

Before we continue though, let’s discuss a special kind of transaction called Coinbase transaction. It is basically the first transaction data that is on the block, and it signifies the mining reward that miners get upon mining the block. As of right now, the reward is 12.5 BTC. These transactions have no input data and they only have output data. Remember this because this will become important later on.

What is the scalability problem?

Now, remember, all the transactions that happen in the blockchain carry through because miners actually mine these blocks and put the transactions in the blocks to validate them. But, there are only so many transactions that you can put in the block. When Bitcoin was first conceived there was no block limit.
However, Satoshi Nakamoto (the founder(s) of Bitcoin) was forced to add the limit because they foresaw a possible DoS attack (denial of service attack) that hackers and trolls can inflict on the blockchain. They may stuff the blocks with spam transactions, and they may mine blocks which could be unnecessarily big in order to clog up the system. As a result of which the blocks were given a 1 MB size limit.

This was workable in the beginning, but as its popularity kept getting bigger and bigger, a number of transactions started adding up. This graph shows the number of transactions that are happening per month:

As you can see, the number of monthly transactions is only increasing and with the current 1mb block size limit, bitcoin can only handle 4.4 transactions per second. One of the biggest reasons why transactions are bulky and take up so much space is because of the signature data that is in it (we did tell you to keep this in mind). The fact is, that 65% of the space that the transaction uses is taken up by the signature data.

As the number of transactions increased by leaps and bounds, the rate at which the blocks filled up increased as well. More often than not, people actually had to wait till new blocks were created so that their transactions would go through. This created a backlog of transactions, in fact, the only way to get your transactions prioritized was to pay a high enough transaction fee to attract and incentivize the miners to prioritize your transactions.

This introduced the “replace-by-fee” system. Basically, this is how it works. Suppose Alice is sending 5 bitcoins to Bob, but the transaction is not going through because of a backlog. She can’t “delete” the transaction because bitcoins once spent can never come back. However, she can do another transaction of 5 bitcoins with Bob but this time with transaction fees which are high enough to incentivize the miners. As the miners put her transaction in the block, it will also overwrite the previous transaction and make it null and void.

While the “replace-by-fee” system is profitable for the miners, it is pretty inconvenient for users who may not be that well to do. In fact, here is a graph of the waiting time that a user will have to go through if they paid the minimum possible transaction fees:

Image courtesy: Business Insider.

If you pay the lowest possible transaction fees, then you will have to wait for a median time of 13 mins for your transaction to go through.
A possible solution that was thought of to speed up the transactions was the introduction of Lightning Network.

What is the lightning network?

The lightning netwok is an off-chain micropayment system which is designed to make transactions work faster in the blockchain.  It was conceptualized by Joseph Poon and Tadge Dryja in their white paper which aimed to solve the block size limit and the transaction delay issues. It operates on top of Bitcoin and is often referred to as “Layer 2”.
As Jimmy Song notes in his medium article:

“The Lightning Network works by creating a double-signed transaction. That is, we have a new check that requires both parties to sign for it to be valid. The check specifies how much is being sent from one party to another. As new micro-payments are made from one party to the other, the amount on the check is changed and both parties sign the result.”

The network will enable Alice and Bob to transact with each other without the being held captive by a third part aka the miner. In order to activate this, the transaction needs to be signed off by both Alice and Bob before it is broadcasted into the network. This double signing is critical in order for the transaction to go through.

However, here is where we face another problem.

Since the double check relies heavily upon the transaction identifier, if for some reason the identifier is changed, this will cause an error in the system and the Lightning Network will not activate. In case, you are wondering what the transaction identifier is, it is the transaction name aka the hash of the input and output transactions. In the example we have given before:
This is the transaction identifier.

Now, you might be wondering, what would cause the transaction identifier to change? This brings us to an interesting bug in the bitcoin system called, “Transaction Malleability”.

What is transaction malleability?

Before we understand what transaction malleability is, it is important to recap one of the most important functions in the cryptoeconomics model…hashing. We have written an article before which covers hashing in detail. Just to give you a brief overview, a hashing function can take in any input of any length but the output it gives is always of a fixed length.

However, there is one another important function of hashing that you need to know to understand the “transaction malleability bug” as it is called. Any small change in the input data will drastically change the output hash.

Eg. Check out this test that we did with SHA-256 aka the hashing algorithm used in bitcoin:
See that?
We just changed “T” from uppercase to lowercase, and look at what it did to the output!

One more thing that you need to understand about the blockchain is that it is immutable, meaning, once the data has been inserted in a block, it can never ever be changed. While this proves a safety net against corruption, there was one weakness that nobody saw coming.

What if, the data was tampered with before it even entered the block? Even if people found out about it later on, there was nothing that anyone can do about it because data once entered in a block can never be taken out! That in essence is why malleability of transactions is such a problem.

Now, why does transaction malleability happen?

Turns out that the signature that goes along with the input data can be manipulated, which in turn can change the transaction ID. In fact, it can make it seem like the transaction didn’t even happen in the first place. Let’s see this in an example.

Suppose Bob wants Alice to send him 3 BTC. Alice initiates a 3 BTC transaction to Bob’s public address and then sends it over to the miners for approval. While the transaction is waiting in the queue, Bob uses transaction malleability to alter Alice’s signature and change the transaction ID.

Now there is a chance that this tampered transaction will be approved before Alice’s gets approved, which in turn overwrites Alice’s transaction. When Bob gets his 3 BTC, he can simply tell Alice that he didn’t get the 3 BTC that she owed him. Alice will then see that her transaction didn’t go through and will them resend it. As a result, Bob will end up with 6 BTC instead of 3 BTC.

That is how transaction malleability can work and this is a serious problem. Check this out:

Image courtesy: Bitcoin Magazine.

These are statistics from the 2015 malleability attack on Bitcoin. The red lines roughly represent malleated transactions on the network

Now, remember what we said in the beginning? Transaction malleability was happening because the signature data is temperable.  So, not only was the signature data eating up block space, it was also posing a serious threat with transaction malleability.

The solution and the fears of a hard fork

Way back in 2012 people were exploring the idea of taking signature data away from the transactions. People like Russell O’Connor, Gregory Maxwell, Luke Dashjr and Dr. Adam Back were working on a way to make this work, but they all were hitting a wall. They realized that the only way that this could go forward was to do a hard fork, and nobody wanted to do that.

But then, in 2015 Blcokstream’s Dr. Peter Wiulle came up with a possible solution.

Sidechains and Segwit

Sidechain as a concept has been in the bitcoin circles for quite some time now. The idea is very straight forward; you have a parallel chain which runs along with the main chain. The side chain will be attached to the main chain via a two-way peg.

This is what Blockstream’s initial idea of the Bitcoin blockchain and a sidechain looked like:

Image courtesy: Bitcoin Magazine

What Dr. Wiulle thought of was simple why not add a feature to this sidechain? This feature would include the signature data of all transactions, separating it from the main chain in the process. This feature would be called Segregated Witness aka Segwit.

This is what a block would look like once it implements segwit:

So by removing the signature data from the transactions, it was killing two birds with one stone, the block space got emptier and the transactions became malleable free. There was one more thing that needed to be worked on, however. Segwit activation was possible only via a hardfork, which is what everyone wanted to avoid. The developers wanted to look at soft fork alternatives. That was when Luke Dashjr hit gold.

Segwit as a soft fork

To utilize segwit as a soft fork the developers had to come up with 2 ingenious innovations. They are as follows:

  • Arrange the signature data in the side chains in the form of a Merkle Tree.
  • Keep a part of the signature data in a new part of the block.

Before we continue, let’s a do a brief refresher of Merkle trees.

What is a Merkle Tree?

Image Courtesy: Wikipedia

The above diagram shows what a Merkle tree looks like. In a Merkle tree, each non-leaf node is the hash of the values of their child nodes.

Leaf Node: The leaf nodes are the nodes in the lowest tier of the tree. So wrt the diagram above, the leaf nodes will be L1, L2, L3 and L4.
Child Nodes: For a node, the nodes below its tier which are feeding into it are its child nodes. Wrt the diagram, the nodes labeled “Hash 0-0” and “Hash 0-1” are the child nodes of the node labeled “Hash 0”.

Root Node: The single node on the highest tier labeled “Top Hash” is the root node aka the Merkle root.
What is Segwit? A Beginners Crash Course!
All the transactions inside a block are arranged in the form of a Merkle tree, and the Merkle root of all that data is kept inside the block. The transactions can all be accessed by traversing through the Merkle root.

(If you want a detailed explanation of Merkle Trees and their application in Blockchain then checkout our article on “Hashing”).

So, what the segwit developers suggested was, why not run another Merkle tree, but only with the signature data? That was the first innovation.

The second innovation was knowing where exactly to put the Merkle root of the signature data. The developers knew that in order to activate the segwit soft fork, the signature root needed to be placed in the block. The spot that they chose was the coinbase transaction spot. Now remember, we talked about this before, the coinbase transaction is the first transaction that takes place in a block, this basically the transaction that gives miners their reward and had no input value whatsoever.

What the developers didn’t realize was by doing so they were unwittingly stumbling on something that would have far wider repercussions.

By putting the signature merkle in a new place in the block, they were increasingly the block size…without actually increasing the block size limit in the first place! So basically what segwit achieved was that they increased the block size AND made the whole transition backwards compatible aka a soft fork! This was a major breakthrough which gave the bitcoin network a temporary fix for their scaling issues.

The Hong Kong Scalability Convention and segwit detractors

In the 2015 Hong Kong convention, Dr Wiulle introduced the Segwit proposal which was largely received very well. This was supposed to be the answer that everyone was looking for. It was hoped that everyone would jump on board, however it didn’t work out that way.  Some of the miners had a big problem with Segwit.

When the developers built SegWit they added a special clause to it. It can only be activated when it has 95% approval from the miners. After all, it is a huge change in the system and they figured that getting a super majority was the way to go. However, this caused a disruption in the system. Some of the miners didn’t want segwit to activate. They were afraid that since the available block space will increase, there will be more space available for transactions and that will reduce the waiting time.

This, in turn, will reduce the transaction fees and kill off the “replace-by-fee” system which are their main modes of income (apart from the block reward). So as a result, the implementation of segwit was stalled. This, in turn, infuriated the users. In the context of a blockchain, users are people who run nodes in the blockchain network. They realized that something needed to be done to encourage the miners to mine segwit activated blocks.

Along with the miners, there were some developers who weren’t happy with the segwit solution. In their eyes, a temporary solution wasn’t good enough, something more permanent, like a block size increase, was needed. One of the bitcoin clients offering block size increase named “Bitcoin Unlimited”, was gaining a lot of support. The CEO of DCG Barry Silbert believed that the bitcoin community was under a lot of turmoil and, if not addressed, could lead to a lot of tensions in the future. He called in everyone for a truce meeting in New York. The outcome of this meeting is what is known as “The New York Agreement”.

The New York Agreement

On May 21 2017, prominent members of the Bitcoin community met in New York for the convention. After a lot of deliberations, a compromise was reached between the pro-segwit and the pro-blocksize increase camp. The outcome of the meeting is often called “The New York Agreement” or Segwit2x. It is basically a 2 stage agreement.

  • Stage 1: Segwit gets up and running. The percentage of miners who need to consent to get this up and running goes down from 95% to 80%. Post the soft fork, any miners who mine blocks which are not segwit friendly will automatically be rejected from the blockchain. Miners who showed their support to this started including the letters “NYA” in their blocks.

  • Stage 2: 6 months after segwit activation, the blockchain will undergo a hardfork and the block sizes will be increased from 1 mb to 2 mb.

Image courtesy: DCG article in Medium.

Aftermath of the New York Agreement

There were some very vocal detractors of the segwit2x. In fact, this led on to the series of events which eventually gave birth to Bitcoin Cash. However, a lot of the members in the community decided that this was the best path moving forward for bitcoin. Everyone was very excited about the upcoming segwit activation which was going to be around mid-July. But then something happened, because of a lot of complications, the miners missed the window!

Segwit was not activated when it should have and that caused widespread panic because it was felt that this would split the Bitcoin Core community even more. This dropped BTC’s price from $2500 all the way down to $1900…the lowest it has been in over a month. This drop in price startled the mining community and sprung them into action. By 20th July, the first stage of segwit activation, the BIP 91 activation was locked in. By August 8th the point of no return was reached and finally, on August 24th, Segwit got activated. Let’s see what Segwit had to say about that:

Image courtesy: segwit.co

The pros and cons of Segwit

Pros of segwit:
  • Increases the number of transactions that a block can take.
  • Decreases transaction fees.
  • Reduces the size of each individual transaction.
  • Transactions can now be confirmed faster because the waiting time will decrease.
  • Helps in the scalability of bitcoin.
  • Since the number of transactions in each block will increase, it may increase the total overall fees that a miner may collect.
  • Removes transaction malleability.
  • Aids in the activation of lightning protocol.
  • Removes the quadratic hashing problem: Quadratic hashing is an issue that comes along with block size increase. The problem is that in certain transactions, signature hashing scales quadratically:
Image courtesy: Bitcoincore.org

Basically, doubling the amount of transactions in a block will double a number of transactions and that, in turn, will double the amount of signature data that will be inside each of those transactions. This would make the transactions even bulkier and increase the transaction time by a huge amount. This opens the gates for malicious parties who may want to spam the blockchain.
Segwit resolves this by changing the calculation of the signature hash and make the whole process more efficient as a result.

Cons of segwit:

  • Miners will now get lesser transaction fees for each individual transaction.
  • The implementation is complex and all the wallets will need to implement segwit themselves. There is a big chance that they may not get it right the first time.
  • It will significantly increase the usage of resources since the capacity, transactions, bandwidth everything will increase.
  • As the creation of Bitcoin Cash shows, it did ultimately split up the Bitcoin Core community.
  • Another problem with Segwit is the maintenance. The sidechain containing the signature data will need to be maintained by miners as well. However, unlike the main blockchain, the miners have no financial benefits on doing so, it will need to be done pro-bono or some reward scheme needs to be thought of to incentivize the miners.

Looking Forward

The following few months could be the most important and exciting times in Bitcoin history since Satoshi Nakamoto first published the Bitcoin white paper. Let’s see what the future potentially holds for various parties.

Bitcoin Core
BTC has been growing from strength to strength post-Segwit activation:

Image Courtesy: Coindesk

On September 2, 2017, BTC hit record highs on $5000 before quickly readjusting to $4690. BTC finally scaled the $5000 mountain and there is no reason why that can’t become the new norm.

Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash provides a very interesting case study and a very strong option for anyone who is looking to diversify their crypto portfolio. No one can say what will happen in its future but one thing’s for sure, it has the potential to be a long term BTC alternative.

What is Bitcoin Cash? A Basic Beginners Guide

In this guide, we are going to be telling you about all the incidents that have led up to the creation of Bitcoin Cash. This is purely for educational purposes.
Bitcoin is, without a doubt, one of the most incredible innovations in the recent past. However, it has also come under a lot of criticism for its scalability issues which has given rise to a lot of debates which are politically as well as ideologically motivated. Finally, on August 1, 2017, bitcoin went through a hard fork which gave birth to Bitcoin Cash. We are not going to be telling you which side is right and which side is wrong, that is totally up to you.


How do bitcoin transactions work?

Bitcoin was introduced by an unknown man/woman/group going by the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto in their, now legendary, research paper “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. What bitcoin provided was a peer-to-peer decentralized, digital currency system. The entire system of bitcoin functions due to the work was done by a group of people called “miners”.

So what do these miners do? The two biggest activities that they do are:
  • Mining for blocks.
  • Adding transactions to the blocks.

Mining for blocks
All the miners use their computing power to look for new blocks to add to the blockchain. The process follows the “proof of work” protocol and once a new block has been discovered, the miners responsible for the discovery get a reward, currently set at 12.5 bitcoins (it is halved after every 210,000 blocks), however, this isn’t the only incentive that the miners have.

Adding transactions to the blocks
When a group of miners discovers and mine a new a new block, they become temporary dictators of that block. Suppose Alice has to send 5 bitcoins to Bob, she isn’t physically sending him any money, the miners have to actually add this transaction to the blocks in the chain and only then is this transaction deemed complete. In order to add these transactions to the blocks, the miners can charge a fee. If you want your transaction to be added quickly to these blocks, then you can give the miners a higher fee to “cut in line” so to speak.

For a transaction to be valid, it must be added to a block in the chain. However, this is when a problem arises, a block in the chain has a size limit of 1 MB and there are only so many transactions that can go at once. This was manageable before, but then something happened which made this a huge problem, bitcoin became famous!

The bitcoin scalability problem aka does size matter?

Yes, Bitcoin became popular and with that came its own series of problems.
In this graph you can see the number of transactions happening per month:

Image source: Wikipedia

As you can see, the number of monthly transactions is only increasing and with the current 1mb block size limit, bitcoin can only handle 4.4 transactions per second. When Bitcoin was first created, the developers put the 1mb size limit by design because they wanted to cut down on the spam transactions which may clog up the entire Bitcoin network.

However, as the number of transactions increased by leaps and bounds, the rate at which the blocks filled up were increasing as well. More often than not, people actually had to wait till new blocks were created so that their transactions would go through. This created a backlog of transactions, in fact, the only way to get your transactions prioritized is to pay a high enough transaction fee to attract and incentivize the miners to prioritize your transactions.

This introduced the “replace-by-fee” system. Basically, this is how it works. Suppose Alice is sending 5 bitcoins to Bob, but the transaction is not going through because of a backlog. She can’t “delete” the transaction because bitcoins once spent can never come back. However, she can do another transaction of 5 bitcoins with Bob but this time with transaction fees which are high enough to incentivize the miners. As the miners put her transaction in the block, it will also overwrite the previous transaction and make it null and void.

While the “replace-by-fee” system is profitable for the miners, it is pretty inconvenient for users who may not be that well to do. In fact, here is a graph of the waiting time that a user will have to go through if they paid the minimum possible transaction fees:

Image courtesy: Business Insider.

If you pay the lowest possible transaction fees, then you will have to wait for a median time of 13 mins for your transaction to go through.
To repair this inconvenience, it was suggested that the block size should be increased from 1mb to 2mb. As simple as that suggestion sounds, it is not that easy to implement, and this has given rise to numerous debates and conflicts with team 1mb and team 2mb ready to go at each other with pitchforks. As already mentioned, we want to take a neutral stance in this whole debate and we would like to present the arguments made by both sides.

Arguments against block size increase

  • Miners will lose incentive because transaction fees will decrease: Since the block sizes will increase transactions will be easily inserted, which will significantly lower the transaction fees. There are fears that this may disincentivize the miners and they may move on to greener pastures. If the number of miners decreases then this will decrease the overall hashrate of bitcoin.

  • Bitcoins shouldn’t be used for everyday purposes: Some members of the community don’t want bitcoin to be used for regular everyday transactions. These people feel that bitcoins have a higher purpose than just being regular everyday currency.

  • It will split the community: A block size increase will inevitably cause a fork in the system which will make two parallel bitcoins and hence split the community in the process. This may destroy the harmony in the community.

  • It will cause increased centralization: Since the network size will increase, the amount of processing power required to mine will increase as well. This will take out all the small mining pools and give mining powers exclusively to the large scale pools. This will in turn increase centralization which goes against the very essence of bitcoins.

Arguments for the block size increase

  • Block size increase actually works to the miner’s benefit: Increased block size will mean increase transactions per block which will, in turn, increase a number of transaction fees that a miner may make from mining a block.

  • Bitcoin needs to grow more and be more accessible for the “common man”. If the block size doesn’t change then there is a very real possibility that the transactions fees will go higher and higher. When that happens, the common man will never be able to use it and it will be used exclusively only by the rich and big corporations. That has never been the purpose of bitcoin.

  • The changes won’t happen all at once, they will gradually happen over time. The biggest fear that people have when it comes to the block size change is that too many things are going to be affected at the same time and that will cause major disruption. However, people who are “pro block size increase” think that that’s an unfounded fear as most of the changes will be dealt with over a period of time.

  • There is a lot of support for block size increase already and people who don’t get with the times may get left behind.

In order to solve the scalability issues there were two suggestions made:
  • A soft fork.
  • A hard fork.

Before we go into any of them, however, let’s understand the fundamental difference between a soft fork and a hard fork. A fork is a condition whereby the state of the blockchain diverges into chains were a part of the network has a different perspective on the history of transactions than a different part of the network. That is basically what a fork is, it is a divergence in the perspective of the state of the blockchain.

What Is A Soft Fork?

Whenever a chain needs to be updated there are two ways of doing that: a soft fork or a hard fork. Think of soft fork as an update in the software which is backwards compatible. What does that mean? Suppose you are running MS Excel 2005 in your laptop and you want to open a spreadsheet built in MS Excel 2015, you can still open it because MS Excel 2015 is backwards compatible.

BUT, having said that there is a difference. All the updates that you can enjoy in the newer version won’t be visible to you in the older version. Going back to our MS excel analogy again, suppose there is a feature which allows to put in GIFs in the spreadsheet in the 2015 version, you won’t see those GIFs in the 2005 version. So basically, you will see all text but won’t see the GIF.

What Is A Hard Fork?

The primary difference between a soft fork and hardfork is that it is not backward compatible. Once it is utilized there is absolutely no going back whatsoever. If you do not join the upgraded version of the blockchain then you do not get access to any of the new updates or interact with users of the new system whatsoever. Think PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. You can’t play PS3 games on PS4 and you can’t play PS4 games on PS3.

Andreas Antonopoulos describes the difference between hard and soft fork like this:
If a vegetarian restaurant would choose to add pork to their menu it would be considered to be a hard fork. if they would decide to add vegan dishes, everyone who is vegetarian could still eat vegan, you don’t have to be vegan to eat there, you could still be vegetarian to eat there and meat eaters could eat there too so that’s a soft fork.

However, for any major changes to happen in bitcoin, the system needs to come to a consensus. So, how does a decentralized economy come to an agreement on anything?
Right now the two biggest ways that are achieved are:
  • Miner Activated: Basically changes that are voted on by miners.
  • User Activated.: Changes that are voted on by people with active nodes.

Before we go on any further, we need to understand what Segwit is.

What is segwit?

We won’t go very deep into what segwit is but, in order to get why bitcoin cash came about, it is important to have an idea of what it is. Just to reiterate what we have mentioned before, we won’t be taking any side in this debate, we will simply be educating you about it.

When you closely examine a block, this is what it looks like:

Image Courtesy: Riaz Faride

There is the block header of course which has 6 elements in it, namely:
  • Version.
  • Previous block hash.
  • Transaction Merkle roots.
  • Epoch time stamp.
  • Difficulty target.
  • Nonce.
And along with the block header, there is the body, and the body is full of transactions details.
So, what does a bitcoin transaction consist of? Any transaction consists of 3 elements:
  • The sender details which is the input.
  • The receiver details i.e. the output.
  • The digital signature.

The digital signature is extremely important because it is what verifies whether the sender actually has the required amount of funds needed to get the transaction done or not. As you can see in the diagram above, it is part of the input data.  Now, while this is all very important data there is a big big problem with it. It takes up way too much space. Space that already is in limited availability thanks to the 1 MB block size. In fact, the signature accounts for nearly 65% of the space taken by a transaction!

Dr. Peter Wuille has come up with a solution for this, he calls it Segregated Witness aka Segwit.
This is what will happen once segwit is activated, all the sender and receiver details will go inside the main block, however, the signatures will go into a new block called the “Extended Block”.

What is Bitcoin Cash? A Basic Beginners Guide
So what this will do is that it will create more space in the blocks for more transactions. Now that you have a very basic understanding of what segwit is, let’s check out its pros and cons.

What are the pros and cons of segwit?

Pros of segwit:
  • Increases a number of transactions that a block can take.
  • Decreases transaction fees.
  • Reduces the size of each individual transaction.
  • Transactions can now be confirmed faster because the waiting time will decrease.
  • Helps in the scalability of bitcoin.
  • Since the number of transactions in each block will increase, it may increase the total overall fees that a miner may collect.

Cons of segwit:
  • Miners will now get lesser transaction fees for each individual transaction.
  • The implementation is complex and all the wallets will need to implement segwit themselves. There is a big chance that they may not get it right the first time.
  • It will significantly increase the usage of resources since the capacity, transactions, bandwidth everything will increase.

When the developers built SegWit they added a special clause to it. It can only be activated when it has 95% approval from the miners. After all, it is a huge change in the system and they figured that getting a super majority was the way to go. However, this caused a disruption in the system. Most miners don’t want segwit to be activated. They are afraid that since the available block space will increase, it will drastically reduce the transaction fees that they can get. As a result, they stalled segwit which in turn infuriated the users and businesses who desperately want segwit to be activated.

Eventually, they came up with the idea of a UASF aka User Activated Soft Fork called BIP 148.

What is a BIP?

BIPs or Bitcoin Improvement Proposals is a design document which introduces various designs and improvements to the bitcoin network. There are three kinds of BIPs:

  • Standards Track BIPs: Changes to the network protocol, transaction, and blocks.
  • Informational BIPs: Dealing with design issues and general guidelines.
  • Process BIPs: Changes to the process.

So what is BIP 148?

The BIP 148 is a user activated soft fork i.e. a soft fork that has been activated by the users. What it states is that all the full nodes in the bitcoin networks will reject any and all blocks that are being created without segwit ingrained in it. The idea is to motivate the miners to put segwit activation in the blocks that they mine for it to be part of the system.

It is hoped that by encouraging more and more miners to come over to the BIP 148 side, eventually the 95% threshold limit will be crossed and segwit will be activated. There are legit fears of a chain split happening but that can be easily avoided if just 51% of the miners come over to the BIP 148 side. Have more than half of the miners to the other side will greatly reduce the hash rate of the legacy chain i.e. the original chain.

Going by the coordination game-theory, the miners will be compelled to come over to the other side with the majority. This however raised a serious concern. What if the change over doesn’t happen smoothly and what if it does cause a legitimate chain split? This could spell disaster and this is the exact issue raised by the mining company Bitmain. So, as a contingency plan for BIP 148, Bitmain proposed a UAHF aka User Activated Hard Fork.

What is the UAHF?

The User Activated Hard Fork is a proposal by Bitmain which will enable the construction of a whole new form of bitcoin and blocks with larger sizes. Since this is a hard fork, the chain will not be backwards compatible with the rest of the bitcoin blockchain. The biggest reason why this looks so appealing is that the hard fork does not require a majority of hashpower to be enforced. All nodes who accept these rule set changes will automatically follow this blockchain regardless of the support it gets. At the same time, many people just weren’t happy with the idea of signatures being kept separate from the rest of the transaction data, they considered it to be a hack.

Bitmain visualizes this as a voluntary escape for everyone who is not interested in following up with the BIP 148 proposal. If you don’t like it then jump ship and you can be a part of this new chain. At the “Future of Bitcoin” conference a developer named Amaury Séchet revealed the Bitcoin ABC (Adjustable Blocksize Cap) project and announced the upcoming hardfork. Following the announcement, and after Bitcoin ABC’s first client release, the project “Bitcoin Cash” (BCC) was announced which came into full effect on August 1.

What is Bitcoin Cash?

This is how Bitcoin Cash project website is defining itself: “Bitcoin Cash is peer-to-peer electronic cash for the Internet. It is fully decentralized, with no central bank and requires no trusted third parties to operate.” Did you notice the emphasis on the words “peer-to-peer electronic cash”? It is done by design because the primary motivation of bitcoin cash’s existence depends solely on carrying out more transactions as Jimmy Song points out in his Medium article.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a lot like Bitcoin but has some very noticeable differences:

  • The blocksize is 8 MB.
  • It won’t have segwit.
  • It won’t have the “replace by fee” feature.
  • It will have replay and wipeout protection.
  • It offers a way to adjust the proof-of-work difficulty quicker than the normal 2016 block difficulty adjustment interval found in Bitcoin.

Since BCH is a result of a hardfork, anyone who possessed BTC got the equal amount of coins in BCH PROVIDED they didn’t have their BTC in exchanges and were in possession of their private keys at the time of the hardfork. So now let’s go through certain interesting features of Bitcoin Cash.

How Bitcoin Cash prevents replay attacks?

One of the best features of Bitcoin Cash is how it circumnavigates one of the biggest problems that any cryptocurrency can face post-forking, the replay attack.

What is a replay attack?

A replay attack is data transmission that is maliciously repeated or delayed. In the context of a blockchain, it is taking a transaction that happens in one blockchain and maliciously repeating it in another blockchain. Eg. Alice is sending 5 BTC to Bob, under a replay attack she will send him 5 BCH as well, even though she never meant to do that.

So, how does Bitcoin cash prevent replay attacks? (data are taken from Andre Chow’s answer in stack exchange)

  • Using a redefined sighash algorithm. This sighash algorithm is only used when the sighash flag has bit 6 set. These transactions would be invalid on the non-UAHF chain as the different sighashing algorithm will result in invalid transactions.

  • Using OP_RETURN output which has the string “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” as data. Any transaction which contains this string will be considered invalid by bitcoin cash nodes until the 530,000th block.  Basically, before that block you can split your coins by transacting on the non-UAHF chain first with the OP_RETURN output, and then transacting on the UAHF chain second.

How does Bitcoin Cash attract miners?

Any cryptocurrency depends heavily on its miners to run smoothly. Lately, bitcoin cash has attracted a lot of miners which has significantly improved its hash rate. Here is how they did that. For this, we will take the brilliant Jimmy Song’s help again.

Bitcoin cash has a set rule as to when it decreases its difficulty. Before we see the rule it is important to understand what Median Time Past (MTP) is. It is the median of the last 11 blocks that have been mined in a blockchain.  Basically, line up the last 11 blocks one after another and the time at which the middle block is mined is the median time past of the set. The MTP helps us determine the time at which future blocks can be mined as well. Here is a chart of the MTP of various blocks:

Image courtesy: Jimmy Song Medium article.

So, this is the rule for difficulty adjustment in bitcoin cash: If the Median Time Past of the current block and the Median Time Past of 6 blocks before is greater than 12 hours then the difficulty reduces by 20% i.e. it becomes 20% easier for miners to find newer blocks. This gives the miners some power to adjust difficulty, eg. checkout the 13-hour gap between blocks 478570 and 478571. The miners may have simply been doing this to make the blocks easier to mine.

Another interesting thing to note is how and when the difficulty rate can adjust in a cryptocurrency. This is a graph which tracks the difficulty rate of BCH:
Image courtesy: Bitinfocharts.com

The difficulty rate adjusts according to a number of miners in the system. If there are fewer miners, then the difficulty rate goes down because the overall hashing power of the system goes down. When bitcoin cash first started it was struggling a bit to get miners, as a result, its difficulty dropped down drastically. This, in turn, attracted a lot of miners who found the opportunity to be very lucrative. This caused an exodus of miners from BTC so much so that the hashing power of BTC halved, decreasing the transaction time and increasing the fees. Reports on social media stated that BTC transaction was taking hours and even days to complete.
Here is the graph that shows the drop in hash rate of BTC:
What is Bitcoin Cash? A Basic Beginners Guide
Image courtesy: Investopedia

The value of Bitcoin Cash

As of writing, BCH is the second most expensive cryptocurrency in the world behind BTC at $573.35 per BCH with a market cap of $9.4 billion (which is the third highest behind BTC and ETH). Its value once surged over $700. You can checkout the graph below for more details:

Image Courtesy: Coin Market Cap.

So what is the driving force behind the value of bitcoin cash?

Reason #1:
More and more exchanges are agreeing to take up bitcoin cash. When it first started most exchanges were reluctant to take up BCH, but now more and more exchanges are accepting it. This, in turn, gives it credibility which increases its value.
The following are the wallets and exchanges which are supporting BCH:

Image courtesy: Coinsutra

Reason #2:
More and more miners are coming into it. As explained above, BCH currently is very lucrative for miners and many of them are coming in and giving their hashing power which in turn increases its value. At the same time, since the block size is 8 MB as well, it will enable more transactions within the block which will generate more transaction fees for the miners.

What is the future of Bitcoin Cash?

In short, we don’t know. We have no idea how bitcoin cash is going to turn out in the future nor do we know the long term repercussions that it will have on BTC. What we do know is that this is the first time that anyone has successfully hardforked from BTC whilst keeping the records of the existing transactions. What we have here is a very interesting experiment which will teach us a lot of lessons moving forward. At the same time, the 8 mb block size is definitely a very alluring aspect and it remains to be seen how this affects the miners in the long run. Can this really address all the scalability issues? Can BCH ever overtake BTC and become the primary chain? All these questions are mere speculations for now. What we can say for sure is that we have a very interesting future ahead.

What Is The Future of Bitcoin Cash?

What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math

What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math. With Ethereum entering the Metropolis phase, it is going to introduce various changes which are going to make it more abstraction and privacy friendly. One of those changes is the introduction of “Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge” aka Zk-Snarks. Zk-Snarks runs on the idea of zero knowledge proofs.
In this article, we are going to go through the idea of zero knowledge proofs and its application in the blockchain technology.

What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math

Zero Knowledge proofs came about in 1980’s thanks to the work of MIT researchers Shafi Goldwasser, Silvio Micali and Charles Rackoff. They were working on problems related to interactive proof systems, where a Prover exchanges messages with a Verifier (more on provers and verifiers later) to convince them that they have a knowledge of a certain proof without declaring what that knowledge is.

Before they made their landmark discovery, most proof systems were based on the “soundness” properties of the proof system. It was always assumed that the “prover” could be the malicious one in any scenario wherein they will try to fool the verifier. These 3 researchers flipped the idea on its head by questioning the morality of the verifier instead of the prover. The question they asked was, how can anyone know for sure that the verifier won’t leak the knowledge and there were also concerns raised as to the amount of knowledge about the prover that the verifier will get to know during the process of verification.

There are various real world consequences of this conundrum and one of the most famous ones have to do with password protection. Suppose you want to login to a website using a password. The standard protocol is that the client (you) will write in their password and send it to the server, the server will then hash the password and equate it to the hash that they have stored in their system. If the values match up, then you can enter the system.

Can you see the huge flaw in this system right? 
The server has the plaintext version of your password, and your privacy is at the mercy of the server (the verifier in this scenario). If the server gets compromised or attacked, then your password will be with the malicious party and the consequences could be dire. In order to counter these scenarios, zero knowledge proofs are absolutely essential and path breaking in every sense.
There are two parties when it comes to a zero knowledge proof (as stated above), the prover and the verifier. Zero knowledge states that a prover can prove to the verifier that they possess a certain knowledge without telling them what that knowledge actually is

Properties of a zero knowledge proof
For a ZKP to work it needs to satisfy certain parameters:
  • Completeness: If the statement is true then an honest verifier can be convinced of it by an honest prover.
  • Soundness: If the prover is dishonest, they can’t convince the verifier of the soundness of the statement by lying.
  • Zero-Knowledge: If the statement is true, the verifier will have no idea what the statement actually is.

So now that we have a basic idea of what a zero-knowledge proof is, let’s check out some examples of it before we dive deep into zk-snarks and its application in the blockchain.

Case #1 Alibaba’s Cave
In this example, the prover (P) is saying to the verifier(V) that they know the password of the secret door at the back of the cave and they want to prove it to the verifier without actually telling them the password.
So this is what it looks like:

Image courtesy: Scott Twombly (YouTube channel)

The Prover goes down any of the paths A and B, suppose they initially decide to go through path A and reach the secret door at the back. When they do so, the verifier V comes in at the entrance, with no knowledge of which path the prover actually took and declares that they want to see the prover appear from path B.

In the diagram, as you can see, the prover does indeed appear in path B. But what if this was dumb luck? What if the prover didn’t know the pass code, and took the path B, was stuck at the door and by sheer fortune, the verifier told him to appear from path B, the one they were originally on anyway?
So, to test the validity, the experiment is done multiple times. If the prover can appear at the correct path every single time, it proves to the verifier that the prover indeed knows the password even though the verifier doesn’t know what the password actually is.

Let’s see how the three properties of zero knowledge are satisfied in this example:
  • Completeness: Since the statement was true, the honest prover convinced the honest verifier.
  • Soundness: If the prover was dishonest, they couldn’t have fooled the verifier because the test was done multiple times. Eventually, the prover’s luck had to run out.
  • Zero-Knowledge: The verifier never knew what the password was, but was convinced that the prover had possession of it.

Case #2 Finding Waldo
Remember finding Waldo?
Of course, you do, you must have seen it somewhere, either in real life or online. For those who don’t know, Finding Waldo is a game where you have to find “Waldo” among a sea of people. It is a simple “Spot the guy” game. Just to give you a basic idea, this is what the game looks like:

Image courtesy: Youtube (IntoConnection)

And the idea is to find Waldo who looks like this:
What is zkSNARKs: Funny Moon Math
Image courtesy: Pinterest

Seems pretty straightforward right? Find this guy among the sea of other people that you see in the game. Ok, so where does the concept of Zero Knowledge come in here? Imagine there are two people Anna and Carl. Anna tells Carl that she knows where Wally is but she doesn’t want to show him where exactly he is. So, how can she prove to him that she has found Wally without showing his exact position?

There was, an interesting paper by Naor, Naor and Reingold which shows two Zero Knowledge solutions to this problem. There is a “Mid-Tech Solution” and a “Low-Tech Solution”. Let’s discuss both of them.

Mid-Tech Solution

The reason why this solution is “mid-tech” is because our prover and verifier need access to a photocopy machine to make this work. So this is how it goes. First, Anna and Carl would make a photocopy of the original game. Then Anna, whilst making sure that Carl isn’t looking, will cut out Waldo from the photocopy and then destroy the leftovers. After that she can show the Waldo cut out to Carl and prove that she did know where Waldo was after all without pinpointing his exact location to Carl.

There are problems with this solution. While it does fulfill the “Zero Knowledge” criteria, it doesn’t fulfill the “Soundness” criteria. There are many ways that Anna could have cheated here. She could have had a random Waldo cut out with her from the very beginning and could have just shown it to Carl without actually knowing where Waldo was. So what is the solution to this?

The solution to this is meticulous and careful testing. Firstly, Anna and Carl will take a photocopy of the game. Then Carl will draw a distinctive pattern at the back of the photocopy. After that, Carl will escort Anna to a room where she will be isolated and have no chance of cheating whatsoever. If Anna comes out with a cutout of Waldo, then Carl can be convinced that she actually knew where Waldo was without revealing the solution. They can repeat this experiment multiple times and Carl can compare the different cutouts of Waldo to be even further sure about the validity of Anna’s claim.

Low-Tech Solution

This solution required very basic equipment. The idea is simple. Get a huge cardboard, one that is twice the size of the game and cut out a small rectangle on it. Now, when Carl isn’t looking, Anna can move the cardboard on the game in such a way that the rectangle is directly on top of Waldo. Now, she can tell Carl to have a look and this is what he will see:

Image Courtesy: Applied Kid Cryptography by Naor And Reingold

So, while Carl may get a very basic idea of where Waldo actually can be, he doesn’t know the exact location. Anna has hence proved to Carl that she knows where Waldo is without pinpointing his exact location.

Case #3: Sudoku
Another great application of zero knowledge is in Sudoku. For those who don’t know, Sudoku is a Japanese puzzle where you get a 9X9 table which looks something like this:

What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math
Image courtesy: Computational Complexity Blog.

The idea is to fill up every row, every column and every 3X3 block with numbers from 1-9 and no number should repeat itself. So, the solution for the puzzle above looks like this:
What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math
Image courtesy: Computational Complexity Blog.

As you can see, every row, column, and 3X3 block are unique and not a single number has been repeated. Let’s go back to our old friends Anna and Carl. Anna has found the solution to the Sudoku puzzle and Carl, skeptic that he is doesn’t believe her and wants Anna to prove that she does indeed know the solution. Anna wants to prove her honesty, but at the same time, she doesn’t want Carl to know the exact solution of the puzzle. How will she go about it? Anna is going to use Zero Knowledge to prove the validity of her claim.
Firstly, Carl will run the Sudoku solution through a computer program which has been verified, to be honest and the program will run the numbers through a randomly chosen substitution cipher. Say, for this particular problem the cipher that the program has chosen is this:

The chosen program and cipher is such that each digit has the same chance of being transmuted into its substitution as any other number. Basically, 1 has as much chance of being transmuted as 3 and 4 have as much chance of being transmuted as 9 and so on and so forth. So, using this cipher gives us the following solution to the puzzle above:
What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math
Image courtesy: Computational Complexity Blog.

Anna gets the transmuted solution now, keep in mind that Carl still doesn’t know what the original solution was and he doesn’t possess the transmuted solution either. So, what Anna does now is that she hides all the numbers in the puzzle by using a “lockbox mechanism”, basically Carl won’t be able to see any of the numbers and will see an empty 9X9 grid in front of him.

Carl now has 28 choices in front of him:
  • Reveal a row.
  • Reveal a column.
  • Reveal a 3X3 box.
  • Reveal the transmuted version of the original puzzle.

Suppose Carl wants to know what the third row looks like:
What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math
Image courtesy: Computational Complexity Blog.

This is what he will see. Carl will see that every number in the row is unique and since every possible number in the original solution had the same probability of being transmuted via the cipher, Carl will have no clue as to what the original solution is.

Now suppose, Carl decides to take the last option and wants to see what the original puzzle in looks like when transmuted:
What is zkSNARKs: Spooky Moon Math
Image courtesy: Computational Complexity Blog.

Once again, since the cipher was chosen at random and all the numbers have the same probability of being transmuted, Carl will have no idea what the original solution is. Carl can now go through all 28 of his choices and eventually he will be satisfied with the validity of Anna’s statement.


Because, if Anna was indeed cheating, there is no way that she could have found a cipher to give unique solutions for all 28 of Carl’s choices. If Carl just chose one option, Anna’s chances of getting away with cheating are 27/28. BUT if Carl chose to do random test multiple times, suppose he chooses to test it 150 times, Anna’s choice of getting away with cheating drops down to (27/28) ^150 which is < 0.5%.

So, let’s check out the zero knowledge properties of this scenario:

  • Completeness: The cipher program being used has been verified, to be honest, and both Anna and Carl are following protocol.
  • Soundness: If Carl does random tests 150 times, Anna’s chances of getting away with cheating is < 0.5%.
  • Zero-Knowledge: Anna never had to reveal to Carl what the original solution was.

Proof vs Proof Of Statements

Now that we know the theoretical aspects of zero knowledge proofs and its application in various examples, what is its practical application in blockchain? Why is everyone raving about Zcash for implementing ZKP (zero knowledge proofs) and why is everyone excited about Ethereum doing the same? Before we expand on that, it is important to know one more important theoretical concept.

What exactly are we proving by using ZKP? In a broad spectrum, there are two statements that you can prove by using ZKP. Proofs aka facts and proof of knowledge.

  • Proofs: These are the intrinsic truths about the universe that you may want to prove via ZKP. Eg. “number X belongs to a group Y”.

  • Proof of knowledge: You may also want to prove that you have knowledge of a particular idea without revealing what that particular knowledge is. As can be seen in the examples of Sudoku, Waldo and Alibaba’s cave given above.

It is important to note the difference between these two because they are completely different. In the cryptocurrency world, we are mostly focused around “proof of knowledge”. One of the most important breakthroughs in proving proof of knowledge via zero knowledge proof came when Claus-Peter Schnorr in the 1980s came up with the Schnorr identification protocol. This protocol lays the basics of modern key signature cryptography and displays how Zero-knowledge can be seamlessly integrated into modern cryptographical practices.

The Schnorr Identification Protocol

To understand what the Schnorr Identification is about let’s bring back our old friends Anna and Carl. Anna has announced to the world that she has a public key and can accept and receive information through it. Carl, always the skeptic, thinks that Anna is lying. The only way that Anna can prove her honesty is by showing her private key to Carl, but she doesn’t want to reveal her private key.

So, how will Anna reveal her knowledge of her private key without revealing it? This is where the Schnorr protocol comes in. Before we even begin to understand how the protocol works, there are certain parameters that you need to know:

  • p = Any prime number.
  • q= factor of p-1.
  • “a” such that a^q = 1 mod p.

Now keep in mind, in the Schnorr protocol, these 3 variables are global. Meaning anyone has knowledge of what these 3 variables for a particular scenario are.

Now we come to the two keys, the secret private key that we will call “s” and the public key that we will call “v”.
s can be any value as long as 0<s<q.
v = a^-s mod q.

The public key “v” will be global and public knowledge along with p,q and a. However, ONLY Anna will have the knowledge of what “s” is, because that is her private key.

So, now that we have defined the variable, let’s see how the information exchange and the validity of Anna’s statement can work WITHOUT her revealing what the private key is.

Anna signs and sends an encrypted message

Suppose Anna wants to send a message “M” to Carl encoded with her private key. How will she do it if she were to follow Schnorr’s protocol?

Firstly, she will choose a random number “r” such that 0<r<q.
Now she will compute a value x such that:

X= a^r mod p.

Now that she has computed the value of X, she is going concatenate this with the original message. What is concatenation? Suppose we have two strings “hello” and “world”. If we concatenate these two, then we will get “hello world”. Concatenation basically means adding two strings and making it one.

So, she is going to concatenate M and X to get M||X. and she is going to store the hash of this value in e.
Basically, e = H(M||X) where H() is the hash function.
Finally, when all this is done, she will do one final computation. She is going to get a value “y” such that:

y = (r + s*e) mod q

Now that all the computations are over, she is going to send the following pieces of information to Carl:
  • The message “M”.
  • The signatures e and y.

Carl receives the message and verifies Anna’s proof of knowledge
Now Carl has received the following pieces of information from Anna: The message (M) and the signatures (e and y).
Along with that, he has the following pieces of information that is known publicly to everyone:

  • Anna’s public key “v”.
  • The prime number that Anna chose “p”.
  • “q” which is the factor of “p-1” which Anna chose.
  • And the “a” such that a^q = 1 mod p, this also Anna chose.

Now, Carl will have to compute X’ such that:
X’ = a^y * v^e mod p.

Now let’s do some simple substitution:
We know that v = a^-s, let’s substitute that in the equation above and we get:

  • X’ = a^y * a^-se = a ^ (y-s*e).
  • Now we also know that y = r + s*e.
  • Which means: r = y-s*e.

Let’s substitute this value in the equation above:

  • We get: X’ = a^r.
  • As we have already seen above: X= a^r.
  • So technically: X = X’.

But Carl doesn’t know the value of “X” because he never received that value. All that he received are the following: The message M, the signatures (e and y) and the host of public variables (public key “v”, p ,q, and a).

He never received “X” but he knows that if Anna is speaking the truth then X’ has to be equal to X.

But, he does know the value of e and the message M.
So he is going to solve for e by doing the following:

e = H ( M||X’).

Note that earlier we solved for e by doing: H(M||X).
So, by that logic, if the two values of e come up to be the same then that means X = X’.
This also means that Anna did indeed have the private key all along and she was not lying.

So, let’s run this entire scenario through the three properties of zero knowledge proofs:

  • Completeness: Carl was convinced of Anna’s honesty because at the end X = X’.
  • Soundness: The plan was sound because the only way Anna could have proved her honesty was by using her private key. She couldn’t have lied about having the private key.
  • Zero Knowledge: Carl never found out what Anna’s private key was.

Schnorr’s protocol gives a very real world cryptographical application of zero knowledge proofs.

How to make zero knowledge proofs non-interactive?

With earlier zero-knowledge verification systems there was one big problem. For it to work, the prover and the verifier had to be online at the same time. In other words, the process was “interactive”. This made the entire system inefficient and almost impossible to scale up. The verifiers couldn’t possibly be online at the same time as provers all the time? There needed to be a system to make this more efficient.

In 1986, Fiat and Shamir invented the Fiat-Shamir heuristic and successfully changed the interactive zero-knowledge proof to non-interactive zero knowledge proof. This helped the entire protocol work without any interaction. The procedure behind it is very simple.

So, to give you an example, this is how zero knowledge proofs used to work before Fiat and Shamir.
Let’s prove this using simple discrete logarithms.

  • Anna wants to prove to Carl that she knows a value x such that y = g^x to a base g.

  • Anna picks a random value v from a set of values Z, and computes t = g^v and sends t to Carl.

  • Carl picks a random value c from the set Z and sends it to Anna.

  • Anna computes r = v-c*x and returns r to Carl.

  • Carl checks if t= g^r * y^c  holds or not ( since r= v-c*x, y= g^x and by simple substitution, g^(v-c*x)* g ^ c*x = g^v = t).

  • Carl doesn’t know the value of x, by merely checking if t = g^r * y^c he can verify that Anna does indeed know the value of x.

Now while the above interaction is zero-knowledge, the problem with this is that Anna and Carl need to be online and exchanging values for it to work.

How can Anna prove to Carl that she has knowledge of something without Carl being online? She can do so by using a simple cryptographic hash function, as Fiat and Shamir theorized.

Let’s look how the example above would work in a non-interactive way:

  • Anna wants to prove to Carl that she knows a value x such that y = g^x to a base g.

  • Anna picks a random value v from a set of values Z, and computes t = g^v.

  • Anna computes c = H(g,y,t) where H() is a hash function.

  • Anna computes r = v – c*x.

  • Carl or anyone can then check if t = g^r * y^c.

So, as you can see, zero knowledge proofs were made noninteractive. And this was what laid the foundations for Zk-Snarks.

What is the use of Zk-Snarks?

Zk-Snarks stands for “Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge”. Its use in modern blockchain technology is immense. To understand its application, it is important to know how a smart contract works. A smart contract is basically an escrow of funds which gets activated once a particular function is done.

Eg. Anna puts 100 ETH in a smart contract that she gets into with Carl. Carl has to do a particular task, on the completion of which, Carl will get the 100 ETH from the smart contract.

This gets complicated when the tasks that Carl has to do are multi layered and confidential. Suppose you have entered a smart contract with Anna. Now, you will only get the payment if you do A, B and C. What if you don’t want to reveal the details of A, B, and C because they are confidential to your company and you don’t want any competitors to know what you have to do?

What Zk-Snarks does is that it proves that those steps have been taken in the smart contract without revealing what those steps actually are. It is very useful is protecting you and your company’s privacy. It can just reveal part of the process without showing the whole process itself and prove that you are being honest about your claims.

How do ZkSnarks work?

A Zk-Snark consists of 3 algorithms: G, P and V.

G is a key generator takes an input “lambda” (which must be kept confidential and shouldn’t be revealed under any circumstances) and a program C. It then proceeds to generate two publicly available keys, a proving key pk, and a verification key vk. These keys are both public and available to any of the concerned parties.

P is the prover who is going to use 3 items as input. The proving key pk, the random input x, which is publicly available, and the private statement that they want to prove the knowledge of without revealing what it actually is. Let’s call that private statement “w”. The P algorithm generates a proof prf such that: prf = P(pk, x,w).

The verifier algorithm V has basically returned a boolean variable. A Boolean variable has only two choices, it can be TRUE or it can be FALSE. So, the verifier takes in the verifying key, public input x and proof prf as input such as:


..and returns TRUE if the prover is correct and false otherwise.

Now, about the parameter lambda. The value of the “Lambda” must be kept confidential because then anyone can use it to generate fake proofs. These fake proofs will return a value of TRUE regardless of whether the prover actually has knowledge of private statement “w” or not.

Functionality of ZkSnarks

For showing the functionality of a Zk-Snark we are going to use the same example function that Christian Lundkvist used in his article for Consensys. This is what the example program looks like:

function C(x, w)
return ( sha256(w) == x );

Basically, the function C takes in 2 values as input, a public hash value “x” and the secret statement that needs to be verified “w”. If the SHA-256 hash value of w equals “x” then the function returns TRUE otherwise it returns FALSE. (SHA-256 is the hash function that is used in Bitcoin).

Let’s bring back our old friends Anna and Carl for this example. Anna being the prover and Carl the skeptic is the verifier.

The first thing that Carl, as the verifier, has to do is to generate the proving and verifying key using the generator G. For this, Carl needs to generate the random value “lambda”. As stated above, however, he needs to be super careful with Lambda because he can’t let Anna know its value to stop her from creating fake proofs.

Anyway, this is what that will look like:

G(C, lambda) = (pk , vk).

Now that the two keys are generated, Anna needs to prove the validity of the statement by generating the proof. She is going to generate the proof using the proving algorithm P. She is going to prove that she knows the secret value “w” which hashes (on parsing through SHA-256) to give the output x. So, the proving algorithm for proof generation looks like this:

prf = P( pk, x, w).

Now that she has generated the proof “prf”, she is going to give the value to Carl who is finally going to run the verification algorithm of Zk-Snarks.

This is what that will look like:

V( vk, x, prf).

Here, vk is the verifying key and x is the known hash value and prf is the proof that he has gotten from Anna. If this algorithm returns TRUE then this means that Anna was honest and she indeed had the secret value “w”. If it returns FALSE then this means that Anna was lying about knowing what “w” is.

The use of ZkSnarks in cryptocurrency

Image Courtesy: Zcash

Zcash is a cryptocurrency launched by Zerocoin Electic Coin Company on 9th September 2016 and is the first example a cryptocurrency marrying the concepts of blockchain technology with ZkSnarks. It aims to provide completely safe and shielded transaction spaces for its users without revealing details (such as their addresses) to anyone.

Ethereum wants to integrate ZkSnarks as it enters its Metropolis phase and the way that they are planning to do so is by creating an alliance with Zcash which will include the mutual exchange of value. The chief developer of Zcash, Zooko Wilcox, gave a presentation in DevCon2 in Shanghai which explored the future of such an alliance. According to him, there are 3 ways that Z-Cash and by extension, zk-snarks could be integrated with Ethereum.

First method is called Baby Zoe (Zoe = Zcash on Ethereum). It adds a zk-snark pre-compiler on Ethereum and makes a mini Zcash smart contract on Ethereum. The idea is to see whether the Ethereum system can create a zk-snark enabled DAPP on top of its blockchain.

The Second method is to integrate the Ethereum computability inside the Zcash blockchain. As Wilcox puts is, the greatest asset of Ethereum is its computability and people want to see whether they can integrate it on a zk-snark based blockchain like Zcash. Can people create DAPPS on a blockchain made on zero knowledge proofs? That is something that they are waiting to see.

The third and the most exciting aspect is Project Alchemy. This is basically the connection and interoperation of the two blockchains such that one can seamlessly move between the two. The way that Zcash plans to do that is by cloning the BTC  Relay. It is an Ethereum script which was written to create a Bitcoin light client inside Ethereum. The Zcash clone will use the same concept to create a Zcash light client inside Ethereum.

If this works then we will have the first, decentralized currency system in the world which facilitates the creation of DAPPS with zero knowledge ingrained in it.

Looking Ahead

There is no doubt that the introduction of zero knowledge proofs is going to be a huge game changer for Ethereum. In an increasingly open, connected and supervised world, any sort of privacy is welcome. How the integration happens remains to be seen, but going by the theoretical concepts itself, one can’t help but get excited.

What is Cryptoeconomics? The Ultimate Beginners Guide

What is cryptoeconomics? Ethereum developer Vlad Zamfir says that cryptoeconomics is:

“A formal discipline that studies protocols that govern the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in a decentralized digital economy. Cryptoeconomics is a practical science that focuses on the design and characterization of these protocols.”

The blockchain technology runs on the principles of cryptoeconomics.
Let’s break it down. Cryptoeconomics comes from two words: Cryptography and Economics. People tend to forget the “economics” part of this equation and that is the part that gives the blockchain its unique capabilities. The blockchain wasn’t the first time that a decentralized peer-to-peer system was used, torrent sites have used it for ages to share files. However, in every sense of the word, it has been a failure.

Why was peer-to-peer file sharing a failure?

In a torrent system, anyone can share their file with a decentralized network. The idea was that people would download them and keep seeding aka sharing the file with the network for others to download. The problem was that this worked on an honor system. If you were downloading a file, then you were expected to seed as well. The problem is that humans are not really the most honorable of creatures and without any economic incentives it made no sense for people to keep seeding a file which took up unnecessary space in their computers.

Satoshi Nakamoto and the blockchain technology

In October 2008, an unknown man/woman/group calling themselves Satoshi Nakomoto released a paper which would lay the foundation for bitcoin. This would shake the online community to its very foundations, for the first time we had a working model for something based in cryptoeconomics. The way it differed from earlier p2p decentralized systems, was that people now actually had an economic incentive to “follow the rules”. But more than that, the true genius of the blockchain technology lied in how it circumvented the Byzantine General’s Problem to create a perfect consensus system (more on that later).

Cryptoeconomic properties of Bitcoin

So what are the properties that a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin has as a result of cryptoeconomics?
Let’s go through them one by and one:
  • It is based on the blockchain technology where each block contains the hash of the previous block and forms a continuous chain.
  • Each block will include transactions.
  • The blocks will have a particular state which is subject to change according to transactions. Eg. if A has 50 bitcoins and wants to send 20 bitcoins to B. Then The new state should show that A has 30 bitcoins left and B has 20 new bitcoins.
  • The blockchain must be immutable. It should be possible to add new blocks but the old blocks can’t be tampered with.
  • Only valid transactions should be allowed.
  • The blockchain should be downloadable and anyone anywhere can easily access and check a particular transaction.
  • Transactions could be added quickly to the blockchain if a sufficiently high transaction fee is paid.

There are two pillars of cryptoeconomics as the name itself suggests:

  • Cryptography.
  • Economics.
Now let’s explore how these two lend the blockchain its unique characteristics.


Blockchain technology uses cryptographical functions for its operations. Let’s looks at some of the main functions that run the blockchain:
  • Hashing.
  • Signatures.
  • Proof of work.
  • Zero Knowledge Proofs.


In simple terms, hashing means taking an input string of any length and giving out an output of a fixed length. Bitcoin uses SHA-256 to take in an input string of any length and giving an out hash of 256 bits. So what are the applications of hashing in cryptocurrency?

  • Cryptographic hash functions.
  • Data structures.
  • Mining.

Cryptographic hash functions:
A cryptographic hash function has the following properties:

  • Deterministic: An input A will always have the same output h(A) no matter how many times you parse it through the same hash function.

  • Quick Computation: A function should return a hash of an input as quickly as possible.

  • Pre-Image resistance: Given h(A) which is an output of a hash function, it should be infeasible to determine input A.

  • Collision resistance: Given two inputs A and B and their hash outputs h(A) and h(B) it should be infeasible for h(A) = h(B).

  • Small changes: in the input should drastically affect the output of the hash function.

  • Puzzle Friendly: For every hash output Y and an input x. It is infeasible to find a value k, which will result in h(k|x) = Y.

The cryptographic hash functions greatly help with security and mining in the blockchain.

Data Structures:

The two data structures that are important in understanding the blockchain are Linked Lists and Hash Pointers.
  • Linked Lists: Linked lists are blocks of data which are connected to one after another. This is an example of a linked list:

Each block in the list is pointing to the other via a pointer.
  • Pointer: Pointers are variables which include the addresses of the other variables. So they are variables which are literally pointing towards the other variables.

  • Hash Pointers: Hash pointers are basically pointers which not only has the address of other variables but also the hash of the data in that variable. So how does that help in the context of a blockchain?

This is what a blockchain looks like:
What is Cryptoeconomics- The Ultimate Beginners Guide
The blockchain is basically a linked list where each new block contains a hash pointer which points to the previous block and the hash of all the data in it. Just this one property leads into one of Blockchain’s greatest qualities….its immutability.

How are blockchains immutable?

Suppose in the diagram above someone tries to tamper with the data in block 1. Remember that one of the properties of cryptographic hash functions is that a slight change in the input data will greatly change the output hash.
So, even if someone tries to tamper with the data in block 1 even slightly, it will change its hash drastically which is stored in Block 2. This will, in turn, result in the change of the hash of Block 2 which will result in the change of hash in block 3 and that will keep ongoing on and on till the end of the blockchain. This will freeze up the chain, which is impossible, so just like that, the chain is rendered tamper-proof.

Each block also has its own Merkle Root. Now, as you are already aware, every block has a lot of transactions. If the transactions were to be stored in a linear manner, it will be extremely cumbersome to go through all the transactions just to find a particular one.

This is why we use a Merkle tree.

In a Merkle Tree, all the individual transactions are distilled down into one root via hashing. And this makes traversal very easy. So, if someone were to access a particular data in a block, instead of going through them linearly they can simply traverse using the hashes in the Merkle tree to get to the data:


Crypto-puzzles are used in order to mine new blocks and for that hashing is critical as well. So the way it works is that there is a difficulty level that is set. After that, a random string called “nonce” is appended to the hash of the new block and hashed again. After that is it checked whether it is less than the difficulty level or not. If it is then the new block is added to the chain and a reward is given to the miner(s) responsible. If it isn’t less than the difficulty, the miners keep changing the nonce and wait for a value which would be less than the difficulty.

As you can see, hashing is a critical part of blockchain and cryptoeconomics.


One of the most important cryptographical tools that are used in cryptocurrency is the concept of signatures. What is a signature in real life and what are its properties? Imagine a paper that you have signed with your signature, what should a good signature do?

  • It should provide verification. The signature should be able to verify that it is you who actually signed the paper.
  • It should be non-forgeable. No one else should be able to forge and copy your signature.
  • Non-repudiation. If you have signed something with your signature, then you should not be able to take it back or claim that someone else has done it instead of you.

In the real world, however, no matter how intricate the signature, there are always chances of forgery, and you cannot really verify signatures using simple visual aids, it is very inefficient and non-reliable.

Cryptography gives us a solution using the concept of public and private key. Let’s see how the two keys work and how it fuels the cryptocurrency system. Suppose there are two people, Alan and Tyrone. Alan wants to send some very important data and Tyrone needs to authenticate that the data actually came from Alan. The way they are going to do it is by using Alan’s public and private key.

One important thing to note: It is infeasible to determine one’s public key from one’s private key. The public key is public as the name states, and anyone can have that key. The private key, however, is something that only you should have and you must NOT share it with anyone.

So, let’s go back to Alan and Tyrone if they are to exchange messages using the keys how will it look?

Suppose Alan wants to send a message “m”. Alan has a private key Ka- and a public key Ka+. So when he sends the message the Tyrone he will encrypt his message with his private key so the message becomes Ka-(m). When Tyrone receives the message he can retrieve the message by using Alan’s public key, Ka+(Ka-(m)) and retrieves the original message “m”.

To summarize:
  • Alan has a message “m” which he encrypts with his private key Ka- to get encrypted message Ka-(m).
  • Tyrone then uses Alan’s public key Ka+ to decrypt the encrypted message Ka+(Ka-(m)) to get the original message “m”.

Check out this diagram for a visual representation:

Verification: If the encrypted message gets decrypted by using Alan’s public key then it verifies 100% beyond proof that Alan was the one who sent the message.

Non-Forgeable: If someone, say, Bob, intercepts the message and sends his own message with his private key, Alan’s public key won’t decrypt it. Alan’s public key can only decrypt messages encrypted with his private key.

Non-Repudiable: Similarly, if Alan says something like, “I didn’t send the message, Bob did” and Tyrone is able to decrypt the message using Alan’s public key, then this shows that Alan is lying. This way he can’t take back the message that he sent and put the blame on anyone else.

Applications in cryptocurrency: Now suppose Alan is sending some transaction “m” to Tyrone. He will first hash his transactions using a hash function. And then encrypt it using his private key. Tyrone knows that he is getting a transaction “m”, so he can then decrypt the message using Alan’s public key and compare the hashes of the of the resulting decryption with the hash of the transaction “m” that he has already. As hash functions are deterministic and will always give the same output to the same input, Tyrone can easily determine that Alan did indeed send that exact same transaction and there was no malpractice involved.

In simpler terms:
  • Alan has a transaction “m” and Tyrone knows that he is getting “m” as well.
  • Alan hashes m to get h(m).
  • Alan encrypts the hash with his private key to get Ka-(h(m)).
  • Alan sends the encrypted data to Tyrone,
  • Tyrone uses Alan’s public key to decrypt Ka+(Ka-(h(m))) to get the original hash h(m).
  • Tyrone can then hash the “m” that he originally had to get h(m).
  • If h(m) = h(m), as it should be because hash functions are deterministic, then this means that the transaction was free of malpractice.

Proof Of Work

When miners “mine” to form new blocks to add to the blockchain, the consensus system by which the blocks get approved and added is called “proof-of-work”. Miners use heavy duty computational power to solve cryptographical puzzles to satisfy a difficulty level. This is one of the most path-breaking mechanisms in blockchain technology. Earlier decentralized peer-to-peer digital currency systems used to fail because of something called the “Byzantine General’s Problem”. The proof-of-work consensus system finally provided a solution to this problem.

What is the Byzantine General’s Problem?

Image Courtesy: Medium

Ok so imagine that there is a group of Byzantine generals and they want to attack a city. They are facing two very distinct problems:

  • The generals and their armies are very far apart so centralized authority is impossible, which makes coordinated attack very tough.
  • The city has a huge army and the only way that they can win is if they all attack at once.

In order to make successful coordination, the armies on the left of the castle send a messenger to the armies on the right of the castle with a message that says “ATTACK WEDNESDAY.” However, suppose the armies on the right are not prepared for the attack and say, “NO. ATTACK FRIDAY” and send back the messenger through the city back to the armies on the left. This is where we face a problem. A number of things can happen to the poor messenger. He could get captured, compromised, killed and replace with another messenger by the city. This would lead to the armies getting tampered information which may result in an uncoordinated attack and defeat.

This has clear references to blockchain as well. The chain is a huge network; how can you possibly trust them? If you were sending someone 4 Ether from your wallet, how would you know for sure that someone in the network isn’t going to tamper with it and change 4 to 40 Ether?

Satoshi Nakamoto was able to bypass the Byzantine General’s problem by inventing the proof of work protocol. This is how it works. Suppose the army on the left want to send a message called “ATTACK MONDAY” to the army on the right, they are going to follow certain steps.

  • Firstly, they will append a “nonce” to the original text. The nonce can be any random hexadecimal value.

  • After that, they hash the text appended with a nonce and see the result. Suppose, hypothetically speaking, the armies have decided to only share messages which, on hashing, gives a result which starts with 5 zeroes.

  • If the hash conditions are satisfied, they will send the messenger with the hash of the message. If not, then they will keep on changing the value of the nonce randomly until they get the desired result. This action is extremely tedious and time-consuming and takes a lot of computation power.

  • If the messenger does get caught by the city and the message is tampered with, according to hash function properties, the hash itself will get drastically changed. If the generals on the right side, see that the hashed message is not starting with the required amount of 0s then they can simply call off the attack.

However, there is a possible loophole.

No hash function is 100% collision-free. So what if the city gets the message, tampers with it and then accordingly change the nonce until they get the desired result which has the required number of 0s? This will be extremely time-consuming but it is still possible. To counter this, the generals are going to use strength in numbers.

Suppose, instead of just one general on the left sending messages to one general on the right, there are 3 generals on the left who have to send a message to the ones on the right. In order to do that, they can make their own message and then hash the cumulative message and then append a nonce to the resulting hash and hash it again. This time, they want a message which starts with six 0s.

Obviously, this is going to be extremely time-consuming, but this time, if the messenger does get caught by the city, the amount of time that they will take to tamper the cumulative message and then find the corresponding nonce for the hash will be infinitely more. It may even take years. So, eg. if instead of one messenger, the generals send multiple messengers, by the time the city is even halfway through the computation process they will get attacked and destroyed.

The generals on the right have it pretty easy. All they have to do is to append the message with the correct nonce that will be given to them, hash them, and see whether the hash matches or not. Hashing a string is very easy to do. That, in essence, is the process behind proof-of-work.

  • The process of finding the nonce for the appropriate hash target should be extremely difficult and time-consuming.
  • However, the process of checking the result to see if no malpractice has been committed should be very simple.

Zero Knowledge Proofs.

What is a zero knowledge proof (zkp)? ZKP basically means that a person A can prove to person B that they have knowledge of a certain piece of information without telling them what that knowledge specifically is. In this example, the person A is the prover and the person B is a verifier. In cryptography, this becomes especially useful because this helps in proving an extra layer of privacy for the prover.

For a ZKP to work it needs to satisfy certain parameters:

  • Completeness: If the statement is true then an honest verifier can be convinced of it by an honest prover.
  • Soundness: If the prover is is dishonest, they can’t convince the verifier of the soundness of the statement by lying.
  • Zero-Knowledge: If the statement is true, the verifier will have no idea what the statement actually is.

An example of a ZKP is the Alibaba cave, let’s see how it works. In this example, the prover (P) is saying to the verifier(V) that they know the password of the secret door at the back of the cave and they want to prove it to the verifier without actually telling them the password. So this is what it looks like:

Image courtesy: Scott Twombly (YouTube channel)

The Prover goes down any of the paths A and B, suppose they initially decide to go through path A and reach the secret door at the back. When they do so, the verifier V comes in at the entrance, with no knowledge of which path the prover actually took and declares that they want to see the prover appear from path B.

In the diagram, as you can see, the prover does indeed appear in path B. But what if this was dumb luck? What if the prover didn’t know the passcode, and took the path B, was stuck at the door and by sheer fortune, the verifier told him to appear from path B, the one they were originally on anyway?

So, to test the validity, the experiment is done multiple times. If the prover can appear at the correct path every single time, it proves to the verifier that the prover indeed knows the password even though the verifier doesn’t know what the password actually is.

What is the application of ZKP in blockchain?

Many blockchain based technologies are using Zk-Snarks, in fact, even Ethereum in its Metropolis phase is planning to bring in Zk-Snarks and add it to its arsenal. Zk-Snarks stands for “Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge” and it proves a computational fact about the data without revealing the data itself.

They can be used to generate a proof of statement to verify each and every transaction by just taking a simple snapshot of each transaction which is enough to prove to the receiving side that a transaction was done without revealing the transaction itself.

This achieves two things:
  • The integrity and privacy of the transaction is maintained.
  • By not revealing the inner workings of the entire transaction the system maintain abstraction which makes it infinitely easier to use.

So these are some of the important cryptographical functions which are being used by the blockchain. Now let us look at the second pillar, Economics.


Like we mentioned in the beginning, the place where blockchain differs from other decentralized peer-to-peer system is that it gives its users financial and economic incentives to get some work done. Like with any solid economic system, there should be incentives and rewards for people to get work done, similarly, there should be a punishment system for miners who do not act ethically or do not do a good job. We will see how the blockchain incorporates all these basic economic fundamentals.

Must Read: Cryptocurrency Game Theory 

There are two sets of incentives that participants in the blockchain have:

Incentive Set #1
  • Tokens: The actors who actively participate and contribute to the blockchain get assigned cryptocurrencies for their efforts.
  • Privileges: Actors get the decision-making rights which gives them the right to charge rent. Eg. Miners who mine a new block become the temporary dictator of the block and decide which transactions go in. They can charge transaction fees to include transactions within the block itself.

Incentive Set #2
  • Rewards: Good participants get a monetary reward or decision-making responsibility for doing well.
  • Punishments: Bad participants have to pay a monetary fine or they have their rights taken away for behaving badly

How do cryptocurrencies have value?

Cryptocurrencies have value because of the same reason that money, in general, has value, trust. When people trust a commodity and give it value, it becomes a currency, that’s the same reason why fiat has value and why gold had value in the first place. So when a given commodity is given value, the value changes in accordance with one of the oldest rules in economics, called Supply and Demand.

What is Supply and Demand?

This is the supply-demand graph and one of the most common things that you will see as in economics. As you can see, the demand for the commodity is in an inverse proportion with its supply. The spot where the two graphs meet is the equilibrium i.e. the sweet spot where you want to be. So, let’s use this logic for cryptocurrency and, in general, bitcoin.

The supply of bitcoins is fixed at 21 million. That’s the market cap on all bitcoins. Since the total number is fixed there are several things that need to be considered when it comes to the supply of bitcoin. Because of this, certain regulations need to be made to make sure that bitcoins become progressively harder to mine. If these steps are not taken, the miners will mine indiscriminately, pumping out the remaining bitcoins and putting it in the market, decreasing its overall worth.

In order to make sure that miners don’t pump out all the bitcoins at once the following steps are taken:

  • A new block is added to the chain only at the interval of 10 mins which leads to a reward of 25 bitcoins. The time has to be fixed to make sure that miners don’t just keep adding blocks to the chain with no regulations.

  • The second thing that the bitcoin protocol does is that it constantly increases the difficulty level. As explained above, during the mining process the hash of the block along with the nonce needs to be less than a particular number. This number is called the “difficulty level” and usually begins with a number of zeroes. As the difficulty increases the number of zeroes increases as well.

With these two factors and the fact that mining has become a lot more specialized process which includes humongous investment, the entire process makes sure that the supply of bitcoins in the market is kept at check. And this is true for all cryptocurrencies, using proof of work, as well.

The Demand of the cryptocurrency depends on a lot of factors:
  • What is the history of the currency?
  • Has it been subject to a hack lately?
  • Does it consistently generate results?
  • How good is the team behind it?
  • Does it have potential to become better?
  • How much is the hype around it?

All these factors determine how “hot” the currency is and as a result, the value shifts depending on its demand.

The Game theory in blockchain

So how does an unregulated, decentralized peer to peer system remain honest? Miners have a lot of power and they can easily commit crimes and get away with it. This is where all the previous attempts at a decentralized system failed, users are humans and humans are prone to “bad” behavior. So how do you keep a decentralized system of humans honest? The answer lies in one of the most fundamental economic ideas: Game Theory.

Game theory is basically the study of strategic decision-making. Making decisions which make the most sense to you, keeping in mind the decision of the competitors is basically what game theory is all about. One of the most fundamental concepts of game theory is the “Nash Equilibrium”.

What is Nash Equilibrium?

A Nash Equilibrium is a state where a party takes the most optimal strategy keeping in mind the actions of the other party and they can’t gain anything by changing around their strategy. Let’s see an example of the Nash Equilibrium in action.
Now consider the above table that we call a “Payoff Matrix”. The numbers are units of payoffs that a person will get upon taking (or not taking an action). So let’s analyze:

If A Takes Action:
Then B has a payoff of 4 if it takes action and 0 payoff if it doesn’t take action. So the optimal strategy for B is to take action.

If A Doesn’t take Action:

Once again, B has 0 payoffs for not taking action and a payoff of 4 if it does take action.
So we can conclude that regardless of what A does, B’s best strategy lies in taking action. Now, similarly, let’s checkout the what is the best strategy for A.

If B takes Action:
A has a payoff of 0 for not taking action and a payoff of 4 for taking action. So the best way for A is to take action.

If B doesn’t take Action:
A has a payoff of 0 for not taking action and a payoff of 4 for taking action.
So, regardless of what B does, A’s the best way forward is to take action.

We can hence conclude that for both A and B the best way to go ahead is to take action.
Hence the Nash Equilibrium is:
When both of them take action.

Now, what is the application of the Nash Equilibrium in the blockchain? Well, it won’t be a stretch to say that the blockchain exists and the miners remain honest BECAUSE the chain itself is in a self-imposing Nash Equilibrium.

Let’s take an example:
What is Cryptoeconomics- The Ultimate Beginners Guide
Consider the above blockchain. The blue blocks 1,2 and 3 are part of the main chain. Now suppose a malicious miner mines a block 2A and is attempting a hardfork for his own financial gains. What is stopping the other miners from joining him and mining on the new block?

Well, the miners have a very hard and fast rule, any block that is mined on an invalid block is not considered a valid block. So, the other miners will simply ignore the invalid block and keep mining on the old chain anyway. Remember, all currency works on trust and perceived value, so the currency that the malicious miner may mine from the new block will not be considered of any value at all. And remember, mining is a very expensive process, so why will anyone waste so much resource on a block that may or may not even be considered valid?

Now you may be thinking, what if a lot of miners decide to join the new miner and mine on the new block? The problem with that is that the blockchain network is a huge and widely distributed network wherein communication and coordination is next to impossible. Keeping that in mind, a coordinated attack like that on the blockchain is infeasible. Most miners will simply choose the route where they get a maximum payoff, and this way the Nash Equilibrium of the main chain is maintained.

Punishment in the blockchain

Like with any efficient economic systems, good actions should be rewarded and negative actions should be punished. How does punishment work in a game theory model? Imagine a payoff matrix where the payoff for the participants is high but the implication on the society, in general, is very high. Eg.
Suppose there are two people A and B and they are both about to commit a crime. Now according to the matrix, the payoff for both of them is high when they commit a crime so their Nash Equilibrium lies in both committing a crime. Now while this does make sense logically, the implications on the society, in general, is very bad. Humans, more of than not, are motivated by personal greed and not everyone is altruistic. If this were to hold true, the world will be a terrible place to live in. So, how did humans counteract this? By introducing the concept of punishment.

Suppose we have a system where for every -0.5 of utility taken for them public, there will be a punishment factor of -5 on everyone who commits a crime. So, let’s add the punishment factor on the payoff matrix above and see how that changes the table:
As you can see above, the payoffs change drastically and the Nash Equilibrium changes to (1,1), as in both don’t commit a crime. Now, punishment is expensive, a utility of -0.5 is taken from the society after all. So what is the incentive for society to join the punishment game? The way this question was answered was by making punishment mandatory for everyone i.e. anyone who is not participating in the punishment game is punished as well. An example of this is a tax-driven police force. The police can punish the perpetrators but a utility in the form of tax is taken from the public. Anyone who doesn’t pay the tax and participate in the game is considered a criminal themselves and punished accordingly.

In a blockchain, any miners who are not following the rules and mining illegal blocks are punished by having their privileges taken away and risk social ostracization. The punishment becomes even more severe when proof-of-stake is involved (more on this later). By using simple game theory and punishment system, the miners are kept honest.

More incentives for miners

When a miner(s) successfully mines a block, they become the temporary dictator of that block. It is completely their jurisdiction as to which transactions go in the block and the speed of the said transactions. For the transactions to be included, they can charge a transaction fee. This incentivizes the miners because they get additional financial rewards OVER the reward they gain from mining a new block anyway (25 BTC in bitcoin and 5 Eth in Ethereum).

In order to make the system fair and to make sure that not the same miners get to mine new blocks and collect the rewards every single time, the mining difficulty level is adjusted periodically. This makes sure that the miners who get to mine a new block is completely random. Over the long run, mining is a zero sum gain, in other words, the profits that a miner gets from mining a new block eventually gets adjusted because of the costs of mining.

P+Epsilon Attack

A proof of work system, however, is vulnerable to a particular type of attack called the “P+ epsilon attack”. In order to understand how this attack works we must define some terms beforehand.

Un-Coordinated Choice Model: An uncoordinated choice model is a model where all the participants don’t have the incentive to work with one another. The participants may form groups but at no time is the group big enough to become a majority.

Coordinated choice model:  This is a model where all the participants coordinate because of a common incentive.

Now it is assumed that the blockchain is an uncoordinated model, but what if there is an incentive for the miners to do an action which goes against the integrity of the blockchain? What if there is a bribe involved to make the miners take a particular action? This is where the bribing attacker model comes in.

What is the bribing attacker model?

Imagine an uncoordinated model. Now, what if an attacker enters the system and incentivizes the miners to coordinate with each other after giving them a bribe? This new model is called a bribing attacker model. In order to successfully bribe the system, the attacker must have two resources:

  • Budget: The total amount of money that the attacker has that they are willing to pay to make the miners take a particular action.
  • Cost: The price that the miner actually ends up paying.

However, if an attacker does decide to attack the blockchain, we arrive in an interesting conundrum… and this is where the “p + epsilon attack” comes in. For reference check out this table:
Image courtesy: Vitalik Buterin Presentation.

Imagine a simple game such as an election. If the people vote for a particular person if they vote the same way everyone is voting, then they get a payoff but otherwise, they don’t. Now imagine, that a briber enters the system and lays down this condition to an individual. If you vote AND the others don’t vote, then you will get a payoff of “P + ε”. The usual payoff AND an extra bribe of ε on top of that.

So now, the payoff matrix looks like this:
Image courtesy: Vitalik Buterin Presentation.

Now imagine this scenario, everyone involved in this game gets to know that if they vote anyway, then there is a chance that they may get a payoff, but if they don’t vote then there is a 50-50 chance of them getting a payoff.

What do you think the players will do then? Of course, they are going to vote to get a guaranteed payoff. Now, this is where things get interesting. As can be seen in the matrix, the briber only has to pay the bribe “ε” when only person votes while the others don’t. However, in this situation, since everyone is voting, the Nash equilibrium shifts to:
What is Cryptoeconomics- The Ultimate Beginners Guide
That’s right, the briber didn’t even need to pay the bribe!

So, let’s approach this problem from the POV of the briber:

  • Convince the group to vote a particular way.
  • Achieve the goal without even having to pay the bribe.

It is a huge win-win scenario for the briber and this has heavy implication on the blockchain especially in a proof-of-work system. Let’s check out our old hypothetical blockchain again:
What is Cryptoeconomics- The Ultimate Beginners Guide
Suppose the briber really wants the chain to hardfork and declares that a group of miner who opts to join the new chain will get a bribe of ε, this will incentivize the entire miner community to coordinate and join the new chain. Obviously the bribe has to be extremely high for something like this to happen, but as we have seen in the briber attacker model above, the attacker won’t even need to pay the said amount. According to Vitalik Buterin, this is one of the biggest problems of the proof of work system, its vulnerability to the P + epsilon attack.

The solution lies in proof of stake.

The solution to this form of incentive driven attack lies in proof of stake. In this system, the miners have to put up a portion of their personal fortune and invest it in future blocks. As an economic system, this is much better because the punishment in it is way more severe. Instead of having their rights taken and getting away with a “tap to their knuckles”, miners now face the very real possibility of their stake and fortune being taken away.

So, how does this help in preventing P + epsilon attacks? Put yourselves in a miner’s shoes. You have a part of your fortune invested inside a block which is to be added in the main chain. Now a briber comes and tells you that you can get an extra payoff if you make your block join the main chain. BUT, if the chain doesn’t get approved then there is a huge risk of you losing all the money that you have invested in the block. Plus, as the P + Epsilon attack states, you won’t even get the extra payoff from the bribe. For a miner, once that they have invested a stake, it is a no brainer for them to continue in the main chain and not to get involved in any malicious activities.


So as you can see, cryptography and economics have combined in a very beautiful and intricate manner to create the blockchain technology. The growth that it has experienced over the last few years is staggering and it is only going to get better and more widely used.

ICO Basics, To Invest or Not? Cutting Through The Bullshit

ICO Basics, To Invest or Not? Cutting Through The Bullshit. There are many terms associated with the cryptocurrency world that has become, more or less, very mainstream over the last 4-5 years. Everyone has an idea about what a “blockchain” is and people definitely know what a “bitcoin” is. 
Lately, however, one term has been gaining more and more mainstream attention. That term is “ICO” or Initial Coin Offerings and has raised OVER $1.3 Billion for blockchain based start ups.  It has been called everything from “revolutionary” to “a Ponzi scheme. Before we get into the meat of this, we need to understand everything that surrounds this astounding phenomenon.

The origins of ICO

In the real world, companies can always secure funds by approaching angel investors and venture capitalists but by doing that, they would have to give away a share of their equity to them. What companies wanted, was to get a lot of funds without giving away equity and ownership. The only way that they could do that was by going public.
The way companies do this is by holding an IPO aka Initial Public Offering. How does an IPO work?
In an IPO a private company basically decides to put up its private shares up for sale to the general public. Anyone anywhere can buy the shares of the company. Initially, these shares are dirt cheap and if the company hits it big then there is a chance of your shares ballooning up to exorbitant prices. We have all heard stories of the masseuse who became a multi-millionaire after her 500 “useless” stocks in Google matured over time.

So, people started wondering what would happen if we used the same concept and put it on a blockchain based environment. This is what gave birth to the concept of ICOs. ICOs are pretty similar to IPOs but with 3 major differences.
Firstly, the ICO was decentralized with no central authority, secondly, the ICOs lacked the tedious red tape that most IPOs were bogged down by and finally, they were unregulated while IPOs have always under been heavy regulation. Now there was a problem that blockchain based companies were facing when it came to ICOs. In an IPO, the investors got shares in return of their investment. What would a blockchain based company give away in exchange of capital? They had to invent the blockchain equivalent of a share and that was when they came up with the idea of “Tokens”.

What is a Token?

An ICO is a sort of mixture of an IPO and a crowd-sale. When you are interested in a particular project in the blockchain, the way you can gain access to it is by sending the developing team some amount of money, which is usually paid in Bitcoin or Ethereum and getting the equivalent amount of tokens in return.

Tokens have gained even more prominence since the advent of Ethereum. Ethereum provides a platform where you can use the blockchain technology not just for making currency, but to make decentralized applications (DAPPS) as well. If you want to use these DAPPS then you will need the tokens that are native to its respective environment. There are two categories that all tokens fall under:

  • Usage Tokens.
  • Work Tokens.

Usage Tokens: These are tokens that act as native currency in their particular environment and can be exchanged for other tokens or FIAT money. Ether is a great example of a usage token. In short, usage token is a currency.

Work Token: Not all tokens, however, act as currency. Some tokens are there to give you various rights within their native environment. Eg. If you were a DAO token holder, then you had the right to vote on whether a particular DAPP could get funding from the DAO or not.

How do you make a token?

Making a token is deceptively simple. By far the easiest method is to go on Token Factory and fill up the following fields:
Firstly, you will have to determine the total supply. You don’t want a humongous amount of tokens available, that will kill their value.
Then you have the name field. Give your tokens any name you want. Make it sounds professional though if you want a good and profitable ICO.
Determine how many decimals places the value of your tokens will go to.
And finally, decide on a symbol for your token! It is that simple.
Now., if you are one of those DIY types who would prefer coding their tokens then that is a possibility as well. If you are making a DAPP in Ethereum you can simply use the solidity code to create your own token contract. This is what a simple token contract looks like:
The block of code is divided into 3 parts:
  1. The Mapping.
  2. Giving the creator all the tokens.
  3. Transfer the sender the requisite amount of tokens for the ether.
Now we will go into the code and understand what is exactly happening and how it is working. It may appear complicated on the surface but once you go deep into it, you will see how simple and easy to understand it is.
The Mapping:

Ethereum, like all cryptocurrency, is an open ledger. So it makes sense that all token made on an Ethereum contract will be registered on an open database clear for everyone to see. The mapping function makes sure of that.
The creator getting all the tokens:
ICO Basics, To Invest or Not? Cutting Through The Bullshit
When all the tokens are created, the entire supply goes to the contract creator who can then send the tokens to anyone who funds the project with ETH.
The Transfer:
The last part of the code is the transfer.
You will give your tokens an initial value and based on the amount of ETH that you are getting paid by the sender, they will get the requisite amount of tokens. The same number of tokens will cut from your balance and it will be added to the sender’s balance.
As you may have already guessed, there are thousands of tokens out there, and while that’s a good thing, there is also a major flaw that needed to be addressed. Think about this, if everyone designed their own tokens giving it their own unique twist, it will be an absolute horror show to save them in a wallet. Many times you will have to follow elaborate and needlessly complicated steps just to store your tokens in a wallet. That would have been a nightmare. What was needed was a standard or a basic blueprint for all tokens to follow. Fabian Vogelstellar, one of the founders of the Mist Wallet came up with the solution with his ERC20 token standards.

What is the ERC20 Token Standard?

The ERC20 standards have been put in place so that all Ethereum tokens follow a particular rule and standard. While this is not an enforced rule, most DAPP developers are encouraged to follow the standards to ensure that their tokens can undergo interactions with various wallets, exchanges and smart contracts without any issues.
These standards also helped others gain an idea of how future tokens are expected to behave. ERC20 tokens have gotten widespread approval and most of the DAPPS sold on ICO’s have tokens based on the ERC20 standard. So what are these standards?
They are basically a set of 6 functions which, when executed, do the following 4 activities:
  • Get the total token supply.
  • Get the account balance.
  • Transfer the token from one account to another.
  • Approve the use of the token as a monetary asset.

How does an ICO work?

So now that you have gotten a crash course on what tokens are and how they work, let’s do a deep dive on ICOs and why, for better or for worse, people are calling it the new “Gold Rush”. A number of millionaires that ICOs have made in the last year or so is staggering. Check out this graph:
Check out this graph:

Over the past 12 months,  have raised over $600 million as opposed to $140.30 million by established Venture Capitals. That is mind-boggling! So what is it about ICOs that has attracted so many investors? ICO is the rockstar of the investment world, it is the untamed wild genius wearing a torn t-shirt and baggy jeans, living among a group of suit-wearing snooty businessmen. There is something extremely seductive about the concept.

Think about this, anyone, with an idea for a project, can gain massive financial backing from a community without being bogged down by politics or endless red tape. The idea that anyone anywhere can get the financial backing they need in an unregulated manner was a welcome idea for all. No longer will investments be reserved just for the uber-rich, anyone can gain the funds to make their dreams a reality.

The exact procedure behind an ICO can be broken down into the following steps.

Firstly, the developers will announce their intention of making the project to generate hype and interest in the project. This step is very important because first impressions are everything.

Then, the developers will create a white paper. A white paper is a document issued by the developers which highlight their project and the specific features of that project that makes it enticing for the potential investors. While it is true that white papers are supposed to be a sales and marketing tool, it is nowhere near as flashy and over-the-top as a brochure or a sales letter. Whitepapers are written in an academic manner and the specific purpose is to entice the investors by showing its potential and features. They are at least 2500 words long and are meant to be purely informational.

After that, they will run the white paper through prominent members in the blockchain community to get their backing. Getting this backing is critical because this is where they will gain the credibility required to carry forward with the project.

Now, they will need to create the tokens which they are going to exchange for Bitcoin or ETH in the token sale. The process of token creation has already been covered above. Developers will have to decide the limit to the number of tokens and the amount that they want to charge for each token. Usually, the price of these tokens is very low at the start of the ICO. Setting a cap on the number of tokens is necessary because having a limited supply of tokens automatically increases their demand (according to the law of supply and demand).

Along with the cap on the number of tokens issued, developers will have to decide a time at which they want to hold their ICO. Selecting the time, and the amount of time it runs for is CRITICAL and this will be covered in detail later on. Along with that they also need to decide on the cap for the amount of money they will be taking in.

Once all these are decided, the developers choose a platform where they can advertise their ICO. Earlier it used to be tough to do so because developers had to convince people to come to their websites to gain more information about the ICO. But now, there are a number of websites which provide the platform for developers to address this particular need. Some of the best ones are:
  • Waves.
  • State of DAPPS (for Ethereum Tokens only).
  • TokenMarket.

Think of these websites as Kickstarter or Indiegogo of the crypto world. Once the ICO has been advertised the developers can then actually do the ICO.

For a visual representation of how an ICO works:
Investors send the coins to the public address of the developers and in exchange, they get tokens in return.

So to summarize:
  • Firstly, the developers declare their intention of making the project.
  • Then, the project developers create a white paper which includes the details of their project explained in a descriptive way.
  • They get the backing and confidence from certain prominent members in the cryptocurrency world who act as “advisors”.
  • They then create the tokens and decide on various caps such as a token cap, money cap, and time cap.
  • Advertise the ICO using one of the platforms mentioned above.
  • Hold the ICO.

In the broad spectrum of things there are two different kinds of ICOs:
  • Currency ICO.
  • Project ICO

Currency ICO

A currency ICO is when developers bring in a new currency system. The developers give out tokens which become new cryptocurrencies in exchange of the older more established coins such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. The reason why people are drawn to these ICOs are that of investment opportunities. One of the best examples of these kinds of ICOs is the Ethereum ICO.

In later 2013, a young programmer named Vitalik Buterin was working for Bitcoin as a developer and was getting increasingly frustrated. He realized that the blockchain technology had more potential than being a mere currency system. His vision was to make an alternate form of the internet. This vision was Ethereum, a platform where people not only will have access to a new form of currency (Ether) but they will also be able to create and develop a newer form of DAPPS on the platform itself.

The Ethereum ICO lasted for 42 days and went on from July-August 2014 and raised >$18 million. Back then it was the biggest crowdfunding even in human history. The early birds got a humongous ROI. In the beginning, if you invested just 1 BTC you would get 2000 ether in return. The current valuation of those 2000 ether is ~$420,000. Not bad for a $2500 investment! But more than the ROI the biggest thing that makes this particular ICO so important in crypto history is the concept of the project itself.

If you want an advertisement for why ICOs are so important, just read up on the Ethereum ICO. This was one man with a vision who got a dedicated and talented team around him, got the white paper out, convinced people to invest in his project and then ultimately made one of the most important platforms in crypto history. This is what ICOs should be like.

Project ICO

Along with the currency ICO we have the project ICOs which issue “work tokens”. When you buy these tokens in the crowd sale you gain certain rights and votes inside the environment of the DAPP itself. One of the most famous, and consequently, infamous examples of this kind of ICO is the DAO.

The DAO aka the decentralized autonomous organization was a decentralized venture capital fund which was going to be used to fund future projects made in the Ethereum eco-system. This how it was supposed to work. People invest money in the DAO by giving ether and they get “DAO Tokens” in return. These DAO tokens made the holders part of the DAO community. So, suppose Jill wanted a project to be funded by the DAO, she would introduce the project to the DAO community. The token holders will then hold a vote and if Jill gets the majority vote then she would gain the required funding from the DAO itself.

This was a revolutionary idea and was getting mainstream press exposure as well. The ICO went down in history as one of the biggest ever. The ICO raised $150 million in ether, that was the 14% of the total ether issued at that time and everything was looking up. Unfortunately, that is when the infamous DAO Attack happened and a total of $50 million worth of ether was taken away. This attack had huge repercussions because this was what caused the Ethereum hardfork and resulted in two different Ethereums: Ethereum and Ethereum Classic.

Another great example of the “Project ICO” is Augur, a decentralized market prediction system.

ICOs nowadays are raising a ridiculous amount of money, the Brave ICO, an Ethereum based browser raised in $35 million in 30 seconds. That’s ~$1.2 million per second!! The Tezos ICO recently became one of the largest ICOs of all time by raising more than $200 million. SO the question that you are probably thinking of right now is, 
“How do you make sure that the funds that you are investing is going to be used properly by the developers?” What if they just run away with it? Let’s answer that question.

What steps should be taken to ensure the safety of the funds aka how to not get scammed?

Unfortunately, because of the unregulated nature of the ICOs and the sheer amount of money to be made in this space, it does attract a lot of scammers. If you are investing in an ICO then you would want some assurances on your end that all the funds that you are going to invest are going to be used in a right way. So what should you be looking into when you are about to invest to make sure that you are not going to get scammed?

  • The project developers should be able to clearly define the purpose of their project using simple and short sentences. If they are taking too much time and beating around the bush, then that either means: their agenda is not clear or they are hiding something. Both of which are not that encouraging scenarios.

  • Make sure that the developers are not anonymous. There should be 100% transparency when it comes to their names, business plans, locations etc. You should be able to contact them regarding any and all information that you need to get from them.

  • There should be a legal framework between the developers and the contributors including terms and conditions set for the ICO.

  • Lastly, and most importantly, you need to make sure that the ICO funds are being stored in an escrow wallet. An escrow wallet is basically a multi-sig wallet which needs multiple keys to be opened. One of those keys must be held by a neutral third party.

If you keep these 4 points in mind, then you will be able to spot the scammers with relative ease and invest in projects which have real potential.

So are we in an ICO bubble right now and is it going to pop?

With the sheer amount of money going into ICOs nowadays and everyone and their mothers wanting a piece of that ICO pie, there are legit fears going around of ICO being a bubble much like the dot com bubble and the real estate bubble. To understand how a bubble works, let’s look at one of the most famous examples of the bubble, the dot-com bubble which went from 1997-2002.

Around 1997, the internet became big and tech companies began to emerge everywhere. Investors started putting in their money and flipping their investments into huge sums. Eventually, everyone who saw this started getting major FOMO (fear of missing out) and they began giving away their money to companies without even having any idea as to whether the business had the potential to work or not. Common sense went out of the window and every random internet business was making a killing in the IPOs. Warren Buffet noted that:

“The fact is that a bubble market has allowed the creation of bubble companies, entities designed more with an eye to making money off investors rather than for them. Too often, an IPO, not profits, was the primary goal of a company’s promoters.”.

BOOM! He hit the nail right on the head, most of the companies that got millions from their investors failed and some turned out to be nothing more than scams. Eventually, the bubble burst in 2002.
ICO Basics, To Invest or Not? Cutting Through The Bullshit
Companies crashed and lost millions within a year. One of the most infamous examples of this is Pets.Com which lost $300 million in just 268 days! However, while 1 in 2 companies got shut down, the companies that did survive, hung on and changed the way we live today. One of the best examples of that is Amazon. Before the bubble burst, Amazon stocks were at $100/share. After the burst, it went down to $7/share but eventually, it went up to $600/share.

The parallels between the ICO bubble and the dot-com bubble are a bit frightening and as they say “if you don’t learn from history, it is going to repeat itself.” Much like dot-coms, the ICOs have attracted a lot of investors who don’t want to miss out on the gold rush. Much like the dot-coms ALL the investing is done purely from speculation. You have to realize that most of the companies that you are investing in, in ICOs barely have anything ready. Most of them don’t have the alpha version of their end result, it is all based on speculation and the potential of the project.

As with anything, most of these projects will fail to get the end results. The reason why the Ethereum ICO worked so wonderfully was that it had a dedicated and driven team of talented developers who were a day in and day out to make it a success, same with Golem. Another problem plaguing the ICO is the greed of the developers. Some developers are making projects ONLY so that it can look enticing enough for a good ICO. They have no interest in carrying through nor do they have any inclination of turning a profit for their investors.

The parallels are very apparent and it can get real scary thinking about it. But we are not market experts. All we can do is speculate. We don’t know whether we are living in the “ICO bubble” or not, nor do we know whether it is a bubble that is going to pop. What we can tell you to do is to be smart with your money. Don’t get enticed by shiny objects, and have basic common sense. Read the points we have given above to know whether an ICO is a scam or not.

So if I am a developer how should I approach ICOs?

If you are a developer, then first and foremost have a very clear idea and agenda as to what your project is and what do you want to do with it. You must state the purpose of your project and the future that you envision with it. You must also choose the platform that you want to advertise your ICO in (waves, iconomi etc.) and then you must design your tokens.

After you are done creating your white paper and running it through the advisors and getting legal backing, the most important thing that you need to do is to pick a good time and date. Nothing kills an ICO faster than not getting the timing right. So when selecting the time of the ICO to keep the following points in mind:

  • Do not choose holiday weeks or weeks when important people take off: You need as much hype as possible and the best investors for your ICO. Do not hold your ICO during spring break when most people, including reporters, take off. Similarly, if there is an important event around the week then it’s best to not have your ICO during that time. As Margaux Avedisian says, if your main investors are going to be in The Burning Man, then it is best to not have your ICO during that week,
  • Day of the week: You must notify the working patterns of your target investors and see which day best suits them. It is best to not choose a weekend for your ICO.
  • Time Cap: While there are some ICOs that meet their target in 10 mins or even 35 seconds, those are the rarest of the rare scenarios. Even the Ethereum ICO took 42 days, even though that was before ICOs became so popular. So you have to decide on the time cap and the amount of time that you are willing to run your ICO for.
  • Time Zone: If your target investors are Americans and then it makes little to no sense to have your ICO during midnight EST. Decide where you want your target investors to be from and decide on a time that will be convenient for them.

We cannot overstate the importance of time for your ICOs, the initial period is critical because that will determine how well your ICO will go. If you are a developer, then you will need to decide on the time after doing quite a bit of research. It is worth it in the end.

What are the Pros and Cons of ICOs?

Pros of ICO

  • Gives opportunities to promising projects: Think of what Ethereum has accomplished in the last year. From becoming the second most powerful cryptocurrency in the world to providing a platform for DAPP creators to create their projects. It is truly becoming the “platform where the future will be built”. All this got started because of an ICO.

  • Doesn’t require unnecessary paperwork: Many projects don’t get executed because they get caught up in the red tape. For raising funds through IPOs or crowdfunding the project developers need to go through a lot of paperwork and more often than not, they just don’t get the documentation required to collect funds for their project. On the other hand, all that you need to do take part in an ICO is create a “white paper” (The white paper contains all the details of your project.) After that, anyone can read the white paper and choose to invest in the project if it interests them.

  • Community building: It gives the project creators an opportunity to build a community around their projects. Having a healthy community gives a product immense credibility. Plus, the members of the community can have real say in the direction of the projects and keep the creators accountable.

  • Exposure for projects: The hype that surrounds an ICO can do wonders for the exposure of the project. The more the exposure, the more the people will know about the project. This increases the number of potential investors.

  • Early access to potentially valuable tokens: Some tokens have the potential of becoming truly valuable cryptocurrencies. ICOs give investors an opportunity to invest in tokens, with potential, for dirt cheap. Eg. During the Ethereum presale, 1 Ether cost 35-40 cents. Right now, as of writing, 1 Ether costs ~$277.

  • The incentive for innovation: The roaring success of various ICOs over the last 12 months has given extra incentive to various developers to innovate and develop more exciting projects.

Cons of ICO

  • Attracts a lot of scammers: Because there is so little paperwork involved in ICOs it attracts many scammers who can simply create a bogus white paper and make off with a lot of money. Some developers also purposefully omit certain important details from their white paper to make their projects look more appealing than they actually are. The biggest consequence of all these scams is the decreased faith of the public in blockchain technology which can potentially spell absolute disaster.

  • Based on pure speculation: When you are investing in a project in an ICO you are investing in the idea of the project. You read the white paper and if you think that the team is credible and the project has promise than you invest. So, basically, you have no idea whether the project will even be successful or not. Over 90% of the startups fail and blockchain projects are not immune to that as well. Plus, the developers may get lazy and not even bother to finish what they have started. And, let’s not forget, there is always the possibility of a project getting ruined because of hacks and attacks. The DAO is a perfect example of that.
Whaling: Let’s take the example of what happened in the, now infamous, BAT ICO. The ICO got over in just 24 seconds and they were able to raise 35 million USD! The shocking part was, not a lot of people were able to take part in the ICO at all as major chunks of the tokens were bought by certain individuals. In fact, a quarter of the BAT tokens are owned by one person!

These people are called whales. Basically, people who have a lot of money and resources and they rig the ICO game in their favour. The way they do it is by paying extremely high mining fees which help them “cut in line” and get first preference during ICOs. In the case of the BAT ICO, whales paid as much as $2220 in transaction fees to make sure that they take the first bite of the pie. Afterward, they mostly sell these tokens at a premium to turn in a profit.

  • Network Congestion: The increased amount of activity during ICOs causes a huge strain in the blockchain and may result in a bottleneck. During the Status ICO, when they raised a $100 million, there was so much backlog in the network that many people, who wanted to invest in Status, saw their transactions fail.

  • Storing the tokens: There is a chance that you will not be able to store some of the tokens in any of your crypto-wallets. You can store any tokens made in Ethereum in your ether wallet but tokens made outside of Ethereum can be very complicated to store.

  • Government intervention: This is where it gets scary. Because of the increased number of scams and a huge amount of unregulated money, various governments may simply decide to start regulating the ICOs. If this happens then this truly could be the death of cryptocurrency. The whole point of cryptocurrency is the idea of decentralization and being outside of government control.


ICOs are going to continue being a part of cryptocurrency and blockchains. We simply cannot overlook the good that they have done. From giving birth to innovative technologies like Ethereum and Golem to giving DAPP developers, around the world, an incentive to innovate and come up with newer and more exciting technologies, their contribution simply cannot be understated.

Having said that though, there is no doubt that ICOs can be a “necessary evil”. Human tendency is to exploit any loopholes for their selfish benefits and ICOs seem to be the tool of choice for many corrupt individuals. Looking forward, what we can all do is act more responsibly and do our own research. Study the white papers, interview the team involved with the specific projects that are up for ICOs and then invest your money.

The Science Behind Cryptocurrencies Cryptography

In this guide, we will be going deep into symmetric and asymmetric cryptography and the science behind cryptocurrencies cryptography.
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum use a peer-to-peer decentralized system to conduct transactions. Since the entire process is online, there are fears that the transactions maybe volatile and hackable. What we are going to see in this guide is how cryptocurrency uses cryptography to make their transactions extremely secure.
Digital Signatures
One of the most important cryptographical tools that are used in cryptocurrency is the concept of signatures. What is a signature in real life and what are its properties? Imagine a paper that you have signed with your signature, what should a good signature do?
  • It should provide verification. The signature should be able to verify that it is you who actually signed the paper.
  • It should be non-forgeable. No one else should be able to forge and copy your signature.
  • Non-repudiation. If you have signed something with your signature, then you should not be able to take it back or claim that someone else has done it instead of you.
In the real world, however, no matter how intricate the signature, there are always chances of forgery, and you cannot really verify signatures using simple visual aids, it is very inefficient and non-reliable.
Cryptography gives us a solution to this by means of “digital signatures” which is done via the use of “keys”. So, what are keys? And how are the used in the blockchain? Before we explore those, it is important to know more about basic cryptography.

What is Cryptocurrencies Cryptography?

Cryptography is a method of using advanced mathematical principles in storing and transmitting data in a particular form so that only those, for whom it is intended for, can read and process it.  Cryptography has been used for thousands and thousands of years by people to relay messages without detection. In fact, the earliest use of cryptography was seen in the tomb taken from Old Kingdom in Egypt circa 1900 BCE. Cryptography has existed in the modern society through one way or another.
Encryption is one of the most critical tools used in cryptography. It is a means by which a message can be made unreadable for an unintended reader and can be read only by the sender and the recipient. In modern technology, there are three forms of encryption that are widely used, symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography, and hashing.
Symmetric Cryptography
Symmetric cryptography is the earliest known cryptographic method known to man. The concept is very simple and if we were to break it down to steps, this is what it will look like:
  • You have a message M that you want to send over to your friend.
  • You encrypt the message with a Key and get a cipher text C.
  • Your friend gets your cipher text C.
  • She then decrypts the cipher text using the same Key to retrieve message M.
If we were to show a visual representation of the process, this is what it will look like.

Image credit: SSL2BUY
The are two types of symmetric cryptography:
  • Stream Ciphers.
  • Block Ciphers.

What is stream ciphers?

Stream cipher basically means using a fixed key which replaces the message with a pseudorandom string of characters. It is basically the encryption of each letter one at a time.
We are going to discuss 3 kinds of stream ciphers in this guide to give you an idea of how stream ciphers work:
  • One-time pad with alphabets.
  • One-time pad with XOR gate.
  • Linear feedback shift register.
One-time pad with alphabets
For doing this encryption we need to have a key which has the same number of characters as the message and it must be used one time only (hence the term “one-time pad”).
Suppose for this example we are going to send a message, “MEET ME OUTSIDE” to our friend Bob. But we don’t want anyone intercepting our message. This is why, Bob and us have decided to use a one-time pad which goes like this:
“B D U F G H W E I U F G W”
As you can see, the pad has the same number of characters as the message as well, i.e. 13.
Now, this is a very simple example of the one-time pad, we are using this because we feel it is the best example to use to understand this tactic.
Now, one more thing you need take note of, every alphabet will be replaced by its numeric equivalent in during the process.
The numerical mapping goes like this:

During the process, there will be 6 pieces of data that we need which are: Basically, the numerical equivalent of each alphabet. Ok, now that we have built the foundations, let’s move on to the actual process.
  • Original Message (OM): The original message that we are passing through. In this case “MEET ME OUTSIDE”.
  • Numerical Original Message (NOM): The numerical equivalent of the original message,
  • OTP: The One-time Pad.
  • Numerical OTP (NOTP): The numerical equivalent of the OTP.
  • NCT: The numerical cipher text which is NOM+NOTP mod 26
  • CT: The cipher text which is the alphabetical equivalent of the numbers in the NCT.
So, we need to send the message “MEET ME OUTSIDE” and we need to use the one-time pad to encrypt it.
The encryption process
So, let’s start off by putting in the message in the OM
The Science Behind Cryptocurrrencies Cryptography
We put the message “MEET ME OUTSIDE” in the OM row.Ok, so what happened here?
Next, we used the numerical mapping table to get the numerical equivalent of each alphabet. So, let’s refer to the mapping table and see what we get:

In the OTP row we put in the key that we were already given which is, in case you have forgotten, “B D U F G H W E I U F G W”.It’s just simple substitution, we will take these values and put it in NOM row.
Now, in the NOTP row we used the same number mapping table and found the equivalent numerical values of the key which are:
“1, 3, 20, 5, 6, 7, 22, 4, 8, 20, 5, 6, 22”.
In the new row, for the Numerical cipher text (NCT) we add the NOTP and NOM and mod the result by 26 to get our NCT.

So, finally the message “MEET ME OUTSIDE” turns into a pseudo-random series of characters “N H Y Y S L K Y B M N J A”.That’s how you find the values for NCT and then you use the mapping table and find the corresponding alphabets which are: “N H Y Y S L K Y B M N J A”.
That is how the encryption process works.

The decryption process

Now we will see how we can decrypt the message using the exact same key.
Let’s see the data that Bob has with him:
  • He has the encrypted message that he has gotten from me.
  • He has the key that both of us share.
  • He has the mapping table to find the numerical equivalents.
So, how will he decrypt the message using this data?
  • He will map the numerical values of both the key and the encrypted message to get NCT and NOTP.
  • He will then calculate the NOM (Numerical value of the original message) by doing this calculation: NOM = NCT – NOTP mod 26.
  • He will use the mapping table to retrieve the corresponding alphabets.
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So, let’s see how the NOM calculation work?
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Now, if we map the NOM to its alphabetical equivalent using the mapping table then we get:
And just like that, the message is encrypted and decrypted using the same key.
One-time pad with XOR gate
XOR or “Exclusive OR” is a logic gate. What is a logic gate? A logic gate usually takes in 2 inputs and gives out 1 output. The inputs and outputs are binary values, meaning they can be 1 or 0. A XOR logic gate takes in 2 binary inputs and gives out a high output ONLY when the inputs are different. Meaning, if A and B are inputted to a XOR gate then the out C will be 1 ONLY when A is not equal to B.
The XOR gate looks like this:

Image courtesy: Wikimedia
This what the XOR truth table look like:
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The encryption process

Suppose you have a plain text data which you want to send to your friend Alice. First, you’ll convert it to its binary form. Suppose the message that you have is this: 00011110
Now you have the key, the key that you share with your recipient and suppose you have passed the key through an algorithm which gives you the equivalent binary result: 01001010.
So now that you have the key, you are going to XOR each corresponding individual bits to get the resulting cipher text output.
Cipher Text = Plain Text XOR Key
So if you XOR both the data the key that you will get is:

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This is the cipher text that Alice will get from you.
The decryption process
So now, how will Alice decrypt your message and retrieve the original one?
This is the data that she has:
  • The cipher text
  • The key.
So what is she going to do? It is simple.
She will simply XOR the key and the cipher text and she will retrieve the original message! See for yourself:
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And just like that, she will retrieve the original message.
Linear feedback shift register
What is a linear feedback shift register? It is a function whose future output completely depends on its earlier (or current) state. This will become clearer as you keep reading so don’t get scared off!
The idea of this style of a stream cipher is to predetermine a key with your recipient which will be a linear feedback shift register function which will be used by you to determine the code. Suppose you spoke to your friend Bob and determined that this is the formula that you both want to go with (credit to Daniel Rees from Youtube for this formula).
  • E(i+3) = E(i+1) + 2E(i+2) mod 26.
And let’s also assume that prior to sending this message you and Bob determined that E(1) = 2 and E(2) = 4.
Now you can see that in this equation, all future outputs are dependent upon the previous outputs.
So, suppose the message that you want to send to Bob is “MEET ME”. Since there are 6 characters, we need to determine 6 values of E() to act as key. We already have predetermined the values of E(1) and E(2). Now we need to calculate E(3) to E(6).
  • E(3) = E(1) + 2E(2) mod 26 = 10.
  • E(4) =  E(2) + 2E(3) mod 26 = 24.
  • E(5) = E(3) + 2E (4) mod 26 = 6.
  • E(6) = E(4) + 2E(5) mod 26 = 10.
So, now that we have the keys, let’s start the decryption.
The encryption process
So now that we have the key and message, let’s create the table:
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To get the numerical cipher text, you add the key and the corresponding numerical value of the alphabet that you map from this table that we have already seen before:

Now, to get the numerical value of the cipher texts, add the key and the numerical value of the original message and mod with 26.
So you get:
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Now use the mapping table again to find the corresponding alphabets and you get “OIORSO”. That’s the encrypted message.
The decryption of this message is really hard especially if you don’t have the key. An expert might spot a pattern though. You will need computers to beak this code.

Examples of Stream Ciphers used in the real world.

The Rivest Cipher 4 of the RC4
  • Used in WEP aka wired equivalent protocol for wireless network security.
  • Also an option in TLS/HTTPS for encrypting web traffic.
  • Since it has been cracked so many times it is not recommended for use anymore.
The A5/1
  • Use for encrypting GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) phone data and communication.
  • Edward Snowden in his leaks revealed that the NSA routinely keeps breaking GSM for surveillance purposes so it is not a secured mode of encryption anymore.
So, that is pretty much it about stream ciphers, time to move on to block ciphers.

What is block ciphers?

Block ciphers are a form of symmetric cryptography which uses a key of a fixed length to encrypt a block of fix length. Let’s start by checking out a very common substitution cipher that you must have seen before:
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So, if someone were to tell you that they got a message which says “EFBD” and wants you to decrypt it and get the original message instead, how will you do it?
You will simply see the table, see which alphabets correspond to which and then simply substitute right? So “EFBD” is the cipher for “FACE”.
Now let’s check out the plain text and the ciphertext and compare them:
  • Plain:     A B C D E F
  • Cipher:  F A B C D E
So, as you can see, the cipher text is basically the plain text shifted the right by one. So, in this particular case:
  • EFBD = FACE shifted by 1
That, in essence, is what a block cipher is. Given an input plain text and a key it can generate a unique cipher text.  One more thing that is extremely important and should be noted. Given the key, anyone can decipher the cipher text from the plain text and vice versa. The examples that we are giving here are all extremely simplistic, the block cipher happens with HUGE chunks of data.
If we are looking for a visual representation of a block cipher the this is what it will look like:

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Another interesting property of the block cipher is that if the key changes then that changes the output cipher text pretty drastically. Let’s do a test with the data we have right now.
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Now, we have 3 keys for the 3 different cipher texts.
  • In cipher text 1 we are shifting to the right once.
  • In cipher text 2 we are shifting to the right twice.
  • In cipher text 3 we are shifting to the right thrice.
So, let’s see what happens when we parse the input “FACE” through all these different ciphers.
  • When key =1, FACE becomes EFBD
  • When key = 2, FACE becomes DEAC
  • When key = 3, FACE becomes CDFB
As you can see, the output cipher text changes everytime you change the key. In the example we have very little data, imagine doing this with HUGE amounts of data, the output will change drastically every single time.
There are two rules for a block cipher to be considered valid:
  • You must be able to derive the plain text from the cipher text and vice versa given a key.
  • The function must be efficiently computable.
There is one more important thing that you need to take note of when it comes to block ciphers. The block sizes are fixed so the input plain text needs to be of the same size as the block size. If the input is bigger than the block then it needs to break down to get the correct size, if the input is smaller, then it needs to be padded with some junk data to fit the block size.
Examples of block ciphers
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
  • Block sizes of 64 bits.
  • Key size of 56 bits.
  • Was the government standard till 2001.
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • 128 bit blocksize.
  • 128, 192 or 256 bit key size.
  • Considered very secure and widely used nowadays
The advantage of symmetric cryptography
Even though symmetric cryptography has some major problems (which we will discuss in a bit) the biggest advantage of symmetric cryptography is that it requires very little overhead. You just need to share one single key with your recipient to go forward with this method.
Even now, a lot of software use this method in conjunction with asymmetric cryptography to provide fast and efficient encryption/decryption services.
The problems with symmetric cryptography
Even though the overhead is significantly lesser, there are a lot of problems with symmetric cryptography.
Problem #1: The shared key
The fact that the encryption and decryption is done with one single key is a huge problem. First and foremost, the sharing of the key needs to be done in a very secured manner, if anyone gets hold the of key then all your data will be compromised.
Problem #2: It is not scalable
Another huge problem with symmetric cryptography is that it is not scalable at all. Suppose Alice runs an information center and sends data via symmetric key cryptography. It’s ok if she is only dealing with 3-4 clients. But the most clients she gets, the more unique public keys she will have to handle and take care of. Eventually, it will become too much to handle.
Because of these vulnerabilities of symmetric key cryptography, a solution was needed, and in the 1970’s it finally came.
James Ellis’s breakthrough
In 1970, British mathematician and engineer James Ellis thought of an idea which was based on a simple concept. What if encryption and decryption were inverse operations based on 2 different keys? In traditional cryptography i.e. symmetrical cryptography, the message had to be sent along with the key to the intended person for them to decrypt the message, but this presented the very real idea of an attacker getting their hands on the key.
Ellis envisaged that the receiver of the message couldn’t be a passive party, and they had to have a “padlock” and a “key” for themselves. The padlock could be sent to anyone in the world but the key had to be kept private. So, anyone can send a message to the receiver by locking it with their padlock and since only the receiver has the key, only they can open it.
Now, this was the theory, there needed to be a practical form of this theory, and that came because of two brilliant principles:
  • The trapdoor function.
  • The Diffie–Hellman key exchange.
What is the trapdoor function?
A trapdoor function aka a one-way function is a function where it is easy to go from one state aka the domain to the other state aka the range but it is hard to go back from the range to the domain unless you have knowledge of a key which is called the trapdoor function.
Diagrammatically it is represented like this:
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Image credit: Cornell.edu
The trapdoor functions are based on the idea of keys. Wherein the public key (K) is used to go from the domain to range. In order to come back to the domain from the range we have to use a trapdoor function which is also known as the private key (k). It is also implied that the private key and public key are mathematically related to each other and also they have to related to each other via another trapdoor function f() such that K= f(k) so that the private key  is infeasible to be determined by the public key .
A simple example of this is a multiplication of large numbers. Suppose you have two numbers 171 and 118 then it is simple to determine that 171 * 118 = 20178. However, if you just know 20178 then it is hard for you to determine what the initial numbers were unless you have a key with you, in this case the knowledge of just one of the two numbers, to determine the second one.

What is the Diffie-Hellman key exchange?

Suppose, there are two people Alice and Bob and they want to attack a bank. However, they are on either sides of the bank and they can only communicate with each other via a shared line which is being tapped by the bank.

Something like this.
Keep in mind, everything that Alice and Bob say to each other will be eavesdropped upon by the bank. So, how can they both decide on a date to attack the bank without the bank getting to know about it and without Alice and Bob explicitly exchanging that information?
This conundrum can be answered by the Diffie-Hellman key exchange; it is a concept by which two parties can get hold of secret information without sharing it.
To understand how the Diffie-Hellman works, we need to use one of the most famous applications of this theory, the secret colour exchange.
For this there are 3 things that you need to keep in mind:
  • Alice and Bob both publicly agree that yellow is going to be the common paint that they are both going to use.
  • Alice then secretly keeps to herself that she is also going to use orange along with yellow.
  • Bob secretly decides that he is going to use aqua along with yellow.
Stage One
Since it was publicly declared that yellow is going to be the colour of choice:
  • Bank: Has Yellow
  • Alice: Has Yellow
  • Bob: Has Yellow
Stage Two
Now Alice mixes in her private colour aka orange with yellow and gets a composite colour which we will call CA.
At the same time, Bob mixes his private colour aqua with yellow and creates composite colour CB.
So, at the end of stage two this is what things look like:
  • Bank: Yellow
  • Alice: CA
  • Bob: CB
Stage Three
Now, Alice and Bob will send each other their respective colours, which will promptly get tapped by the bank. However, the bank now faces a problem.
Colour combinations are a trapdoor function.
While it is easy for someone to combine two colours and generate a third colour, it is infeasible for them to determine the first two colours from the given third colour. So, the bank will get hold of CA and CB but will have no idea which are the colours that has gone into its creation.
So, this is what things are looking like right now:
  • Bank: Yellow, CA, CB.
  • Alice: CB
  • Bob: CA.
Stage Four
Now, Alice and Bob are once again going to mix their secret colours into the mix that they have received from the other person, so now both of them are going to have a mix of yellow, orange and aqua which is brown. The bank, however, will only have CA and CB because they have no idea what the secret colours are.
So, this is what things look like now:
  • Bank: Yellow, CA and CB.
  • Alice: Brown.
  • Bob: Brown.
And this is where the trick lies, by not revealing their secret colours, both Bob and Alice have, in their possession, the colour brown, even though they never explicitly exchanged brown with each other.
This is what the diagram of this entire exchange looks like:

Image Courtesy: Wikipedia
This is the representation of the Diffie-Hellman exchange, but a mathematical means was needed to make sure that there could be practical applications of this as well. For this reason, the modulus function was used.

The mathematical form of the Diffie-Hellman exchange

Suppose there is a generator g for a finite field of size n. And in that field, we choose two random values a and b. It will be hard for an attacker to determine g^ab given only g, g^a and g^b. This is the condition which activates the trapdoor function. Given this condition, two parties can exchange messages and reach the same conclusion without explicitly communicating it with each other.
So, mathematically this is what happens.
Alice chooses a random value “a” from the field n and determines a message M1 such that:
  • M1 = g^a mod n.
Similarly, Bob chooses a random value “b” from the field n and creates message M2 such that:
  • M2 = g^b mod n.
Both Alice and Bob can now relay the message to each other.
Alice now determines special message K by doing the following:
  • K = M2^a mod n= g^ab mod n.
Bob now determines the same message K by:
  • K = M1 ^ a mod n = g^ab mod n.
So, both Alice and Bob reached the same conclusion without explicitly sharing this information.
This Diffie-Hellman key exchange was invaluable in the formation of asymmetric cryptography:

What is asymmetric cryptography?

Asymmetric cryptography utilizes two keys, a public key and a private to encrypt and decrypt a particular data. The use of one key cancels out the use of the other.
The diagrammatic representation of it looks like this:

Image courtesy: SSL2BUY
There are two real world use of asymmetric cryptography that we will look into in this guide and both are important for their own reasons:
  • The Rivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm aka the RSA.
  • The Elliptical Curve Cryptography.
What is the RSA algorithm?
The RSA algorithm is the most widely used and popular asymmetric cryptographic algorithm in history. It is named after MIT professors Rivest, Shamir and Adleman who discovered this algorithm. Now, how does it work? The idea is derived from the breakthroughs that Diffie-Hellman had.
So, these are the variables that we will work with:
Suppose you have the secret message “m”. “m” raised to the power of a random number e and then the modulus of that with a random number N will give you the cipher text c.
Basically. m^e mod N= c
Take note, it is EASY to perform this function to get the output c BUT given only c, e and N it is difficult to get the message “m”. It will require a lot of trial and error. This is the one-way trapdoor function that we will apply to find “m”.
But now, the idea of the trapdoor function is to have a key which will make the reverse process (the decryption) simple for the recipient. So, for that we will need to find a random variable “d” which will make this process possible:
  • c^d mod N = m.
Now keep in mind, c = m^e mod N, so on substituting.
  • m ^ e ^ d mod N = m.
  • m ^ ed mod N = m
So, in the above equations:
  • Public key = e and N.
  • Private key = d.
Now, before we even begin to see the method behind the madness, let’s do a simple calculation to see how the entire process works. (Shout out to Anthony Vance’s youtube channel for this example).
Suppose the message that you have to send is 42. In other words, m=42.
Along with that:
  • e = 17.
  • N = 3233.
  • d = 2753
The encryption process
c = m^e mod N.
Using simple substitution:
c = 42^17 mod 3233 = 2557.
So the cipher text is 2557.
The decryption process
Let’s do c^d mod N.
2557^2753 mod 3233
This gives us the value of m that is 42.
Genius isn’t it?
Now, remember when we talked about trapdoor functions we came to the conclusion that private and public key needs to be mathematical derivatives of each other in a way that:
F(private key) = public key, where F() is another trapdoor function.
It should be difficult for anyone to determine the private key from the public key. In fact, it should be so difficult that it will take the world’s most powerful computer decades upon decades to derive one from the other.
To answer this conundrum, we go back centuries and meet our next genius, Euclid.
Euclid and prime factorization
Euclid found out centuries ago that any number > 1 can be written as a product of prime numbers.
  • Eg. 15 can be written as 5*3.
  • 255 can be written as 5*17*3.
Let’s go back to our two equations:
C= m^e mod N.
Here, N is the key in the trapdoor function. While N maybe publicly known it should be hard to determine prime factors that make up the number N. If you know the prime factors, then it is child’s play to discover the product N.
Eg. You can use your web browser to multiply two huge numbers and find the product in less than a second:

It took less than a second, 0.22 seconds, to do the calculation. And the bigger the number gets, it will take a little more time, but still, the calculations will be done super fast.
However, if you input a huge number and ask your computer to find its prime factors then it may take days, months and even years to find the prime factors.
This is the trapdoor function that cryptographers used to determine the value of N. This is basically, the heart of the trick.
This is what you have to do to use RSA algorithm:
  • First, generate a big random prime number P1.
  • Generate a second big random prime number P2.
  • Find N by calculating P1 and P2.
  • Hide the values of P1 and P2 and make N public.
  • N should be a huge number and it will take the most sophisticated machines in the world decades to find the values of P1 and P2.
  • So to summarise, N is the trapdoor and its prime factors P1 and P2 are the keys to the trapdoor.
Ok, so now we have determined how N is calculated and the trapdoor that works in it. But we still haven’t determined the value of “e” and “d” and we still haven’t seen how the private key is derived from the public key. In order to generate all these remaining values, we need to find a function that depends on knowing the factorization of N. And for that we need to go and visit our next genius, Leonhard Euler.
Euler and breakability
In 1760, Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler did some path breaking studies. He studied the nature of numbers and more specifically the breakability of the numbers which he called the phi function.
Basically given phi(N) where N is a random integer, the value of N will be the number of numbers between 1 and N which do not share any common factors with N.
So, if N is 8 then:
The numbers between 1-8 are: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8.
Among these numbers, only 1,3,5 and 7 don’t share any factors with 8 except 1.
Meaning, phi(8) = 4.
Now, calculating the phi function is difficult except for one case. To know this, check out the following graph. The graph tracks the distribution of phi values over integers upto 1000.

Image courtesy: Khan Academy
See that straight green line at the top which is conveniently arranged? That is the phi of prime numbers. Since the definition of a prime number is that it is unfactorizable apart from by itself, for any prime number p the phi(p) = p-1.
Let’s see this in practice. Suppose you have a prime number 7.
The numbers between 1 and 7 are: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.
The only number that shares a factor with 7 in this series is…7!
So the phi(7) = 6.
Similarly, if you were to find the phi of a large prime number say 541 then:
Phi(541) = 541-1 = 540.
It becomes very simple to calculate the phi for a prime number. And this gains, even more, significance when you consider the multiplicative nature of phi functions. What is the multiplicative nature of phi functions?
For any two numbers A and B:
Phi(A*B) = phi(A) * phi(B).
Now, let’s go back to algorithms. Alice has determined two large prime numbers P1 and P2 and has determined a number N by doing P1 * P2.
So, using the multiplicative property of phi functions:
Phi(N) = phi(P1) * phi(P2).
Phi(N) = (P1-1)*(P2-1).
And just like that, we have discovered the trapdoor function for phi. If we know the prime factors of N then it is easy to calculate the phi(N).
For eg. the number 77 has prime factors 7 and 11.
So phi(77) = (7-1)*(11-1) = 60.
It becomes very easy when you know the prime factors of N.
Now, one final bit of mathematical wizardry was required. We have the phi function and we have the modular exponentiation functions that we have determined before, we need to bring these two together in one neat equation.
And for this, we turn to Euler for help once again.

The Euler’s theorem

Euler’s theorem states that:
For any two numbers m and n that don’t share a factor:
m ^ phi(n) ≡ 1 mod n
Meaning, for any two numbers m and n, as long as they don’t share a factor, m raised to the phi(n) divided by n will always leave a remainder of 1. Let’s see this in an example.
Suppose, m= 8 and n = 5.
Phi(5) = 4
So, 8 ^ 4 = 4096.
Replacing this in the Euler’s theorem equation:
4096 ≡ 1 mod 5 holds true because 4096 on being divided by 5 leaves a remainder of 1.
Now, the equation: m ^ phi(n) ≡ 1 mod n needs to be modified a little bit before we get our final solution.
Modification #1
1^k = 1 for all k.
So, keeping this in mind, if in m ^ phi(n) ≡ 1 mod n we multiply the exponent phi(n) with any number k, the final solution will be 1^k which is still 1.
Now, this modifies the equation like this:
m ^ k*phi(n) ≡ 1 mod n
Modification #2
For all m, m*1 = m.
So, in our modified equation, if we multiply both sides by m we get:
m*m ^ k*phi(n) ≡ m*1 mod n
Which becomes:
m ^ k*phi(n)+1 ≡ m mod n
Now, this is the final form of our equation.
Before we proceed, let’s bring back the old equations to refresh our memory:
  • c = m^e mod N.
  • m = c^d mod N
  • m ^ e*d mod N = m
Now, checkout the last equation doesn’t that look similar to our new modified equation:
m ^ k*phi(n)+1 ≡ m mod n
And this is the breakthrough.
On comparing the two equations, we get:
e*d = k*phi(n) + 1
We FINALLY have an equation where the value of e and d depends on phi(n).
Now, since we already know the value of e, it is easy to calculate d, the private key, ONLY if the factorization of N is known (which is a secret that Alice has kept to herself).
So, d= (k*phi(n) + 1)/e.
This is the trapdoor that will undo the encryption done by her private keys e and n.
Example to see how this all works
Suppose Bob and Alice are exchanging messages.
Bob wants to send a message M to Alice where M=89.
Now, Alice needs to generate her keys.
She uses to prime numbers p1 and p2 where:
P1 = 53.
P2 = 59.
N = P1 * P2 = 53 * 59 = 3127.
Phi (N) = Phi(P1) * Phi (P2) = (P1 – 1) * (P2 – 1) = 52 * 58 = 3016
Now, she needs to generate a value e which will have no factors with the value of phi(N).
So, she decides e = 3.
Now, she will generate her private key d:
d = (k*phi(N) + 1)/e
Taking k = 2 we get:
d = (2* 3016 + 1) / 3 = 2011.
Now, she will lock up all the values except N and e which are her public key and make the knowledge of these two global.
Bob encrypts the message
Now, Bob needs to send message M, which is 89, and he needs to calculate the cipher text c such that:
c = M^e mod N.
Now, we know that: M = 89, e = 3 and N = 3127.
So: c = 89^3 mod 3127 = 1394.
He then sends it over to Alice.
Alice decrypts the message
Alice gets the cipher text and all that she has to do is to decrypt it using her private key d which we know to be 2011.
So, Alice does this calculation: c^d mod N
1394^2011 mod 3127 which is 89 aka the original message M.
And this, is the RSA algorithm, the most widely used cryptographic algorithm

What is elliptical curve cryptography?

Elliptical curve cryptography is what is used by bitcoin, ethereum etc. for their encryption purposes. So what is an elliptical curve? An elliptical curve is any curve that satisfies the following equation:
Y^2 = x^3 + ax + b
Where (x,y) is a point on the curve and a and b are constants.
There are infinite curves that you can make. The following is how one of these curves, in general, look like:

Image credit: CSBreakdown youtube channel
What are the properties of an elliptic curve?
  • The curve is symmetric across the x axis.
  • Any line that goes through 2 points on the curve will intersect the curve on a third point.
  • Any tangent on the curve will intersect the curve on one more point.
Performing maths on the curve.
Addition property of the curve
Suppose there are two points on the curve V and A. Let’s trace those on the curve and put a line through them. This will intersect the curve on a third point.

Image credit: CSBreakdown youtube channel
We will call this third point X, and we will reflect it on the curve like this:

Image credit: CSBreakdown youtube channel
The reflection of X is a point which will incidentally be (V+A). This is the additive property of the elliptical curve.
Interesting note. If we add two reflections with each other aka if we were to add X and V+A in the graph above, we will get infinity. The reason for that is that the line through X and (V+A) will intersect the curve at infinity.
Multiplication property of the curve
Now, what if we want to add a number to itself? Like suppose we have a point V, what do we do to find 2V? We will run a tangent through V and intersect it at a point in the graph and then find the reflection of the point on the curve. That reflection will be 2V.

Image credit: CSBreakdown youtube channel
This is also the multiplicative property of the graph because we are finding points which are basically the multiplication of an integer with the point itself. Now suppose we want to find 3V. We will join V and 2V and then reflect the point of intersection, like this:

Image credit: CSBreakdown youtube channel
You see how the points cycle across the graph? This is what gives it its security.

Mathematical properties of an elliptical curve

Property #1: The points on the curve form an Abelian group
The properties of the Abelian group are as follows:
  • They have identity.
  • The have inverses aka reflections.
  • The points are associative meaning for three points A, B and C on the curve: (A+B) + C = A + (B+C).
  • The points are closed on the curve.
  • The points are commutative meaning for two points A and B. A+B = B+A.
Property #2: Multiplication on the curve is fast
All multiplication done on the curve can be done very fast. Now suppose we have a point P and we want to find 100P. Instead of adding the number to itself 100 times we can do the following:
  • Add the point P to itself to get 2P.
  • Add 2P and P to get 3P.
  • Add 3P to itself to get 6P.
  • Add 6P to itself to get 12P.
  • Add 12P to itself to get 24P.
  • Add 24P and P to get 25P.
  • Add 25P to itself to get 50P.
  • Add 50P to itself to get 100P.
So, instead of going through 99 steps you cut short the entire thing to just 8 steps.
Property #3: Division on the curve is slow
Whilst multiplication is fast, the division is very slow. Suppose we have Q = nP and we want to find the value of n by dividing Q by P. We can’t really do that. We will have to manually go through the numbers one by one to find a value which satisfies the equation. This makes it very slow. This is called the discrete logarithmic problem and this is what gives the curves its trapdoor function i.e. it is easy to multiply n and P to get Q but given Q and P it is infeasible to get n.

The elliptical curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange

So, till now we have seen the various properties of the curve and we have also seen that the curve has a trapdoor function. Now how do we determine whether it is usable for cryptography or not? Let’s test it out with the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Suppose we have Alice and Bob and they want to both come up with a common secret without anyone knowing what it is and without explicitly exchanging its information with one another. How will they do that via elliptical curves?
  • Firstly, they will publicly agree on a curve to use and a point P on the curve. This will be public knowledge and available to everyone.
  • In secret, however, Alice will choose a secret point “a” and Bob will choose a secret point “b”.
  • Alice will compute “aP” and send it over to Bob. Anyone can intercept this message, however, even with the knowledge of P they will never be able to determine the value of “a” because, as we have already determined, there is a trapdoor function which will make division infeasible.
  • Similarly, Bob will come up with the value “bP” and send it over to Alice.
  • Alice will then multiply her secret key to the message that she gets from Bob to get a(bP). Bob will do the same and come up with b(aP). Since all the points on the curve are Abelian: a(bP) = b(aP). And just like that, they have come upon a secret shared information.
So as we can see. The curve satisfies the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
So how does signature verification work on the elliptical curves?
(Note: This is what specifically happens in bitcoin)
Before we see how the process works let’s checkout certain variables and their meaning that we will be using the following equations.
  • Private key = d.
  • Message = z.
  • Public key = Q.
G will be a constant point on the graph which will be provided by bitcoin.
  • “k” is a random number which will be generated automatically for every unique signature.
  • “n” is another constant that will be provided by Bitcoin.
Ok, so now let’s see how the maths behind the verification work.
Signing a message
Public key Q = dG. (it is impossible to get the private key from Q and G because division in infeasible).
Now we will multiply the G with the random number “k” and plot that point on the graph. The co-ordinates of that point are (x,y). i.e. (x,y) = kG
Next, we determine two values r and s such that:
r = x mod n.
s = (z + rd) k^-1 mod n
The reason why we generate r and s is because these are the co-ordinates of our signature.
So, we send the point (r,s) for verification.
Verifying a message
The verifiers will conduct a simple equation:
z*s^-1*G + r*s^-1*Q
The value of this equation will give us the point (x,y).
Now, the verifiers can simply compare the x co-ordinates. They don’t have the x co-ordinate given directly to them from the sender BUT they have the values of r and n.
And as we already know that r = x mod n, and then they can simply solve for x.
If the values of x match out, then this means that the signature is verified!

Bonus: A deeper look into the maths

Let’s check out the equation that the verifiers will have to do once again:
  • Step 1: z*s^-1*G + r*s^-1*Q
We know that Q = d*G, let’s simply substitute the value.
  • Step 2: z*s^-1*g + r*s^-1*d*G
We can take (z + r*d) common
  • Step 3: (z + r*d)*s^-1*G
Now remember, we have already established that s = (z+r*d)*k^-1 mod n ,let’s substitute the values here:
  • Step 4: (z+r*d)*(z+r*d)^-1*k*G
The (z+r*d)*(z+r*d)^-1 cancel each other out and we are left with:
  • Step 5: k*G which is the co-ordinate (x,y) that the sender originally sent.
What could go wrong in Elliptical curves?
While it goes without saying that elliptical curves are the best mode of cryptography out there, the fact remains that it still has few vulnerabilities:
  • What if a wrong curve was chosen? If the curve has a loop in it then there is a possibility that 1001P = P for any point P on the curve.
  • A weak curve maybe is chosen which can be broken into.
It has its weaknesses but they are pretty manageable weaknesses.

RSA vs EEC. Why did bitcoin and ethereum go with elliptical curves?

The reason why EEC was chosen over RSA is because it offers the same level of security as RSA by consuming far less bits. Eg. for a 256-bit key in EEC to offer the same level of security RSA will have to provide a 3072-bit key. Similarly, for a 384-bit key in EEC the RSA will have to provide a 7680- bit key to provide the same level of security! As can be seen, EEC is far more efficient than RSA.
Fun Fact: The NSA has declared that a 384-bit key in EEC is strong and secure enough to encrypt top level secret documents.
How do the keys work in blockchain?
As mentioned above, bitcoin and ethereum use elliptical curve cryptography. So, what happens when someone sends you money on the blockchain? They send you the money to your public address which is basically the hash of your public key and some additional information. As we have seen above, the public key is derived mathematically from your private key.
Public and private keys are both large integer values and they are represented, for brevity’s sake, via the Wallet Import Format (WIF) which consists of letters and numbers. A sample private key and public address looks like this in WIF:
Obviously, you shouldn’t share your private key with the world like we just did! The private key is used to sign off on the transaction that the user wants to do. So, if someone has access to your private key, they can sign off on transactions using your private key and, in essence, steal from you. Also, as you can see, the private key is longer than the public address.
So, how is a public key derived from the private key in the blockchain? Let’s take the example of bitcoin for this specific example.
Suppose, Alice wants to generate her keys so that she can conduct transactions on the blockchain. This is what she will do:
  • First, she will generate her 256-bit private key. She can either do so manually OR she will use an auto-generator. This is an example of a private address generator that you can find in a wallet-generator.net:
  • Next, she will have to generate the public address which the algorithm inside that wallet will do automatically by following these steps.
  • First, her private key will be parsed through the SHA 256 hashing algorithm to get a hash.
  • Then hash will be parsed through the RIPE MD 160 function and a new hash will be generated and a copy of it will be kept aside, let’s call this PART A.
  • Then the hash will be hashed through SHA 256 to generate another hash.
  • Then the new hash will be hashed through SHA 256 again to generate another hash. The first 7 bits of this hash will be saved, let’s call it PART B.
  • PART A and PART B will be added up and the result is the public address.
It is infeasible for this process to be reversed in a way that the public address can be used to generate the private key. It will take the world’s most powerful computer 40000000000000000000000000000000 years to complete this calculation! Safe to say your address and key are secure.

So how does the signing process work (a simple overview)?

Suppose Alice wants to send 500 BTC to Bob. She will follow the following steps:
  • She will create transaction and sign it off with her private key.
  • She will the send the transaction to Bob’s public address.
  • Bob can then decrypt the message by using Alice’s public key to verify that it was indeed Alice who sent him the bitcoins and the transaction is deemed complete.
If this were to be shown in an image this is what it will look like:


So, as can be seen, public key cryptography aka asymmetric cryptography is one of the backbones of cryptocurrency. It is impossible to even imagine how bitcoin and ethereum would have been secure without it. Every time you make a transaction, be thankful to all the mathematicians and cryptographers who have made this wonderful medium possible.

What is Monero? The Ultimate Beginners Guide

According to Monero’s site: Monero is a secure, private and untraceable currency system. Monero uses a special kind of cryptography to ensure that all of its transactions remain 100% unlinkable and untraceable. In an increasingly transparent world, you can see why something like Monero can become so desirable. In this guide, we will see the mechanics behind Monero and see what makes it so special.

The origins of Monero

Back in July of 2012, Bytecoin, the first real life implementation of CryptoNote, was launched. CryptoNote is the application layer protocol that fuels various decentralized currencies. While it is similar to the application layer which runs bitcoin in many aspects, there a lot of areas where the two differ from each other.

While bytecoin had promise, people noticed that a lot of shady things were going on and that 80% of the coins were already published. So, it was decided that the bytecoin blockchain will be forked and the new coins in the new chain will be called Bitmonero, which is was eventually renamed Monero meaning “coin” in Esperanto. In this new blockchain, a block will be mined and added every two mins.

Monero is headed by a group of 7 developers of which 5 have chosen to remain anonymous while two have come out openly in public. They are: David Latapie and Riccardo Spagni aka “Fluffypony”.  The project is open source and crowdfunded.

Image courtesy: Coinsutra

Special features of Monero

So what is it about Monero that makes it so hot and in-demand. What are the unique properties that the CryptoNote algorithm gives it? Let’s check it out.

Property #1: Your currency is yours

You have complete control over your transactions. You are responsible for your money. Because your identity is private no one will be able to see what you are spending your money on.

Property #2: It is Fungible

Another interesting property that it gains, thanks to its privacy, is that it is truly fungible. What is fungibility? Investopedia defines fungibility as follows:

“Fungibility is a good or asset’s interchangeability with other individual goods or assets of the same type.”

So, what is fungible and what is non-fungible.

Suppose you borrowed $20 from a friend. If you return the money to him with ANOTHER $20 bill, then it is perfectly fine. In fact, you can even return the money to them in the form of 1 $10 bill and 2 $5 bills. It is still fine. The dollar has fungible properties (not all the time though).

However, if you were to borrow someone’s car for the weekend and come back and give them some other car in return, then that person will probably punch on the face. In fact, if you went away with a red Impala and came back with another red Impala then even that is not a done deal. Cars, in this example, are a nonfungible asset.

So, what is the deal with fungibility when it comes to cryptocurrency?

Let’s look at bitcoin for example. Bitcoin prides itself in being an open ledger and an open book. But what it also means is that everyone can see the transactions in it and more importantly, everyone can see the trail of that transaction. What this basically means is that suppose you own a bitcoin which once was used in some illegal transaction, eg. buying drugs, it would forever be imprinted in the transaction detail. What this in essence does is that it “taints” your bitcoin.

In certain bitcoin service providers and exchanges, these “tainted” coins will never be worth as much as “clean” coins. This kills fungibility and is one of the most often used criticisms against bitcoin. After all, why should you suffer if one of the previous owners of your bitcoin used it to make some illegal purchases?

This is where Monero comes in. Since all their data and transactions are private, no one can know what transactions your Monero has gone through before and neither can they know what was used to buy with your Monero. Since its transaction history can never be known, it also means that the “transaction” trail is non-existent. As a result of this, the concept of “tainted” Monero and “clean” Monero doesn’t exist, and hence they are fungible!

Property #3: Dynamic Scalability

The Bitcoin scalability issue has been a very hot topic in the crypto circles the past few months. So, to give you all a gist of the the situation, Bitcoin was created with a self-imposed 1 Mb block size limit. In its early developments bitcoin didn’t have any block size limit, however, in order to prevent spam transactions, the size limit was enforced.

Monero, on the other hand, has no “pre-set” size limit, but this also means that malicious miners can clog up the system with disproportionately huge blocks. To prevent this from happening, a block reward penalty is built into the system. This is how it works:

Firstly, the median size of the last 100 blocks is taken which is called M100. Now suppose the miners mined a new block and it has a particular size which is called “NBS” aka New Block Size. If NBS > M100, then the block reward gets reduced in quadratic dependency of how much NBS exceeds M100.

This means that if NBS is [10%, 50%, 80%, 100%] greater than M100, the block reward gets reduced by [1%, 25%, 64%, 100%]. Generally, blocks greater than 2*M100 are not allowed, and blocks <= 60kB are always free of any block reward penalties.

Property #4: ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) Resistant

Ok, before we get started, let’s just get this out of the way. Monero is not exactly “ASIC resistant”, but the cost of manufacturing ASICs for Monero would be so high that it simply won’t be worth it. Why is that the case? Remember, when we said that Monero was based on the CryptoNote system which makes it distinctly different from bitcoins? Well, the hashing algorithm used in CryptoNote based systems is called “CryptoNight”.

Cryptonight was created to build a fairer and more decentralized currency system. Cryptocurrencies which incorporate Cryptonight cannot be mined using. It was hoped that this would prevent the creation of mining pools and make the currency more evenly distributed.

So what are the properties of CryptoNight which makes it ASIC Resistant? (The following is taken from “user36303” answer in monero.stackexchange.com).

  • Cryptonight requires 2 MB of fast memory to work. This means that parallelizing hashes is limited by how much memory can be crammed in a chip while keeping cheap enough to be worth it. 2 MB of memory takes a lot more silicon than the SHA256 circuitry.

  • Cryptonight is built to be CPU and GPU friendly because it is designed to take advantage of AES-Ni instruction sets. Basically, some of the work done by Cryptonight is already being done in hardware when running on modern consumer machines.

  • There have been talks of moving Monero on from proof of work algorithm to “Cuckoo Cycle” (a different form of proof of work hash). If a switch like this does happen, then the amount of work spent in the R&D of Monero friendly ASICs would be meaningless.

Property #5: Multiple keys

One of the more confusing aspects of Monero is its multiple keys. In bitcoin, ethereum, etc. you just have one public key and one private key. However, in a system like Monero, it is not quite as simple as that.

View Keys: Monero has a public view key and a private view key.

  • The public view key is used to generate the one-time stealth public address where the funds will be sent to the receiver. (more on this later).
  • The private view key is used by the receiver to scan the blockchain to find the funds sent to them.

That’s the general overview of the process.

The public view key makes the first part of the Monero Address.

Spend Keys: If the view key was mostly for the recipient of a transaction, the spend key is all about the sender. As above, there are two spend keys: public spend key and private spend key.

  • The public spend key will help the sender take part in ring transactions and also verify the signature of the key image. (more on that later)
  • The private spend key helps in creating that key image which enables them to send transactions.

The public spend key makes the second part of the Monero address.

The Monero address btw is a 95-character string which is made of the public spend and public view key.

This can be very confusing right now, but just keep this information in your head, and it will become clearer with subsequent sections.
What is the cryptography involved in Monero?

How does a transaction in a cryptocurrency work?

Every transaction has two sides to it, the input side and the output side. Suppose Alice needs to send some bitcoins to Bob how will it look like?

Transaction Input

In order to make this transaction happen, Alice needs to get bitcoins which she has received from various previous transactions. Remember, as we said before, in bitcoins, each and every coin is accounted for via a transaction history. So Alice can make the outputs of her previous transactions the input of the new transaction. Later on, when we talk about “outputs”, especially in the ring signature section, we mean the outputs of the old transaction which become the inputs of the new transaction.

So, suppose Alice needs to pull bitcoins from the following transactions which we shall name TX(0), TX(1) and TX(2). These three transactions will be added together and that will give you the input transaction which we shall call TX(Input).

Diagrammatically, it will look like this:

So, that is it from the input side, let’s check out what the output side will look like.

Transaction Output

The output basically will have a number of bitcoins that Bob will possess post transaction and any remaining change that is left over, which is then sent back to Alice. This change then becomes her input value for all future transactions.

A pictorial representation of the output side looks like this:

Now, this is a very simple transaction that has just one output (apart from the CHANGE), there are transactions that are possible with multiple outputs.
Image courtesy: FluffyPony presentation.
What is Monero? The Ultimate Beginners Guide

Bitcoin transactions happen because of public key cryptography. To have a very basic understanding of how that works, check out this flowchart:

A bitcoin user first chooses their private key. The public key is then mathematically derived from the private key. The public key is then hashed to create a public address which is open to the world. So, if Alice were to send Bob some BTC, she simply has to send them to his public address.

Now, there is a problem with this system. The public address is well…public! Anyone on
the blockchain can know who that address belongs to and as a result checkout their entire transaction history and also a number of bitcoins that they own! While Bitcoin does a stellar job of being a decentralized cryptocurrency, it doesn’t really do a great job of being a private currency system.

This is the “Electronic cash triangle” as the Monero team puts it:

Image courtesy: FluffyPony presentation.

As they put it, an ideal Electronic cash should fulfill three requirements:
  • It should be electronic.
  • It should be decentralized.
  • It should be private.

With Monero, they are attempting to fulfill all these 3 criteria.

The underlying philosophy behind Monero is complete privacy and opaqueness.

  • The privacy of the sender is maintained by Ring Signatures.

  • The privacy of the recipient is maintained by Confidential Addresses.

  • The privacy of the transaction is maintained by Ring CT aka Ring Confidential Transactions.

Monero Cryptography #1: Ring Signatures

In order to understand what ring signatures are and how they help maintain the sender’s privacy let’s take a hypothetical real life example. When you are sending someone a check, you need to sign it off with your signature right? However, because of that, anyone who sees your check (and knows what your signature looks like) can tell that you are the person who has sent it.

Now think about this.

Suppose, you pick up 4 random people from the streets. And you merge your signatures with these 4 people to create a unique signature. Nobody will be able to find out whether it really is your signature or not.

That, in essence, is how ring signature works. Let’s see its mechanism in the context of Monero.

Suppose, Alice has to send 1000 XMR (XMR = Monero) to Bob, how will the system utilize ring signatures to hide her identity? (For simplicity’s sake, we are taking a pre- ringct implementation case..more on that later).

Firstly, she will determine her “ring size”. The ring size are random outputs taken from the blockchain which is of the same value as her output aka 1000 XMR. The bigger the ring size, the bigger the transaction and hence higher the transaction fees.  She then signs these outputs with her private spend key and sends it to the blockchain. Another thing to note, Alice doesn’t need to ask the owners of these previous transactions their permission to use the outputs.

So, suppose Alice chooses a ring size of 5 i.e. 4 decoy outputs and her own transaction, for an outsider, this is what it will look like:

Image courtesy: Monero Youtube channel.

In a ring signature transaction, any of the decoys is as likely of being an output as the actual output because of which any unintended third party (including the miners) won’t be able to know who the sender is.

Now, this brings us to a problem.

One of the many important roles that miners have is the prevention of “double spending”. Double spending basically means spending the exact same coin on more than one transactions at the same time. This problem is circumnavigated because of miners. In a blockchain, transactions happen only when miners put the transactions in the blocks that they have mined.

So suppose, A were to send 1 bitcoin to B and then he sends the same coin to C, the miners would put in one transaction inside the block and, in the process, overwrite the other one, preventing double spending in the process. But this is possible only when the miners can actually see what the inputs of the transaction actually is and who the sender is. In Monero, this is all hidden and cloaked thanks to the ring signatures. So how do they prevent double spends?

The answer lies in more ingenious cryptography.

Every transaction in Monero comes with its own unique key image. (we will see the mathematics behind key image later on). Since the key image is unique for every transaction, the miners can simply check it out and know whether a Monero coin is being double spent or not.

So, this is how Monero maintains the privacy of the sender by using ring transactions. Up next, we will see how Monero protects its receiver’s identity by the use of stealth addresses.

Monero Cryptography #2: Stealth Addresses

One of the biggest USP of Monero is transaction unlinkability. Basically, if someone sends you 200 XMR then, nobody should know that that money is coming to your address.  Basically, if Alice were to send money to Bob, only Alice should know that Bob is the recipient of her money and no one else.

So, how does Monero ensure Bob’s privacy?

Remember, Bob has 2 public keys, the public view key, and the public send key. For the transaction to go through, Alice’s wallet will use Bob’s public view key and the public spend key to generate a unique one-time public key.

This is the computation of the one-time public key (P).

  • P = H(rA)G + B

In this equation:

  • r = Random scalar chosen by Alice.
  • A = Bob’s public view key.
  • G = Cryptographic constant.
  • B = Bob’s public spend key.
  • H() = The Keccak hashing algorithm used by Monero.

The computation of this one-time public key generates a one-time public address called “stealth address” in the block chain where Alice sends her Monero intended for Bob. Now, how is Bob going to unlock his Monero from the random distribution of data?

Remember that Bob also has a private spend key?

This is where it comes into play. The private spend key basically helps Bob scan the blockchain for his transaction. When Bob comes across the transaction, he can calculate a private key which corresponds to the one-time public key and retrieves his Monero. So Alice paid Bob in Monero without anyone getting to know.

The Calculation of Key Images (a slight detour)

Before we continue, let’s go back to key images. So how is a key Image (I) calculated?

Now we know how the one-time public key (P) was calculated. And we have private spend key of the sender which we will call “x”.

  • I = xH(P).

Things to note from this equation.

  • It is infeasible to derive the one time public address P from the key image “I”(it is a property of the cryptographic hash function) and hence Alice’s identity will never be exposed.
  • P will always give the same value when it’s hashed, meaning H(P) will always be the same. What this means is, since the value of “x” is constant for Alice, she will never be able to generate multiple values of “I”. Which makes the key image unique for every transaction.

Monero Cryptography #3: Ring Confidential Transactions

So, now we have seen how the spender can be kept anonymous and we have seen how the receiver is kept anonymous. But what about the transaction itself? Is there a way to make sure that the transaction amount itself is hidden?

Before the implementation of Ring CT, the transactions used to happen like this:

If Alice had to send 12.5 XMR to bob, then the output will be broken down into 3 transactions of 10,2 and .5. Each of those transactions will get their own ring signatures and then added to the blockchain:

Image courtesy: Monero Youtube

While this did safeguard the sender’s privacy, what it did was that it made the transactions visible to everyone.

To address this issue, Ring CT was implemented which was based on the research done by Gregory Maxwell. What RingCT does is simple, it hides the transaction amounts in the blockchain. What this also means is that any transaction inputs don’t need to be broken down into known denominations, a wallet can now pick up ring members from any Ring CT outputs.

Think of what that does to the privacy of the transaction?

Since there are so many more options to choose rings from and the value is not even known, it is now impossible to be aware of any particular transaction.

These 3 factors work in harmony to create a system where total privacy is afforded. But this was still not enough for the Monero developers. They needed an extra layer of security.

Kovri and I2P

I2p or invisible internet project is a routing system that allows applications to send messages to each other privately without any outside interference. Kovri is a C++ implementation of I2P which is supposed to be integrated with the Monero code.

If you are using Monero then Kovri will hide your internet traffic such that passive network monitoring won’t reveal that you are using Monero at all. In order for this to function, all of your Monero traffic will be encrypted and routed through the I2P nodes. The nodes are like blind gatekeepers. They will know that your messages are passing through but will have no idea where exactly they are going and what are the contents of the messages.

It is hoped that the relationship between I2P and Monero will be a symbiotic once because:

  • Monero will be getting an extra layer of protection.
  • The number of nodes being used in I2P will significantly increase post implementation.

Kovri is still in developmental stage (as of writing) and has not been implemented yet.

Monero value and transaction cap

Monero’s growth has been pretty amazing to watch. Checkout their graph:
Image Courtesy: Coinmarketcap

As of writing, there are 15,054,759 XMR in circulation and each Monero is worth $114.83. The total market cap of Monero sits at $1,728,798,235.

In total there are 18.4 million XMR and mining is projected to go on until 31st May 2022. After that, the system is designed such that 0.3 XMR/min is fed continuously into it. This has been done so that miners would have the incentive to continue mining and won’t have to depend on just transaction fees after all the Monero has been mined out.

How to store Moneros?

The simplest way to store Monero is by going to “mymonero.com”

Step 1: Click on “Create a new account”

Step 2: Take note of your private login key

Step 3: Type in your private login key to log in and find your public address!

And you are done!

Simple, wasn’t it?

Just be careful to never reveal your private login key.
If you ever forget your key, then click on Account and then click on “Review Login Key”.

And you can review the private login key:

How straightforward is that?

Monero Vs Bitcoin

So, comparisons can obviously not be avoided let’s look at how both these coins stack up.

Bitcoin prides itself on its open transparency. The blockchain is literally an open ledger that anyone, anywhere can access the blockchain and read up on all past transactions. Bitcoins are relatively simple to access and use.

Monero, on the other hand, is built for complete and utter privacy. All the transactions are completely secret. Monero can be a little complicated to understand and access for beginners.

The following table by Lindia Xie in her Medium article makes a fine comparison between bitcoin and Monero:

Edit: Current market cap for BTC is $68,242,637,715 and the current market cap for Monero is $1,728,798,235

The pros and cons of Monero

  • One of the best privacy features on any cryptocurrency.
  • The transactions are not linkable.
  • The transactions are not traceable.
  • The blockchain doesn’t have a block limit and is dynamically scalable.
  • Even when the Monero supply runs out there will be a continuous 0.3 XMR/min supply to incentivize the miners.
  • Has achieved staggering growth financially.
  • It is selectively transparent. Anyone can make their transactions visible to their person of choice eg. an auditor by giving them their private view key. This also makes Monero auditable.
  • Has a very capable and strong developmental team leading the charge.

  • Even though Monero was made ASIC resistant to prevent centralization, ~43% of hashrate of Monero is owned by 3 mining pools:

Image Courtesy: Monero Hash.
  • Monero transaction are significantly larger than other cryptos like bitcoin because of the amount of encryption involved.
  • There is not much wallet compatibility for Monero. In fact, there are no hardware wallets compatible with Monero (as of writing).
  • It is not beginner friendly and has not been as widely accepted and adopted.
  • Because it is not a bitcoin based coin, Monero has faced difficult issues in the sense that it is harder to add things to it.

The future of Monero

There is no doubt that as the future becomes more open and decentralized, Monero will become more and more alluring for the privacy it offers. What is particularly interesting is that it is one of the few non-bitcoin based coins which has the potential of truly making it big. Interesting times lie ahead for Monero, and with the staggering growth that it has already undergone, the future looks very bright indeed. It will be interesting to see how things look like once Kovri is implemented.

What is Segwit? A Beginners Crash Course!

If you are interested in cryptocurrency, then there is no way you haven’t head of “Segregated Witness” or Segwit before. Some people think that this is going to revolutionize Bitcoin, while some have been so disillusioned by it that they preferred going their own way with a whole new form of Bitcoin called Bitcoin Cash!

So what is Segwit?

In order to understand this, we will need to understand some core concepts first.
How do transactions in a Bitcoin work?
Before we continue, a huge shout out to Professor Donald J Patterson and his Youtube channel “djp3” for the explanation.

Suppose Alice wants to send a certain number of bitcoins to Bob. How does the transaction system in Bitcoin work? Bitcoin transactions are very different from Fiat wallet transactions. If Alice was to give $2 to Bob, she would physically take 2 dollars from her wallet and give it to Bob. However, things don’t work like that in Bitcoin. You don’t physically own any Bitcoin, what you have is the proof that you have Bitcoins.

There are two more things that you need to know:

  • The miners validate your transactions by putting the data inside the mines that they have blocked. In return for giving this service, they charge a transaction fee.

  • When it comes to FIAT currency, you don’t really keep track of how and where you got that specific note from. Eg. Open your wallet right now and take out all the notes and coins in it. Can you tell where exactly did you get each and every specific note and coin from? Chances are that you don’t. However, in bitcoin, the history of each and every single bitcoin transaction is taken note of.

Ok, so now let’s do a deep dive into how a bitcoin transaction between Alice and Bob takes place. There are two sides to a transaction, the Input, and the Output. This entire Transaction will have a name that we will figure out in the end. For now, let’s look at the dynamics.

Transaction Input

In order to make this transaction happen, Alice needs to get bitcoins which she has received from various previous transactions. Remember, like we said before, in bitcoins, each and every coin is accounted for via a transaction history.

So, suppose Alice needs to pull bitcoins from the following transactions which we shall name TX(0), TX(1) and TX(2). These three transactions will be added together and that will give you the input transaction which we shall call TX(Input).

Diagrammatically, it will look like this:

So, that is it from the input side, let’s check out what the output side will look like.

Transaction Output
The output basically will have a number of bitcoins that Bob will possess post transaction and any remaining change that is left over, which is then sent back to Alice. This change then becomes her input value for all future transactions.

A pictorial representation of the output side looks like this:

Now, this is a very simple transaction that has just one output (apart from the CHANGE), there are transactions that are possible with multiple outputs.

This is what the basic layout of the transaction looks like. For this entire thing to go through, however, certain conditions must be met.

Conditions of a transaction

  • TX(Input) > TX(output). The input transaction has to be always greater than the output transaction. In any transaction, the deficit between the input and the output (output+change) is the transaction fees that miners collect. So:Transaction fees = TX(Input) – (TX(output) + Change).

  • In the input side:TX(0) + TX(1) + TX(2) = TX(Input).If Alice doesn’t have the funds necessary to carry out the transactions then the miners will simply reject the transactions.

  • Bob will have to show that he can provide the proof needed to get the bitcoins. Alice will lock the transactions with Bob’ public address. He will need to produce his private key to unlock the transactions and gain access to his fees.

  • Alice also needs to verify that she has the required rights to send over the bitcoins in the first place. The way she does that is by signing off the transaction with her digital signature (aka her private key). Anyone can decode this by using her public key and verify that it was indeed Alice who sent over the data. This proof is called “Signature data”. Remember this because this will be very important later on.

So, what is going to be the name of this entire transaction?

The Input (including the signature data) and the output data is added together and hashed using the SHA 256 hashing algorithm. The output hash is the name that is given to this transaction.

The transaction details code
This is what the transaction looks like in the code form. Suppose Alice wants to send 0.0015 BTC to Bob and in order to do so, she sends inputs which are worth 0.0015770 BTC. This is what the transaction detail looks like:

Image courtesy: djp3 youtube channel.

The first thing that you see:
Is the name of the Transaction aka the hash of the input and output value.

Vin_sz is the number of input data since Alice is sending the data using only one of her previous transactions, it is 1.

Vout_sz is 2 because the only outputs are Bob and the change.

This is the Input data:

See the input data? Alice is only using one input transaction (in the example that we gave above, this will be TX(0)), this is the reason why vin_sz was 1.

Below the input data is her signature data.

Underneath all this is the output data:
The first part of the data signifies that Bob is getting 0.0015 BTC.

The second part signifies that 0.00005120 BTC is what Alice is getting back as change.

Now, remember that out input data was 0.0015770 BTC? This is greater than (0.0015 + 0.00005120). The deficit of these two values is the transaction fee that the miners are collecting.

So, this is the anatomy of a simple transaction.

Before we continue though, let’s discuss a special kind of transaction called Coinbase transaction. It is basically the first transaction data that is on the block, and it signifies the mining reward that miners get upon mining the block. As of right now, the reward is 12.5 BTC. These transactions have no input data and they only have output data. Remember this because this will become important later on.

What is the scalability problem?

Now, remember, all the transactions that happen in the blockchain carry through because miners actually mine these blocks and put the transactions in the blocks to validate them. But, there are only so many transactions that you can put in the block. When Bitcoin was first conceived there was no block limit.
However, Satoshi Nakamoto (the founder(s) of Bitcoin) was forced to add the limit because they foresaw a possible DoS attack (denial of service attack) that hackers and trolls can inflict on the blockchain. They may stuff the blocks with spam transactions, and they may mine blocks which could be unnecessarily big in order to clog up the system. As a result of which the blocks were given a 1 MB size limit.

This was workable in the beginning, but as its popularity kept getting bigger and bigger, a number of transactions started adding up. This graph shows the number of transactions that are happening per month:

As you can see, the number of monthly transactions is only increasing and with the current 1mb block size limit, bitcoin can only handle 4.4 transactions per second. One of the biggest reasons why transactions are bulky and take up so much space is because of the signature data that is in it (we did tell you to keep this in mind). The fact is, that 65% of the space that the transaction uses is taken up by the signature data.

As the number of transactions increased by leaps and bounds, the rate at which the blocks filled up increased as well. More often than not, people actually had to wait till new blocks were created so that their transactions would go through. This created a backlog of transactions, in fact, the only way to get your transactions prioritized was to pay a high enough transaction fee to attract and incentivize the miners to prioritize your transactions.

This introduced the “replace-by-fee” system. Basically, this is how it works. Suppose Alice is sending 5 bitcoins to Bob, but the transaction is not going through because of a backlog. She can’t “delete” the transaction because bitcoins once spent can never come back. However, she can do another transaction of 5 bitcoins with Bob but this time with transaction fees which are high enough to incentivize the miners. As the miners put her transaction in the block, it will also overwrite the previous transaction and make it null and void.

While the “replace-by-fee” system is profitable for the miners, it is pretty inconvenient for users who may not be that well to do. In fact, here is a graph of the waiting time that a user will have to go through if they paid the minimum possible transaction fees:

Image courtesy: Business Insider.

If you pay the lowest possible transaction fees, then you will have to wait for a median time of 13 mins for your transaction to go through.
A possible solution that was thought of to speed up the transactions was the introduction of Lightning Network.

What is the lightning network?

The lightning netwok is an off-chain micropayment system which is designed to make transactions work faster in the blockchain.  It was conceptualized by Joseph Poon and Tadge Dryja in their white paper which aimed to solve the block size limit and the transaction delay issues. It operates on top of Bitcoin and is often referred to as “Layer 2”.
As Jimmy Song notes in his medium article:

“The Lightning Network works by creating a double-signed transaction. That is, we have a new check that requires both parties to sign for it to be valid. The check specifies how much is being sent from one party to another. As new micro-payments are made from one party to the other, the amount on the check is changed and both parties sign the result.”

The network will enable Alice and Bob to transact with each other without the being held captive by a third part aka the miner. In order to activate this, the transaction needs to be signed off by both Alice and Bob before it is broadcasted into the network. This double signing is critical in order for the transaction to go through.

However, here is where we face another problem.

Since the double check relies heavily upon the transaction identifier, if for some reason the identifier is changed, this will cause an error in the system and the Lightning Network will not activate. In case, you are wondering what the transaction identifier is, it is the transaction name aka the hash of the input and output transactions. In the example we have given before:
This is the transaction identifier.

Now, you might be wondering, what would cause the transaction identifier to change? This brings us to an interesting bug in the bitcoin system called, “Transaction Malleability”.

What is transaction malleability?

Before we understand what transaction malleability is, it is important to recap one of the most important functions in the cryptoeconomics model…hashing. We have written an article before which covers hashing in detail. Just to give you a brief overview, a hashing function can take in any input of any length but the output it gives is always of a fixed length.

However, there is one another important function of hashing that you need to know to understand the “transaction malleability bug” as it is called. Any small change in the input data will drastically change the output hash.

Eg. Check out this test that we did with SHA-256 aka the hashing algorithm used in bitcoin:
See that?
We just changed “T” from uppercase to lowercase, and look at what it did to the output!

One more thing that you need to understand about the blockchain is that it is immutable, meaning, once the data has been inserted in a block, it can never ever be changed. While this proves a safety net against corruption, there was one weakness that nobody saw coming.

What if, the data was tampered with before it even entered the block? Even if people found out about it later on, there was nothing that anyone can do about it because data once entered in a block can never be taken out! That in essence is why malleability of transactions is such a problem.

Now, why does transaction malleability happen?

Turns out that the signature that goes along with the input data can be manipulated, which in turn can change the transaction ID. In fact, it can make it seem like the transaction didn’t even happen in the first place. Let’s see this in an example.

Suppose Bob wants Alice to send him 3 BTC. Alice initiates a 3 BTC transaction to Bob’s public address and then sends it over to the miners for approval. While the transaction is waiting in the queue, Bob uses transaction malleability to alter Alice’s signature and change the transaction ID.

Now there is a chance that this tampered transaction will be approved before Alice’s gets approved, which in turn overwrites Alice’s transaction. When Bob gets his 3 BTC, he can simply tell Alice that he didn’t get the 3 BTC that she owed him. Alice will then see that her transaction didn’t go through and will them resend it. As a result, Bob will end up with 6 BTC instead of 3 BTC.

That is how transaction malleability can work and this is a serious problem. Check this out:

Image courtesy: Bitcoin Magazine.

These are statistics from the 2015 malleability attack on Bitcoin. The red lines roughly represent malleated transactions on the network

Now, remember what we said in the beginning? Transaction malleability was happening because the signature data is temperable.  So, not only was the signature data eating up block space, it was also posing a serious threat with transaction malleability.

The solution and the fears of a hard fork

Way back in 2012 people were exploring the idea of taking signature data away from the transactions. People like Russell O’Connor, Gregory Maxwell, Luke Dashjr and Dr. Adam Back were working on a way to make this work, but they all were hitting a wall. They realized that the only way that this could go forward was to do a hard fork, and nobody wanted to do that.

But then, in 2015 Blcokstream’s Dr. Peter Wiulle came up with a possible solution.

Sidechains and Segwit

Sidechain as a concept has been in the bitcoin circles for quite some time now. The idea is very straight forward; you have a parallel chain which runs along with the main chain. The side chain will be attached to the main chain via a two-way peg.

This is what Blockstream’s initial idea of the Bitcoin blockchain and a sidechain looked like:

Image courtesy: Bitcoin Magazine

What Dr. Wiulle thought of was simple why not add a feature to this sidechain? This feature would include the signature data of all transactions, separating it from the main chain in the process. This feature would be called Segregated Witness aka Segwit.

This is what a block would look like once it implements segwit:

So by removing the signature data from the transactions, it was killing two birds with one stone, the block space got emptier and the transactions became malleable free. There was one more thing that needed to be worked on, however. Segwit activation was possible only via a hardfork, which is what everyone wanted to avoid. The developers wanted to look at soft fork alternatives. That was when Luke Dashjr hit gold.

Segwit as a soft fork

To utilize segwit as a soft fork the developers had to come up with 2 ingenious innovations. They are as follows:

  • Arrange the signature data in the side chains in the form of a Merkle Tree.
  • Keep a part of the signature data in a new part of the block.

Before we continue, let’s a do a brief refresher of Merkle trees.

What is a Merkle Tree?

Image Courtesy: Wikipedia

The above diagram shows what a Merkle tree looks like. In a Merkle tree, each non-leaf node is the hash of the values of their child nodes.

Leaf Node: The leaf nodes are the nodes in the lowest tier of the tree. So wrt the diagram above, the leaf nodes will be L1, L2, L3 and L4.
Child Nodes: For a node, the nodes below its tier which are feeding into it are its child nodes. Wrt the diagram, the nodes labeled “Hash 0-0” and “Hash 0-1” are the child nodes of the node labeled “Hash 0”.

Root Node: The single node on the highest tier labeled “Top Hash” is the root node aka the Merkle root.
What is Segwit? A Beginners Crash Course!
All the transactions inside a block are arranged in the form of a Merkle tree, and the Merkle root of all that data is kept inside the block. The transactions can all be accessed by traversing through the Merkle root.

(If you want a detailed explanation of Merkle Trees and their application in Blockchain then checkout our article on “Hashing”).

So, what the segwit developers suggested was, why not run another Merkle tree, but only with the signature data? That was the first innovation.

The second innovation was knowing where exactly to put the Merkle root of the signature data. The developers knew that in order to activate the segwit soft fork, the signature root needed to be placed in the block. The spot that they chose was the coinbase transaction spot. Now remember, we talked about this before, the coinbase transaction is the first transaction that takes place in a block, this basically the transaction that gives miners their reward and had no input value whatsoever.

What the developers didn’t realize was by doing so they were unwittingly stumbling on something that would have far wider repercussions.

By putting the signature merkle in a new place in the block, they were increasingly the block size…without actually increasing the block size limit in the first place! So basically what segwit achieved was that they increased the block size AND made the whole transition backwards compatible aka a soft fork! This was a major breakthrough which gave the bitcoin network a temporary fix for their scaling issues.

The Hong Kong Scalability Convention and segwit detractors

In the 2015 Hong Kong convention, Dr Wiulle introduced the Segwit proposal which was largely received very well. This was supposed to be the answer that everyone was looking for. It was hoped that everyone would jump on board, however it didn’t work out that way.  Some of the miners had a big problem with Segwit.

When the developers built SegWit they added a special clause to it. It can only be activated when it has 95% approval from the miners. After all, it is a huge change in the system and they figured that getting a super majority was the way to go. However, this caused a disruption in the system. Some of the miners didn’t want segwit to activate. They were afraid that since the available block space will increase, there will be more space available for transactions and that will reduce the waiting time.

This, in turn, will reduce the transaction fees and kill off the “replace-by-fee” system which are their main modes of income (apart from the block reward). So as a result, the implementation of segwit was stalled. This, in turn, infuriated the users. In the context of a blockchain, users are people who run nodes in the blockchain network. They realized that something needed to be done to encourage the miners to mine segwit activated blocks.

Along with the miners, there were some developers who weren’t happy with the segwit solution. In their eyes, a temporary solution wasn’t good enough, something more permanent, like a block size increase, was needed. One of the bitcoin clients offering block size increase named “Bitcoin Unlimited”, was gaining a lot of support. The CEO of DCG Barry Silbert believed that the bitcoin community was under a lot of turmoil and, if not addressed, could lead to a lot of tensions in the future. He called in everyone for a truce meeting in New York. The outcome of this meeting is what is known as “The New York Agreement”.

The New York Agreement

On May 21 2017, prominent members of the Bitcoin community met in New York for the convention. After a lot of deliberations, a compromise was reached between the pro-segwit and the pro-blocksize increase camp. The outcome of the meeting is often called “The New York Agreement” or Segwit2x. It is basically a 2 stage agreement.

  • Stage 1: Segwit gets up and running. The percentage of miners who need to consent to get this up and running goes down from 95% to 80%. Post the soft fork, any miners who mine blocks which are not segwit friendly will automatically be rejected from the blockchain. Miners who showed their support to this started including the letters “NYA” in their blocks.

  • Stage 2: 6 months after segwit activation, the blockchain will undergo a hardfork and the block sizes will be increased from 1 mb to 2 mb.

Image courtesy: DCG article in Medium.

Aftermath of the New York Agreement

There were some very vocal detractors of the segwit2x. In fact, this led on to the series of events which eventually gave birth to Bitcoin Cash. However, a lot of the members in the community decided that this was the best path moving forward for bitcoin. Everyone was very excited about the upcoming segwit activation which was going to be around mid-July. But then something happened, because of a lot of complications, the miners missed the window!

Segwit was not activated when it should have and that caused widespread panic because it was felt that this would split the Bitcoin Core community even more. This dropped BTC’s price from $2500 all the way down to $1900…the lowest it has been in over a month. This drop in price startled the mining community and sprung them into action. By 20th July, the first stage of segwit activation, the BIP 91 activation was locked in. By August 8th the point of no return was reached and finally, on August 24th, Segwit got activated. Let’s see what Segwit had to say about that:

Image courtesy: segwit.co

The pros and cons of Segwit

Pros of segwit:
  • Increases the number of transactions that a block can take.
  • Decreases transaction fees.
  • Reduces the size of each individual transaction.
  • Transactions can now be confirmed faster because the waiting time will decrease.
  • Helps in the scalability of bitcoin.
  • Since the number of transactions in each block will increase, it may increase the total overall fees that a miner may collect.
  • Removes transaction malleability.
  • Aids in the activation of lightning protocol.
  • Removes the quadratic hashing problem: Quadratic hashing is an issue that comes along with block size increase. The problem is that in certain transactions, signature hashing scales quadratically:
Image courtesy: Bitcoincore.org

Basically, doubling the amount of transactions in a block will double a number of transactions and that, in turn, will double the amount of signature data that will be inside each of those transactions. This would make the transactions even bulkier and increase the transaction time by a huge amount. This opens the gates for malicious parties who may want to spam the blockchain.
Segwit resolves this by changing the calculation of the signature hash and make the whole process more efficient as a result.

Cons of segwit:

  • Miners will now get lesser transaction fees for each individual transaction.
  • The implementation is complex and all the wallets will need to implement segwit themselves. There is a big chance that they may not get it right the first time.
  • It will significantly increase the usage of resources since the capacity, transactions, bandwidth everything will increase.
  • As the creation of Bitcoin Cash shows, it did ultimately split up the Bitcoin Core community.
  • Another problem with Segwit is the maintenance. The sidechain containing the signature data will need to be maintained by miners as well. However, unlike the main blockchain, the miners have no financial benefits on doing so, it will need to be done pro-bono or some reward scheme needs to be thought of to incentivize the miners.

Looking Forward

The following few months could be the most important and exciting times in Bitcoin history since Satoshi Nakamoto first published the Bitcoin white paper. Let’s see what the future potentially holds for various parties.

Bitcoin Core
BTC has been growing from strength to strength post-Segwit activation:

Image Courtesy: Coindesk

On September 2, 2017, BTC hit record highs on $5000 before quickly readjusting to $4690. BTC finally scaled the $5000 mountain and there is no reason why that can’t become the new norm.

Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash provides a very interesting case study and a very strong option for anyone who is looking to diversify their crypto portfolio. No one can say what will happen in its future but one thing’s for sure, it has the potential to be a long term BTC alternative.

What is Bitcoin Cash? A Basic Beginners Guide

In this guide, we are going to be telling you about all the incidents that have led up to the creation of Bitcoin Cash. This is purely for educational purposes.
Bitcoin is, without a doubt, one of the most incredible innovations in the recent past. However, it has also come under a lot of criticism for its scalability issues which has given rise to a lot of debates which are politically as well as ideologically motivated. Finally, on August 1, 2017, bitcoin went through a hard fork which gave birth to Bitcoin Cash. We are not going to be telling you which side is right and which side is wrong, that is totally up to you.


How do bitcoin transactions work?

Bitcoin was introduced by an unknown man/woman/group going by the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto in their, now legendary, research paper “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. What bitcoin provided was a peer-to-peer decentralized, digital currency system. The entire system of bitcoin functions due to the work was done by a group of people called “miners”.

So what do these miners do? The two biggest activities that they do are:
  • Mining for blocks.
  • Adding transactions to the blocks.

Mining for blocks
All the miners use their computing power to look for new blocks to add to the blockchain. The process follows the “proof of work” protocol and once a new block has been discovered, the miners responsible for the discovery get a reward, currently set at 12.5 bitcoins (it is halved after every 210,000 blocks), however, this isn’t the only incentive that the miners have.

Adding transactions to the blocks
When a group of miners discovers and mine a new a new block, they become temporary dictators of that block. Suppose Alice has to send 5 bitcoins to Bob, she isn’t physically sending him any money, the miners have to actually add this transaction to the blocks in the chain and only then is this transaction deemed complete. In order to add these transactions to the blocks, the miners can charge a fee. If you want your transaction to be added quickly to these blocks, then you can give the miners a higher fee to “cut in line” so to speak.

For a transaction to be valid, it must be added to a block in the chain. However, this is when a problem arises, a block in the chain has a size limit of 1 MB and there are only so many transactions that can go at once. This was manageable before, but then something happened which made this a huge problem, bitcoin became famous!

The bitcoin scalability problem aka does size matter?

Yes, Bitcoin became popular and with that came its own series of problems.
In this graph you can see the number of transactions happening per month:

Image source: Wikipedia

As you can see, the number of monthly transactions is only increasing and with the current 1mb block size limit, bitcoin can only handle 4.4 transactions per second. When Bitcoin was first created, the developers put the 1mb size limit by design because they wanted to cut down on the spam transactions which may clog up the entire Bitcoin network.

However, as the number of transactions increased by leaps and bounds, the rate at which the blocks filled up were increasing as well. More often than not, people actually had to wait till new blocks were created so that their transactions would go through. This created a backlog of transactions, in fact, the only way to get your transactions prioritized is to pay a high enough transaction fee to attract and incentivize the miners to prioritize your transactions.

This introduced the “replace-by-fee” system. Basically, this is how it works. Suppose Alice is sending 5 bitcoins to Bob, but the transaction is not going through because of a backlog. She can’t “delete” the transaction because bitcoins once spent can never come back. However, she can do another transaction of 5 bitcoins with Bob but this time with transaction fees which are high enough to incentivize the miners. As the miners put her transaction in the block, it will also overwrite the previous transaction and make it null and void.

While the “replace-by-fee” system is profitable for the miners, it is pretty inconvenient for users who may not be that well to do. In fact, here is a graph of the waiting time that a user will have to go through if they paid the minimum possible transaction fees:

Image courtesy: Business Insider.

If you pay the lowest possible transaction fees, then you will have to wait for a median time of 13 mins for your transaction to go through.
To repair this inconvenience, it was suggested that the block size should be increased from 1mb to 2mb. As simple as that suggestion sounds, it is not that easy to implement, and this has given rise to numerous debates and conflicts with team 1mb and team 2mb ready to go at each other with pitchforks. As already mentioned, we want to take a neutral stance in this whole debate and we would like to present the arguments made by both sides.

Arguments against block size increase

  • Miners will lose incentive because transaction fees will decrease: Since the block sizes will increase transactions will be easily inserted, which will significantly lower the transaction fees. There are fears that this may disincentivize the miners and they may move on to greener pastures. If the number of miners decreases then this will decrease the overall hashrate of bitcoin.

  • Bitcoins shouldn’t be used for everyday purposes: Some members of the community don’t want bitcoin to be used for regular everyday transactions. These people feel that bitcoins have a higher purpose than just being regular everyday currency.

  • It will split the community: A block size increase will inevitably cause a fork in the system which will make two parallel bitcoins and hence split the community in the process. This may destroy the harmony in the community.

  • It will cause increased centralization: Since the network size will increase, the amount of processing power required to mine will increase as well. This will take out all the small mining pools and give mining powers exclusively to the large scale pools. This will in turn increase centralization which goes against the very essence of bitcoins.

Arguments for the block size increase

  • Block size increase actually works to the miner’s benefit: Increased block size will mean increase transactions per block which will, in turn, increase a number of transaction fees that a miner may make from mining a block.

  • Bitcoin needs to grow more and be more accessible for the “common man”. If the block size doesn’t change then there is a very real possibility that the transactions fees will go higher and higher. When that happens, the common man will never be able to use it and it will be used exclusively only by the rich and big corporations. That has never been the purpose of bitcoin.

  • The changes won’t happen all at once, they will gradually happen over time. The biggest fear that people have when it comes to the block size change is that too many things are going to be affected at the same time and that will cause major disruption. However, people who are “pro block size increase” think that that’s an unfounded fear as most of the changes will be dealt with over a period of time.

  • There is a lot of support for block size increase already and people who don’t get with the times may get left behind.

In order to solve the scalability issues there were two suggestions made:
  • A soft fork.
  • A hard fork.

Before we go into any of them, however, let’s understand the fundamental difference between a soft fork and a hard fork. A fork is a condition whereby the state of the blockchain diverges into chains were a part of the network has a different perspective on the history of transactions than a different part of the network. That is basically what a fork is, it is a divergence in the perspective of the state of the blockchain.

What Is A Soft Fork?

Whenever a chain needs to be updated there are two ways of doing that: a soft fork or a hard fork. Think of soft fork as an update in the software which is backwards compatible. What does that mean? Suppose you are running MS Excel 2005 in your laptop and you want to open a spreadsheet built in MS Excel 2015, you can still open it because MS Excel 2015 is backwards compatible.

BUT, having said that there is a difference. All the updates that you can enjoy in the newer version won’t be visible to you in the older version. Going back to our MS excel analogy again, suppose there is a feature which allows to put in GIFs in the spreadsheet in the 2015 version, you won’t see those GIFs in the 2005 version. So basically, you will see all text but won’t see the GIF.

What Is A Hard Fork?

The primary difference between a soft fork and hardfork is that it is not backward compatible. Once it is utilized there is absolutely no going back whatsoever. If you do not join the upgraded version of the blockchain then you do not get access to any of the new updates or interact with users of the new system whatsoever. Think PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. You can’t play PS3 games on PS4 and you can’t play PS4 games on PS3.

Andreas Antonopoulos describes the difference between hard and soft fork like this:
If a vegetarian restaurant would choose to add pork to their menu it would be considered to be a hard fork. if they would decide to add vegan dishes, everyone who is vegetarian could still eat vegan, you don’t have to be vegan to eat there, you could still be vegetarian to eat there and meat eaters could eat there too so that’s a soft fork.

However, for any major changes to happen in bitcoin, the system needs to come to a consensus. So, how does a decentralized economy come to an agreement on anything?
Right now the two biggest ways that are achieved are:
  • Miner Activated: Basically changes that are voted on by miners.
  • User Activated.: Changes that are voted on by people with active nodes.

Before we go on any further, we need to understand what Segwit is.

What is segwit?

We won’t go very deep into what segwit is but, in order to get why bitcoin cash came about, it is important to have an idea of what it is. Just to reiterate what we have mentioned before, we won’t be taking any side in this debate, we will simply be educating you about it.

When you closely examine a block, this is what it looks like:

Image Courtesy: Riaz Faride

There is the block header of course which has 6 elements in it, namely:
  • Version.
  • Previous block hash.
  • Transaction Merkle roots.
  • Epoch time stamp.
  • Difficulty target.
  • Nonce.
And along with the block header, there is the body, and the body is full of transactions details.
So, what does a bitcoin transaction consist of? Any transaction consists of 3 elements:
  • The sender details which is the input.
  • The receiver details i.e. the output.
  • The digital signature.

The digital signature is extremely important because it is what verifies whether the sender actually has the required amount of funds needed to get the transaction done or not. As you can see in the diagram above, it is part of the input data.  Now, while this is all very important data there is a big big problem with it. It takes up way too much space. Space that already is in limited availability thanks to the 1 MB block size. In fact, the signature accounts for nearly 65% of the space taken by a transaction!

Dr. Peter Wuille has come up with a solution for this, he calls it Segregated Witness aka Segwit.
This is what will happen once segwit is activated, all the sender and receiver details will go inside the main block, however, the signatures will go into a new block called the “Extended Block”.

What is Bitcoin Cash? A Basic Beginners Guide
So what this will do is that it will create more space in the blocks for more transactions. Now that you have a very basic understanding of what segwit is, let’s check out its pros and cons.

What are the pros and cons of segwit?

Pros of segwit:
  • Increases a number of transactions that a block can take.
  • Decreases transaction fees.
  • Reduces the size of each individual transaction.
  • Transactions can now be confirmed faster because the waiting time will decrease.
  • Helps in the scalability of bitcoin.
  • Since the number of transactions in each block will increase, it may increase the total overall fees that a miner may collect.

Cons of segwit:
  • Miners will now get lesser transaction fees for each individual transaction.
  • The implementation is complex and all the wallets will need to implement segwit themselves. There is a big chance that they may not get it right the first time.
  • It will significantly increase the usage of resources since the capacity, transactions, bandwidth everything will increase.

When the developers built SegWit they added a special clause to it. It can only be activated when it has 95% approval from the miners. After all, it is a huge change in the system and they figured that getting a super majority was the way to go. However, this caused a disruption in the system. Most miners don’t want segwit to be activated. They are afraid that since the available block space will increase, it will drastically reduce the transaction fees that they can get. As a result, they stalled segwit which in turn infuriated the users and businesses who desperately want segwit to be activated.

Eventually, they came up with the idea of a UASF aka User Activated Soft Fork called BIP 148.

What is a BIP?

BIPs or Bitcoin Improvement Proposals is a design document which introduces various designs and improvements to the bitcoin network. There are three kinds of BIPs:

  • Standards Track BIPs: Changes to the network protocol, transaction, and blocks.
  • Informational BIPs: Dealing with design issues and general guidelines.
  • Process BIPs: Changes to the process.

So what is BIP 148?

The BIP 148 is a user activated soft fork i.e. a soft fork that has been activated by the users. What it states is that all the full nodes in the bitcoin networks will reject any and all blocks that are being created without segwit ingrained in it. The idea is to motivate the miners to put segwit activation in the blocks that they mine for it to be part of the system.

It is hoped that by encouraging more and more miners to come over to the BIP 148 side, eventually the 95% threshold limit will be crossed and segwit will be activated. There are legit fears of a chain split happening but that can be easily avoided if just 51% of the miners come over to the BIP 148 side. Have more than half of the miners to the other side will greatly reduce the hash rate of the legacy chain i.e. the original chain.

Going by the coordination game-theory, the miners will be compelled to come over to the other side with the majority. This however raised a serious concern. What if the change over doesn’t happen smoothly and what if it does cause a legitimate chain split? This could spell disaster and this is the exact issue raised by the mining company Bitmain. So, as a contingency plan for BIP 148, Bitmain proposed a UAHF aka User Activated Hard Fork.

What is the UAHF?

The User Activated Hard Fork is a proposal by Bitmain which will enable the construction of a whole new form of bitcoin and blocks with larger sizes. Since this is a hard fork, the chain will not be backwards compatible with the rest of the bitcoin blockchain. The biggest reason why this looks so appealing is that the hard fork does not require a majority of hashpower to be enforced. All nodes who accept these rule set changes will automatically follow this blockchain regardless of the support it gets. At the same time, many people just weren’t happy with the idea of signatures being kept separate from the rest of the transaction data, they considered it to be a hack.

Bitmain visualizes this as a voluntary escape for everyone who is not interested in following up with the BIP 148 proposal. If you don’t like it then jump ship and you can be a part of this new chain. At the “Future of Bitcoin” conference a developer named Amaury Séchet revealed the Bitcoin ABC (Adjustable Blocksize Cap) project and announced the upcoming hardfork. Following the announcement, and after Bitcoin ABC’s first client release, the project “Bitcoin Cash” (BCC) was announced which came into full effect on August 1.

What is Bitcoin Cash?

This is how Bitcoin Cash project website is defining itself: “Bitcoin Cash is peer-to-peer electronic cash for the Internet. It is fully decentralized, with no central bank and requires no trusted third parties to operate.” Did you notice the emphasis on the words “peer-to-peer electronic cash”? It is done by design because the primary motivation of bitcoin cash’s existence depends solely on carrying out more transactions as Jimmy Song points out in his Medium article.
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a lot like Bitcoin but has some very noticeable differences:

  • The blocksize is 8 MB.
  • It won’t have segwit.
  • It won’t have the “replace by fee” feature.
  • It will have replay and wipeout protection.
  • It offers a way to adjust the proof-of-work difficulty quicker than the normal 2016 block difficulty adjustment interval found in Bitcoin.

Since BCH is a result of a hardfork, anyone who possessed BTC got the equal amount of coins in BCH PROVIDED they didn’t have their BTC in exchanges and were in possession of their private keys at the time of the hardfork. So now let’s go through certain interesting features of Bitcoin Cash.

How Bitcoin Cash prevents replay attacks?

One of the best features of Bitcoin Cash is how it circumnavigates one of the biggest problems that any cryptocurrency can face post-forking, the replay attack.

What is a replay attack?

A replay attack is data transmission that is maliciously repeated or delayed. In the context of a blockchain, it is taking a transaction that happens in one blockchain and maliciously repeating it in another blockchain. Eg. Alice is sending 5 BTC to Bob, under a replay attack she will send him 5 BCH as well, even though she never meant to do that.

So, how does Bitcoin cash prevent replay attacks? (data are taken from Andre Chow’s answer in stack exchange)

  • Using a redefined sighash algorithm. This sighash algorithm is only used when the sighash flag has bit 6 set. These transactions would be invalid on the non-UAHF chain as the different sighashing algorithm will result in invalid transactions.

  • Using OP_RETURN output which has the string “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” as data. Any transaction which contains this string will be considered invalid by bitcoin cash nodes until the 530,000th block.  Basically, before that block you can split your coins by transacting on the non-UAHF chain first with the OP_RETURN output, and then transacting on the UAHF chain second.

How does Bitcoin Cash attract miners?

Any cryptocurrency depends heavily on its miners to run smoothly. Lately, bitcoin cash has attracted a lot of miners which has significantly improved its hash rate. Here is how they did that. For this, we will take the brilliant Jimmy Song’s help again.

Bitcoin cash has a set rule as to when it decreases its difficulty. Before we see the rule it is important to understand what Median Time Past (MTP) is. It is the median of the last 11 blocks that have been mined in a blockchain.  Basically, line up the last 11 blocks one after another and the time at which the middle block is mined is the median time past of the set. The MTP helps us determine the time at which future blocks can be mined as well. Here is a chart of the MTP of various blocks:

Image courtesy: Jimmy Song Medium article.

So, this is the rule for difficulty adjustment in bitcoin cash: If the Median Time Past of the current block and the Median Time Past of 6 blocks before is greater than 12 hours then the difficulty reduces by 20% i.e. it becomes 20% easier for miners to find newer blocks. This gives the miners some power to adjust difficulty, eg. checkout the 13-hour gap between blocks 478570 and 478571. The miners may have simply been doing this to make the blocks easier to mine.

Another interesting thing to note is how and when the difficulty rate can adjust in a cryptocurrency. This is a graph which tracks the difficulty rate of BCH:
Image courtesy: Bitinfocharts.com

The difficulty rate adjusts according to a number of miners in the system. If there are fewer miners, then the difficulty rate goes down because the overall hashing power of the system goes down. When bitcoin cash first started it was struggling a bit to get miners, as a result, its difficulty dropped down drastically. This, in turn, attracted a lot of miners who found the opportunity to be very lucrative. This caused an exodus of miners from BTC so much so that the hashing power of BTC halved, decreasing the transaction time and increasing the fees. Reports on social media stated that BTC transaction was taking hours and even days to complete.
Here is the graph that shows the drop in hash rate of BTC:
What is Bitcoin Cash? A Basic Beginners Guide
Image courtesy: Investopedia

The value of Bitcoin Cash

As of writing, BCH is the second most expensive cryptocurrency in the world behind BTC at $573.35 per BCH with a market cap of $9.4 billion (which is the third highest behind BTC and ETH). Its value once surged over $700. You can checkout the graph below for more details:

Image Courtesy: Coin Market Cap.

So what is the driving force behind the value of bitcoin cash?

Reason #1:
More and more exchanges are agreeing to take up bitcoin cash. When it first started most exchanges were reluctant to take up BCH, but now more and more exchanges are accepting it. This, in turn, gives it credibility which increases its value.
The following are the wallets and exchanges which are supporting BCH:

Image courtesy: Coinsutra

Reason #2:
More and more miners are coming into it. As explained above, BCH currently is very lucrative for miners and many of them are coming in and giving their hashing power which in turn increases its value. At the same time, since the block size is 8 MB as well, it will enable more transactions within the block which will generate more transaction fees for the miners.

What is the future of Bitcoin Cash?

In short, we don’t know. We have no idea how bitcoin cash is going to turn out in the future nor do we know the long term repercussions that it will have on BTC. What we do know is that this is the first time that anyone has successfully hardforked from BTC whilst keeping the records of the existing transactions. What we have here is a very interesting experiment which will teach us a lot of lessons moving forward. At the same time, the 8 mb block size is definitely a very alluring aspect and it remains to be seen how this affects the miners in the long run. Can this really address all the scalability issues? Can BCH ever overtake BTC and become the primary chain? All these questions are mere speculations for now. What we can say for sure is that we have a very interesting future ahead.

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